
Xu Shu led the Black Scale Army to engage the rebels at the junction of the two counties--- under Xu Wushan. Although the rebels had a numerical advantage, hundreds of thousands of people, and even under the leadership of the rebel leader Zhang Chun, they fought three battles with the Black Lin Army led by Xu Shu, but the result was consecutive defeats.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Tai Shici took turns to be fierce and threatening, leading the black scale army to kill the rebels and cry wolves, and they were terrified.

In the end, Zhang Chun was ruthless, intending to attack the whole army, and when the soldiers and horses of Zhuo County were drowned with the number of people, the Guan Hai leading soldiers who were ambushed on Xu Wushan came out of the mountain, killed into the enemy's rear position, and attacked back and forth!

In this battle, the rebels were annihilated in one fell swoop, more than 100,000 horses fled, and in addition to the remaining deaths, the number of captured men and horses alone was as high as 780,000. After this battle, the name of Xu Shu's military division spread far and wide, and he was shocked by Youzhou.

When Liu Zhe and his party returned to Zhuo County, Xu Shu, who led the army to suppress the rebellion, sent back the message that he had defeated the rebels occupying Tuyin County and recovered all of Youbeiping County.

However, it is a pity that the rebel leader Zhang Chun took advantage of the chaos to flee to Liucheng with people.

After Liu Zhe received Xu Shu's message, after thinking carefully, he vetoed continuing to pursue Zhang Chun, after more than a month of fighting, the soldiers of the Black Scale Army were already very tired, and it was time to come back and rest. Although Liu Zhe really wanted to take off Zhang Chun's head, he cared more about the soldiers he had worked so hard to build.

As for Zhang Chun, Xu Shu returned with a message that after Zhang Chun was defeated, Sun Zan the Duke of Liaoxi County appeared and came to help suppress the rebellion, and then took his men and horses to pursue Zhang Chun.

Liu Zhe felt that since this was the case, he would give Zhang Chun to Gongsun Zhan, anyway, he was now Youzhou Mu, Gongsun Zhan's boss, and Gongsun Zan was equivalent to his subordinates.

Now that Liu Zhe is back in Zhuo County, there are many things that need to be dealt with by him, and he is very busy. Although political affairs are handed over to subordinates, many of them require Liu Zhe's attention and consent. So as soon as Liu Zhe came back, he began to be busy, and he didn't even have time to greet Cai Yong.

And Cai Yong didn't care at all about Liu Zhe snubbing himself, he knew that Youzhou was in turmoil, and now he was happily meeting with the summoning table.

The drama summoning Xi had already understood everything from Guo Jia, and when he learned that the Great Ru Cai Yong intended to marry his daughter to Liu Zhe, he was immediately happy, he had always been worried about Liu Zhe's life events, and even his nephew Xia Zhao Xi did not receive such treatment.

"I've seen the playmaker." Cai Yong naturally did not dare to despise the theater summoning. He had already learned from Guo Jia on the way here.

The summoning seat can be regarded as the number two person in Xiaoxingzhuang, with old seniority, no one dares to be presumptuous in front of him. After Liu Zhe became an official, Xi Zhaoxi was not appointed to any official position, but only appointed him as the chief administrator of Xiaoxingzhuang and let him continue to manage Xiaoxingzhuang, but even so, no one dared not despise him.

Xiaoxingzhuang is the place where Liu Zhe made his fortune, is the most important place in Liu Zhe's heart, even if he becomes a state pastor, the importance of this Xiaoxingzhuang is still above the state pastor, and those who can be trusted by Liu Zhe to manage this place are definitely among his cronies.

Liu Zhe trusts the opera summoning table very much and respects the opinions of the opera summoning seat, and in Xiaoxingzhuang, sometimes the opera summoning table is more effective than Liu Zhe.

Moreover, Liu Zhe is casual by nature, does not like to put up shelves, treats people gently, is not informal, respects the opinions of subordinates, and does not want to do things, Liu Zhe will not force it.

But the summoning table was different, he had strict requirements for Liu Zhe's subordinates, asking these people to respect Liu Zhe and not be rude in front of Liu Zhe. Once discovered, it will definitely be an education pass, deducting various benefits. Encountering such a situation, Liu Zhe stood on the side of the drama summoning table and supported the opera summoning seat.

Therefore, even Guan Yu had to obediently go up and say hello in front of the summoning table. Guo Jia is also, there are two old guys in Xiaoxingzhuang that he fears, one is Hua Tuo, but he can scold Hua Tuo behind his back. As for the summoning table, Guo Jia didn't even dare to say bad things about him behind his back.

Such a person, Cai Yong naturally wants to give full face.

"Butler, you and I are the same age, you don't have to be so polite, just call me Bo Qiao." Cai Yongle said he.

"In that case, I'm welcome, come and sit in the room first."

As soon as they entered the room, the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and quickly turned the topic back to the topic.

"I heard that Bo Zhao has a daughter who is not yet married?" In fact, these summoning banquets have long been understood, and this is a polite remark.

"That's right, no good people have been found yet." Cai Yong nodded and said, although he wanted to marry his daughter to Liu Zhe, he had to be a little more reserved at this time.

Then the two people said a word to me, one wanted Liu Zhe to start a family quickly, and the other wanted his daughter to marry Liu Zhe quickly, and soon this matter was given.

The final matter is much simpler, the summoning table chooses a good day on behalf of the man, and then goes to the woman's house to give a dowry.

When the summoning Xi told Liu Zhe the news, Liu Zhe was speechless, this is too fast, he has not finished the affairs on this side, and he said that he would give a dowry.

"Master, congratulations, congratulations..."

The group of people under him did not think like Liu Zhe, they were all happy.

Because in ancient times, even if the crown ceremony was an adult, if it was not married, it always gave people a feeling that they had not grown up.

Soon Xiaoxingzhuang and even the entire Zhuo County began to be busy, surrounding Liu Zhe's wedding.

And as Xiaoxingzhuang's caravan went out to purchase, the news that Youzhou Mu and Yanhou Liu Zhe were going to get married quickly spread throughout the world.

Liu Zhe is now a well-known person in the world, building a family from scratch, establishing the Black Scale Army, pacifying the great meritorious minister of the Yellow Turban, the current emperor's royal brother, Yan Marquis, Youzhou Mu, the name is louder than the other. Coupled with the rebellion that had just quelled Yuyang Zhang Chun Zhang Ju, his name became even louder.

It is reported that after hearing this news, the emperor was also so excited that he said: "Imperial brother Zhennai is the minister of the humerus." "

And the news of Liu Zhe's marriage spread quickly, so many people began to set out towards Youzhou, some with intentions to make friends, and some with different thoughts!

For a time, the eyes of all the world's heroes gathered in Youzhou!

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