Unlike Liu Yu's reaction, Yuan Shu was overjoyed, for fear that Liu Zhe would repent, he quickly replied: "Okay, Liu Zhe, let's make a decision!" "

Liu Zhe looked at Liu Yu, who was a little worried, and couldn't help but smile slightly: "Brother Bo'an, don't worry, I said, for these jumping beam clowns, I really don't put it in my eyes, you can rest assured to watch the play on the side." "

Yuan Shu thought for a while, looked at Liu Yu next to Liu Zhe and said, "Liu Zhe, how do I know if Liu Boan will secretly help you." "

Liu Zhe sneered: "You don't need Brother Bo'an to deal with your kind of garbage, not everyone is so dirty with you!" "

When Liu Zhe said this, he looked at Liu Yu and said with a smile: "Brother Bo'an, you really don't have to make a move this time, just watch me abuse them from the side." "

"Then you be careful." Liu Yu had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Yuan Shu saw Liu Yu nodding, and he was secretly happy in his heart, Liu Yu's character is known to the world, and he won't make a move if he doesn't make a move.

"Very good, Liu Ziling, you wait, I'll go and bring people." After Yuan Shu finished speaking, he quickly sent someone back to gather all the armies to come.

One hundred thousand horses, it didn't take long to assemble, Yuan Shu looked at the black-pressed centaurs behind him, he was full of confidence, as if he had seen Liu Zhe beaten by him so that he didn't even know his parents, and secretly said in his heart, there are so many people, will you be afraid of 10,000 people?

The armies of the two sides spread out on Makino, the site of the battle of the Shang Dynasty Makino, which was flat. After the two sides opened apart, Yuan Shu led a group of generals to battle.

"Liu Ziling, Ben Zhonglang will give you another chance to surrender early, so as not to suffer hardships." Yuan Shu laughed loudly, and the 100,000 soldiers and horses gave him endless confidence.

"I should say this to you, Yuan Highway." Liu Zhe responded with a sneer.

"I don't know if I am dead or alive, who dares to capture Liu Ziling for Ben Zhonglang?" Yuan Shu looked back at the generals behind him.

"Come on!" One person drank loudly and killed from behind Yuan Shu!

"I am the right captain of the eighth captain of the Xiyuan, Feng Fang, the imperial court heavenly soldiers are here, and they will not surrender quickly?" The killed general called himself Feng Fang and rode in front of Liu Zhejun to provoke.

"Who's going?" Liu Zhe asked the generals beside him. He used his skills to scan Feng Fang's attributes, only forty or fifty strength, relatively speaking, it was really a bit weak.

Liu Zhe brought a group of subordinates out this time, including Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Xu Shu, Wu Dianwei, Zhang Fei, Guan Hai, and Zang Ba, and others who could not come with tasks.

"Let's go." Zhang Fei answered, and then without waiting for the others to speak, he rushed out first.

"Oh, it's abhorrent to let the black man take the lead again." When the others saw it, they beat their chests one after another, and they were preempted by Zhang Fei.

Over the years, Zhang Fei's speed of grabbing the first battle has become faster and faster, and his means have become more and more skillful. Just like now, he spoke and started at the same time, a little faster than others, and in this way alone he grabbed the qualification for the first battle, and it was so much that others hated it!

"Feng Fang Xiaoer, your grandfather is here, die quickly!" Feng Fang was older than Zhang Fei, and when Zhang Fei called him like this, he was immediately angry.

"Black charcoal head dies." Feng Fang raised his sword high and took the initiative to face Zhang Fei.

It's a pity, don't look at Feng Fang's right captain sounds very majestic, but the strength is really not great, and it is simply not enough to look at in front of Zhang Fei.

You must know that Zhang Fei's force is twice as strong as his, and Zhang Fei has often fought outside Serbia in recent years, and his combat experience has exceeded Feng Fang's ten streets.

With just one blow, Feng Fang's wrist was shocked, and the big knife was thrown out of nowhere. This result frightened Feng Fang's soul and wanted to pull the horse to turn around and escape, but was hit on the chest by the spear shaft swinging sideways, and after a mouthful of blood sprayed out, he fell off the horse, and it was already more intake and less breath.

"Hahaha, it's rubbish, come on, you bunch of trash."

After Zhang Fei cleaned up Feng Fang, he laughed at the imperial court army and shouted angrily: "If you want to deal with Lord Li, pass this level first." Kill your pigs, and then go to your pig-killing general to discuss pig-killing techniques. "


"The black man is rampant."

Two generals rushed out of the imperial court army again, rushed towards Zhang Fei with great momentum, and said angrily: "I will wait for the right captain of the auxiliary army, and today I will take your head to avenge the captain." "

Seeing this, Liu Yu was suddenly a little worried, looked at Liu Zhe and asked, "Ziling, do you want to send someone up to help?" "

Although Liu Yu promised not to send troops to help, he brought his subordinate martial arts to help Liu Zhe, and when he saw the other party rushing out of the two, he immediately said to Liu Zhe: "I have a general under me, who can help you." "

"Don't worry." Liu Zhe smiled and said to Liu Yu: "Yide is enough to handle it alone. "

Several of Liu Yu's martial generals are still good, like Qi Yi, Pan Feng, Zhang Jaw and others are good, among which Zhang Jaw's attributes are the best.

Zhang Jaw, Zi Junyi, Command 92, Force 90, Intelligence 65, Politics 50, Charisma 73.

If it weren't for being too familiar with Liu Yu, Liu Zhe would have wanted to poach a corner.

This is a great general!


(PS: In Carvin, but there are two more tonight... )

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