"Fengxiao, come here." Liu Zhe drank.

"Huh? How do I seem to hear someone calling me? Oh, forget it, even the Lord doesn't care, now he is drinking happily! Guo Jia was already drunk, and he didn't react for a while, and directly took Liu Zhe's words as air!

"Lord, such an act of filial piety should be punished for one month and alcohol banned for half a year." Chen Qun had already seen that Guo Jia's little ghost was unpleasant, and immediately jumped out and said.

Originally, everyone could be casual at this banquet today, as long as they didn't do something very out of line, Chen Qun could not see it in front of him, but Guo Jia can't do it now, despising the lord and punishing him.

Chen Qun, long character, commander 24, force 18, intelligence 85, politics 96, charisma 80.

Chen Qun is honest and honest, and he is also a good hand in handling politics! Therefore, after he came to join Liu Zhe, Liu Zhe made him a subordinate of Sikong Xicao and was in charge of the law of Youzhou.

Therefore, what he was most uncomfortable with was that Liu Zhe's subordinates did not follow etiquette, often suing others in front of Liu Zhe, and almost everyone was offended by him, but he received the full support of the summoning table.

"Xiao Jiajia, the surname Chen beat you again." Zhang Fei took advantage of Guo Jia to be drunk and called him Xiao Jiajia.

"What are you afraid of, the Lord will definitely ignore him." Guo Jia hummed.

Among the many people under Liu Zhe, his favorite is Guo Jia, after all, this guy's personality is compatible with him, so many times Liu Zhe is holding a big stick high to Guo Jia, and then gently putting it down, just make a look.

But now, Liu Zhe saw that Chen Qun's face was dark, and secretly said in his heart: "Boy, I can't help you anymore, who makes you cheap." "

In front of so many people, Liu Zhe could not blatantly favor Guo Jia, so he could only nod and agree with Chen Qun's words and said, "Then follow what Chief Wen said." "

Liu Zhe also felt that Guo Jia this guy has been drinking a little too much recently, after all, alcohol hurts his body, and it is good to ban him from drinking for a while.

Zhang Fei heard that Liu Zhe agreed with Chen Qun to propose to punish Guo Jia, and he quickly covered his mouth with his hand, he was afraid that he would not be able to help but complain twice, in case he offended Chen Qun and was sued by him, so that Liu Zhe banned his alcohol, he would die unjustly.

"Come, help Fengxiao down to rest." Liu Zhe saw Chen Qun showing a satisfied expression, and then ordered his subordinates to help Guo Jia down to rest.

"Come, go on." Chen Qun jumped out to sue Guo Jia, which made the atmosphere at the scene a lot colder, and Liu Zhe raised his glass and signaled everyone to continue.

So, everyone resumed the excitement and the banquet continued.


Someone suddenly broke in the courtyard, bringing news that shocked the whole world.

"Report, Lord, Emperor... The emperor died..."

"What? The emperor died? "

Liu Zhe held up his glass, and before he drank this glass, he heard such shocking news in the world.

"When?" Liu Zhe came back to his senses and quickly asked.

Because this sudden news also plunged the entire banquet into silence, everyone was shocked by this news.

"Luoyang is going to be chaotic." Xun Fu, who had served as an official in Luoyang, said to himself.

The person who reported the letter quickly replied: "Half a month ago, after the Luoyang Caravan Branch got the news, it immediately sent people to rush to the starry night to send the news back. "

"Hard work." Liu Zhe said and waved his hand to let him go down.

Liu Zhe was silent for a moment, glanced at his subordinates, and said softly: "This is the end of tonight's banquet." You guys go back first, and come back tomorrow for a meeting. "

"Whoosh!" The subordinates did not dare to object, and withdrew in turn.


Liu Zhe stood up and looked at the empty courtyard, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart!

The emperor hung up at this time, and I don't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, Liu Zhe had a feeling that the wind and rain were coming, this feeling was like when he first encountered the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

After Liu Zhe returned to the backyard, he did not immediately return to the room, but sat under the pavilion by himself.

The world evaluates Liu Hong as absurd, incompetent, addicted to wine, and extravagant and corrupt.

In fact, Liu Hong also pampered eunuchs, implemented party eunuchs, set up Xiyuan, cleverly set up a pretext to loot money, and sold official titles. The Yellow Turban Uprising broke out in succession, the Zhang Chun Zhang Ju rebellion in Youzhou, the Xingzuo Rebellion in Changsha District, and the rebellion of Beigong Boyu in Liangzhou, and even the world was in flames.

But Liu Zhe had seen Liu Hong, and during a short meeting with Liu Hong, Liu Hong gave Liu Zhe a feeling that he couldn't see through. He entrusted his two sons to Liu Zhe, but did not allow Liu Zhe to stay in Luoyang, and ordered him to go to Youzhou. Liu Zhe thought about it now, and seemed to think that Liu Hong was supporting the orphan at that time, could it be that he guessed that there was today?

However, Liu Zhe also knows that Liu Hong's death is inevitable, otherwise there would be no so-called Three Kingdoms hegemony!

"Husband, it's late at night, be careful of the cold."

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded behind Liu Zhe, and at the same time a piece of clothing was draped over Liu Zhe, and it turned out that Cai Yan came out of the room.

"Madam, why did you come out, it's cold outside, be careful to freeze your body." Liu Zhe hurriedly got up and draped his clothes over Cai Yan.

Liu Zhe and Cai Yan have been married for three years, the husband and wife are very affectionate, Cai Yan is knowledgeable, gentle and considerate, so that Liu Zhe directly married a good wife.

Seeing her beautiful face at this moment, her originally irritable mood also became calm!

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