"Who the hell are you?"

After the black-pressed cavalry killed few of the personal soldiers led by Zhang Ju, only Zhang Ju and a few of his personal soldiers were left to lean together in embarrassment, and Zhang Ju looked at the black Lin army and Tai Shici with a terrified face.

Tai Shici ignored him, glanced at Zhang Ju's personal soldier who was still holding the baby, and asked coldly: "Is the child in your arms a child of Wujian Cheng?" "

"Yes, yes..."

Tai Shici's face was slightly joyful, and he quickly asked, "How is he?" Alive or dead? "

"Live, live..."

Zhang Ju's face was full of trepidation, and he spoke up again: "What do you want?" "

"Giving the child to me can disturb your life." Tai Shici said coldly to the soldier.

Zhang Ju hurriedly shouted angrily: "No, give him to me and use him as a hostage." "

"If you dare to hand it over to him, you will all die." Tai Shici threatened lightly, and he raised his spear ready to strike at any time.

Zhang Ju was shocked when he saw that his own soldiers were actually slightly away from him, and he immediately shouted angrily, "You dare to disobey my order, believe it or not, I will kill you immediately?" Hurry up and give it to me! "

It's just that the soldier didn't pay attention to Zhang Ju, but instead moved further away from Zhang Ju, looked at Tai Shici and asked, "General, what you said is the truth?" "

"My people in Xiaoxingzhuang can do what they say." Tai Shi Ci said proudly.

"Well, I just want the general to let me go." The pro-soldier's face was delighted, and in Zhang Ju's gaze that seemed to be about to kill, he handed over the child in his hand to Tai Shici, and now he can only hope that the other party is telling the truth!

Tai Shici pointed at Zhang Ju and said lightly: "Except for him, let's go!" "

Several of the soldiers around Zhang Ju received Tai Shici's pardon and immediately fled!

As for Zhang Ju, he was chilled, looking at the fleeing soldiers, and roared angrily: "You dare to betray me? "


Wuji County, at this moment, Kong Die was standing on the blood-covered city wall, quietly looking into the distance, and she had been standing here since she woke up.

"Fluttershy, come and get something to eat." There are kind aunts who come up with food.

Seeing that Kong Die didn't react, Aunt sighed and said, "Fluttershy, don't get too hopeful, we still have to look forward!" "

Kong Die did not speak, after she woke up, she naturally listened to the discussions of the people around her, she also knew that the chances were slim, but one day without seeing anyone back, she didn't want to give up hope, she really didn't want to believe that even her youngest brother died!

The day has passed!

The night has passed!

Halfway through the next day, the sun was hanging in the sky, the sun was fierce, but Kong Die felt a burst of cold.

At this moment, her heart was like falling into an ice cave, there was no news for so long, could it be that the general also failed? Or did he not save people and simply never returned?

It's just that no matter which result, it seems to indicate that her brother has become less fierce.


Kong Die, who had been standing without speaking, and waiting strongly, finally collapsed at this moment, she knelt down and covered her face with her hands, crying silently.

She is desperate, she is helpless!

"Oh, everyone, look at it..."

The man on guard on the city wall suddenly shouted, and he pointed into the distance, looking very excited.

After hearing this, Kong Die trembled, quickly stood up, and looked into the distance.

I saw a black line appear in the distance, and soon the black line gradually became larger.

"It's them, it's them." Someone recognized that this was the cavalry who had saved them two days earlier.

"Back, they're back."

Kong Die clenched her hands, her heart beat violently, and her heart was full of hope again.

Kong Die followed everyone outside the city gate to greet Tai Shici and the Black Lin Army.

When she really saw the child held by Tai Shici in her hands, Kong Die only felt a huge joy sweeping through her body, the great tragedy and joy changed too quickly, and she stood on the city wall for another day and night, and did not eat much, and at this moment finally couldn't bear it and passed out again.

I don't know how long it took, Kong Die woke up, the first thing she did when she woke up was to look for her brother, and when she saw her brother being held and taken care of by an aunt, Kong Die relaxed.

"Auntie, what about the general?" After relaxing, Kong Die remembered his benefactor.

"He's gone." Auntie smiled.


Auntie nodded and said, "Yes, he said that he still wants to suppress the rebellion!" Oh, by the way, his name is Tai Shici, a general under our NSW Mu, speaking of which, this NSW Mu is really a good person! "

"State pastor? General? Too Shi Ci? Kong Die said these in her mouth, and then gradually had a thought in her heart, she was going to Xiaoxingzhuang.



Zhang Fei ordered two thousand cavalry and roared and set off with them. Don't look at Zhang Fei's usual big grin, like a reckless man, in fact, Zhang Fei is thick and thin, and people can be shrewd.

After he came out with people, he thought to himself, Youbeiping County is so big, relying on this person alone, I don't know when he will kill them.

"Hei Ye, what's the matter?" A subordinate came up and asked.

Zhang Fei has a poisonous mouth and likes to give nicknames to others, and as a result, he himself is also called a black man.

"There's no way, right? Or let's ask the military master? Another subordinate suggested that Zhang Fei's temper was quite appetizing to these soldiers.

"Bah, do you need to ask the military master?" Zhang Fei glared at this subordinate and said with great contempt!

He thought to himself, if he ran to ask the military master for this little matter, maybe he felt that it was not suitable to do this and did not let him go, wouldn't he have died unjustly?

"Does Hei Ye have a way?"

Zhang Fei glared at his subordinates and said, "Nonsense, listen, you are divided into ten squads, each team of two hundred people, each of you lead a team to sweep the enemy, and then come to converge after sweeping." "

"Hei Ye, is this okay?"

"Why not? Are you afraid? Zhang Fei asked rhetorically.

"Hei Ye, don't underestimate people, who has our Black Lin Army been afraid of?" Hearing Zhang Fei's words, the people surrounding Zhang Fei blushed and felt greatly insulted.

The Heilin Army and Liu Zhe have won consecutive battles, for them, the Heilin Army is the strongest, how can they be afraid of the rebels?

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