But Xun Yu knew that this was not the case, before Liu Zhe became Youzhou Mu, the Heilin army under him was already like this, although there were not many people at that time, but it was enough to surprise Xiaoxingzhuang's wealth.

How much money Xiaoxingzhuang has, maybe Guo Jia knows, but Xun Yu will not inquire about such a question, and even if he asks, presumably Guo Jia will not say, because it is a core secret.

Now hearing Liu Zhe take the initiative to mention it, Xun Yu's curiosity suddenly rose.

"Can Wen Ruo know about wheat liquid?" Liu Zhe did not tell Xun Yu immediately, but asked another question.

"Of course I know this." Xun Yu nodded, the wheat liquid produced by Xiaoxingzhuang sold well throughout Dahan, and the remote places in the distance were even priceless. Xun Yu is a big family in Yingchuan, and wheat liquid can naturally be afforded, but not much, because it is too expensive.

"I came to your land this time to ask Yanhou for a few cups of wheat liquid." Xun Yu made a joke, he heard from Guo Jia that Liu Zhe's cronies could drink wheat liquid for free, which made Xun Yu very envious.

"If Wen wants to drink, naturally he has enough." Liu Zhe said with a smile. Then he said: "Now the price of a pot of wheat liquid sold in Youzhou has become ten gold, in Qingzhou and Jizhou it is twenty to thirty gold, in the Central Plains it is about fifty gold, in Jiangnan it is one hundred gold, and in Shudi it is nearly two hundred gold." A pot of wine outside the Cyprus can be exchanged for two or three good horses. "

Liu Zhe's words made Xun Yu gasp, and the price of this huge profit shocked him.

However, what shocked him even more was still behind, Liu Zhe continued: "Xiaoxingzhuang now has twenty-six caravans, and the wheat liquid they can transport out from Xiaoxingzhuang every time has hundreds of altars, and there are dozens of altars of wheat liquid that they can transport out of Xiaoxingzhuang every time. "

With this calculation, Xiaoxingzhuang's wealth is amazing. At the same time, Xun Yu was moved in his heart that Liu Zhe could tell him such a confidential matter, which showed that he had completely trusted him and did not treat him as an outsider.

Without waiting for Xun Yu to say anything, Liu Zhe continued to ask him, "Wen Ruo, if I don't pay taxes, can anyone help me?" "

Xun Yu was stunned, and then shook his head, Liu Zhe's identity is already one of the most noble people in the world, holding great power, and the soldiers and horses under his command are strong and strong, unless the emperor gives a holy decree, or he rebels, otherwise no one can really cure him.

"Does Wen Ruo know how much tax Xiaoxingzhuang pays to Youzhou a year? Over a million gold. Liu Zhe said with a slight smile.

Of course, this tax payment began when he was a Youzhou pastor, and Liu Zhe used to evade taxes.

"Yan Hou also has to pay taxes?" Xun Yu was shocked by this data, and at the same time very surprised, and he was even more moved by Liu Zhe's righteousness.

You must know that today's Han Imperial Court is actually already on the verge of extinction, the imperial court is corrupt, and selling officials is prevalent, and it has long been full of holes!

But Liu Zhe in front of him, as a Youzhou Mu, would actually take the initiative to pay taxes, and it was still millions of gold, which was absolutely righteous!

"This is natural, as a Han clan relative, and a Youzhou pastor, I must lead by example, and the property under my name naturally has to pay taxes and contribute to this imperial court." Liu Zhe said awe-inspiringly, anyway, this money was also used for the construction of Youzhou.

"Yanhou Dayi." Xun Yu stood up and solemnly saluted Liu Zhe.

Xun Yu's ancestors were all loyal ministers of the Han family, and Xun Yu's ideal of growing up in this atmosphere was naturally to be loyal to the imperial court, but now the imperial court is dancing with demons, so Xun Yu's ideal is to correct the Han family and trace the origin.

However, his personal strength was too small, and although his nephew Xun Yu was an official in the imperial court, judging from the letters he exchanged to and fro, he had no hope for the imperial court.

Now Xun Yu saw an upright and righteous Han clan in Youzhou, far north, and Xun Yu suddenly felt that a string in his heart was plucked.

Xun Yu pleaded with Liu Zhe: "Marquis Yan, Yu has something to ask for." "

Wen Ruo said.

"Yingchuan is chaotic, thieves are full of wild, Yu wants to move the clansmen to a safe place, I don't know if Yanhou has a suitable place here?" Xun Yu pleaded.

Liu Zhe listened, his heart was overjoyed, and he smiled slightly: "This is natural, how do you see my Xiaoxingzhuang?" If you don't dislike it, move to Xiaoxingzhuang. I'm sure it's the safest place in all of youzhou. "

Xun Yu couldn't be more satisfied with this arrangement, Xiaoxingzhuang is the place where Liu Zhe made his fortune, public security must be the best, living here, not afraid of some robbers and thieves and the like, but he was still a little embarrassed and said: "Yu Xian thanked Yanhou for his generosity for the clansmen, but Yu's worth may not be enough to pay the rent here..."

When Liu Zhe heard Xun Yu's words, he was immediately happy, and directly waved his hand domineeringly: "What kind of rent, you and I are friends, it is too outrageous to say this." But I do have something I want to ask Wen Ruo. "

"Yan Hou, but it doesn't hurt."

"Wen Ruoke is willing to help me govern Youzhou? Whatever conditions are needed, just mention it. Liu Zhe finally issued a solicitation to Xun Yu at this moment.

This big talent, he is determined to get it, especially now that he is a Youzhou pastor, there are simply not too many political events that need Dali, and Xun Yu in front of him is a good helper to manage politics, Liu Zhe naturally can't let it go!

"What Yu Zhi wants."

"Yu, meet the Lord..."

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