"Liangzhou Dong Zhuo, and the state assassination Shi Ding Yuan?"

It turned out that Zhang Rang also inquired about He Jinzhao's recruitment of those people into Beijing, so Liu Zhe naturally knew about it!

For Dong Zhuo, Liu Zhe knows, after all, he has dealt with him and kicked him off! Dante Yuan is not very familiar with him, although it is adjacent to Youzhou, Liu Zhe rarely has intersection with Union Prefecture, so naturally he does not know this Union State Assassination History.

So Liu Zhe looked at Xu Shu and asked, "Who is Ding Yuan?" "

"Ding Yuan, official worship Jinwu, Ling Hezhou assassination history." Xu Shu told Ding Yuan's information: "This person is loyal to the imperial court and has won the trust of the emperor, so he sent him to serve as the assassin of the prefecture and defend against foreign races in the north. Therefore, Ding Yuan led troops into Luoyang naturally had nothing to do, but Dong Zhuo was different. "

Because Liu Zhe has a grudge with Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo also belongs to the key attention of the Youzhou Intelligence Department, and he naturally knows his temperament and ambition!

At this time, Xu Shu continued: "Dong Zhuo was named the Taishou of Liangzhou because of his merits in eradicating the Yellow Turban, and he was made a former general for his meritorious service in suppressing the Beigong Boyu rebellion. After defeating the Ma Teng Hansui rebels and further promotion, his strength grew more and more. The imperial court repeatedly conscripted him as a young mansion, but he refused to take up the post and remained in Liangzhou. The emperor summoned him to make him the minister of Hezhou and wanted to seize his military power in Liangzhou, but he refused to surrender it. From this point of view, this person is very ambitious, once he has the opportunity to lead troops into Luoyang, then Luoyang is dangerous. "

Liu Zhe thought for a while and said, "Luoyang is not dangerous, I don't care. Dong Zhuo was found by He Jin, and he was responsible for this. Now I just want to make sure that King Chen Liu's life is safe, how do you say to bring King Chen Liu to Youzhou? "

Liu Zhe thought that it would be dangerous for King Chen Liuwang to continue to stay in Luoyang, and he would simply take him to Youzhou, naturally protecting his safety! After all, Liu Wei has already become the emperor, so this Chen Liu King Liu Xie is the person Liu Zhe wants to protect.

Xun Yu shook his head and said, "This great general will definitely not let him go, he originally wanted to eradicate King Chen Liu, how could he leave Luoyang." "

Liu Zhe said coldly: "Don't let go? Then I will lead the troops to Luoyang to see if he can let go. "

Liu Zhe made a decision directly, and soon someone from Youzhou sent a letter on behalf of Yan Hou to the palace of the great general Luoyang.

"How can it be reasonable, bastard, bastard, abominable..."

After He Jin read Liu Zhe's letter, he was so fat and angry that he was shaking and cursing repeatedly.

The content of the letter was simple, bluntly stating that Liu Xie, the king of Chen Liu, was not suitable to stay in Luoyang, and hoped that the general He Jin would send him to Youzhou to be taken care of by Liu Zhe. At the beginning, the tone was quite polite, but the attitude behind was tough, faintly threatening that if something happened to Liu Xie, Liu Zhe would take someone to find He Jin to discuss it.

He Jin enjoys the pleasure of holding power these days, the people below are deferential and respectful to him, no one dares to disobey him, even if he farts, there are a bunch of people competing for incense, but now a small state Muyanhou who is far away in Youzhou actually dares to use such a tone to him, so angry that He Jin's liver pain, stomach pain, kidney pain, almost exploded.

So He Jin didn't say a word, directly gathered his subordinates, and the first thing he said was: "General Ben wants to attack Youzhou." "

As soon as He Jin's words came out, the people below were suddenly stupid, and some didn't understand what He Jin wanted to do!

"General, why?" Yuan Shao asked out loud!

These days, Yuan Shao has won He Jin's trust and has vaguely become He Jin's first confidant.

He Jin handed Liu Zhe's letter to him and asked his subordinates below to read it and read it.

He Jin was very angry and said: "Liu Zhe's move is simply to despise the imperial court, disrespect the emperor, and even more so do not put General Ben in his eyes, General Ben has to ask him for an explanation." "

At this time, Cao Cao stood up again and said, "Great General, the emperor once instructed Liu Zhe, so there was nothing wrong with his move. He wrote to the great general, which just proved that he respected the great general, otherwise he could directly open the dignitary. "

"Great general, the emperor has just been established, you must not make a big move, besides, Liu Zhe is a clan relative of the Han family, or the imperial brother of the emperor, the emperor's uncle, once the army is used against him, it will inevitably cause a backlash from the Liu clan in the world." Chen Lin also stood up to persuade at this time.

"According to what you said, do you want General Ben to surrender King Chen Liu? I really can't swallow this evil breath! He Jin said angrily!

However, he was angry and angry, but he could still listen to some of his advice.

"Of course, this is not possible." Chen Lin directly denied it: "Although it is said that the emperor asked Liu Zhe to take care of the prince, what if he has a reaction?" When King Chen Liu came to his hands, no one could guarantee whether he would install a new monarch, and it was not impossible to directly confront the imperial court at that time. "

"Then King Chen Liu still wants to kill?" When He Jin heard this, he immediately felt that it was very likely, and the killing intent against Chen Liuwang was even heavier.

However, Chen Lin still shook his head and said, "This one can't work either." King Chen Liuwang could not be killed yet, and he absolutely could not give Liu Zhe any excuse to use troops. "

"So what the hell are you going to do with him?" He Jin is very annoying!

This Chen Liu Wang can't kill it, he can't kill it, and it's even more impossible to send it away.

You must know that he has long wanted to cut down Liu Xie's scourge and eradicate the roots, but until now he has not succeeded, let alone hold back!

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