Now the road to Youzhou is blocked, and only Union Prefecture is feasible, but Union Prefecture is mountainous and precipitous, and when they reach Youzhou, they don't know the Year of the Monkey.

Therefore, for now, it can only pass from Jizhou!

To this end, Yuan Shu sent several groups of people to negotiate with Liu Yu, hoping that he would be accommodating and give way, but they were all scolded by Liu Yu and returned.

Yuan Shu was also furious when he heard this, didn't he say that Liu Yugang was a humble gentleman? How do you scold people more than a shrew on the street?


At this time, the voice of a spy was heard from far away outside the tent.

As soon as he heard this voice, Yuan Shu in the account was shocked, and none of the people who came to report the letter before could bring good news, so angry that Yuan Shu injured several spies.

"What's the bad news this time?"

Yuan Shu felt bitter in his heart, this trip to Youzhou was really unlucky, and he regretted it at the moment.

"Report, Youzhou Mu Liu Zhe is coming towards Jizhou with 10,000 horses."

"What?" Yuan Shu was stunned, 10,000 people ??

"General, Youzhou Mu Liu Zhe is coming towards Jizhou with 10,000 horses." The scout quickly replied hard!

At this moment, the spies are also frightened, recently the general has a strange temper, several companions have been beaten out of bed, he was unlucky to grab the lot, seeing Yuan Shu's expression, his heart was also afraid of being beaten.

"Ten thousand people? Is there really only 10,000 people? Yuan Shu couldn't believe it and asked again.

"Yes, General."

"Well, it's really good, haha..." Yuan Shu was very excited when he heard this, and laughed: "Good! There are rewards, there are rewards. "

In Yuan Shu's opinion, it was rare for a spy to bring him back good news, or a great news, and the ecstatic Yuan Shu directly ordered to reward this spy.

"Pass on the order, the whole army is ready, Ben Zhonglang will have a good meeting with Youzhou Mu Liu Zhe."

Hearing that Liu Zhe only brought 10,000 people, Yuan Shu completely let go of his heart, and the previous bitterness and regret were all exhausted!

In his opinion, Liu Zhe is really a good person, knowing that he can't go to Youzhou, he took the initiative to send him to the door, good man, this is really a big good person.

He thought of the follow-up to everything in a blink of an eye.

If Liu Zhe only brought 10,000 people to fight him, one of his 100,000 people could drown Liu Zhe with a mouthful of spit. If Liu Yu Liu Dai helped Liu Zhe fight him, he immediately led people to retreat, facing the siege of the three parties, and there was no shame in losing.

And by taking the initiative to retreat like this, you can also not have to tear your face with the Liu clan relatives, leaving a little affection for a good meeting in the future.

After thinking about the way back, Yuan Shu suddenly waited for Liu Zhe's arrival in high spirits!


Over there, Yuan Shu was confidently waiting for Liu Zhe's arrival, and here, Liu Zhe also brought his men and horses to the barracks in Jizhou.

"Brother Ziling." Liu Yu personally led people to greet him.

Liu Yu is a Zongzheng, a humble gentleman, and has a good relationship with the clan relatives surnamed Liu. After he took office in Jizhou, he personally went to Youzhou to visit Liu Zhe, and the two had a close relationship and became good friends.

When he heard that He Jin was actually going to send troops to attack Youzhou and capture Liu Zhe alive to Luoyang, he was the first to stand up and support Liu Zhe, and even did not hesitate to gather a large number of soldiers and horses to intercept Yuan Shu's army here, and personally sent people to various Liu clan relatives to let them stand up to support Liu Zhe!

"Brother Boan." Liu Zhe brought people to Liu Yu and saluted and said hello.

"Ziling, why did you bring such a little bit of people and horses?" Liu Yu was very surprised when he saw the soldiers and horses behind Liu Zhe, only 10,000 cavalry.

Liu Yu became a pastor in Jizhou and did not expand his army much, but Jizhou also had more than 100,000 horses, and now there are 50,000 people gathered here.

Liu Zhe, as a Youzhou pastor, is close to Saiwai, and his soldiers and horses are much more than those in Jizhou, not to mention that there should be hundreds of thousands, if he is ruthless, millions can be summoned, but this time he actually brought only 10,000 people, which really made him feel strange.

You must know that Yuan Shu has a 100,000 imperial court army on his hands, could it be that Liu Zhe wants to defeat this 100,000 army with 10,000 people?

Some of Liu Yu's subordinates behind him were also resentful, feeling that Liu Zhe was deliberately preserving his strength and wanted Liu Yu to help him fight the war, so that it would be the Jizhou soldiers, not the Youzhou soldiers, who would die at that time, and consume the soldiers and horses of Jizhou.

Suddenly, many people's gazes towards Liu Zhe were a little different!

Liu Zhe naturally saw the face of the person behind Liu Yu, but he was not impressed, but said with a confident smile on his face: "Ten thousand people is enough!" "

"Yanhou, do you think that 10,000 plus 50,000 people in our Jizhou can defeat the 100,000-strong army of the imperial court?" Finally, someone was not angry and stood up to speak, it was Liu Yu's general Qi Yi.

Because the barracks here were relatively noisy, Liu Zhe did not pay attention to hear what he said for a while, but Liu Zhe did not care, and said confidently: "We are more than enough to deal with their so-called 100,000 army!" "

"Yan Hou is really calculating!" Qi Yi sneered and said: "When the time comes, it will be our Jizhou soldiers who will die, not your subordinates, Yan Hou really opened my eyes!" "

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yu's subordinates looked at Liu Zhe with a strange gaze!

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