The Ten Constant Attendants really started to go crazy at this moment!

He Jin had pressed them down for too long, they finally had a chance to turn over, and they would never let He Jin ride on their heads again.

So he did what he said, and Zhang let the group start secretly planning and looking for opportunities.

And the day before the soldiers and horses of Hezhou and Liangzhou arrived in Luoyang, Zhang Rang and the others finally found an opportunity.

The Ten Constant Attendants tricked He Jin into the palace, and the knife and axe hand who had already been ambushed rushed out, chopping the panicked He Jin directly into meat puree, and the scene was miserable!

After Yuan Shao and the others, who were waiting outside, learned the news that He Jin had been killed in the palace, they directly led their troops to attack the inner palace, broke into the palace, and killed Zhang Rang and all the ten constant attendants.

Originally, after the army that entered the revenge entered the palace, looking at the luxurious palace, he couldn't help but kill red eyes, and killed people when he saw them, especially eunuchs, palace maidens, etc. Many were brutally killed.

At this point, the palace was in chaos, and in this chaos, Emperor Liu Wei and Chen Liuwang Liu Xie were taken by eunuchs to escape, but when they fled, their group encountered Dong Zhuo, who rode lightly and hurried overnight after learning the news of the palace chaos.

Dong Zhuo met the emperor and others, great joy! He directly led 3,000 light horses to send the emperor back to Luoyang at noon the next day, and at this time, Shi Dingyuan, the assassin of Jiangzhou, also led troops to Luoyang.

Ding Yuan was loyal to the imperial court, and after coming to Luoyang, he left his soldiers and horses outside the city, and he only took Lü Bu and some other personal soldiers into Luoyang to see the emperor.

In the court, Ding Yuan saw that Dong Zhuo was actually very rude in front of the emperor, Ding Yuan was furious, and clashed with Dong Zhuo in public, and the two have since struck a grudge.

The reason why Dong Zhuo was rude to the emperor was because when he met the emperor, he found that the emperor Liu Wei was actually so frightened that he trembled and couldn't even speak, but his younger brother Chen Liuwang Liu Xie performed better than Liu Wei I don't know how many times.

For such a timid and incompetent emperor, Dong Zhuo naturally despised Liu Feng, and his superficial behavior naturally seemed perfunctory.

Because Dong Zhuo led the light cavalry forward and left the large army behind, he had fewer soldiers and horses in Luoyang than Ding Yuan, and he could only swallow Ding Yuan's anger. Later, listening to the advice of his son-in-law and adviser Li Ru, he bought He Jin's soldiers and horses with money and took all the army guarding Luoyang into his hands.

And when the Liangzhou soldiers and horses arrived, Dong Zhuo's soldiers and horses had reached 150,000, of which Luoyang had about 100,000 soldiers and horses, and Liangzhou soldiers and horses were 50,000, more than five times the number of soldiers and horses brought by Ding Yuan.

After his strength expanded, Dong Zhuo planned to directly annihilate Ding Yuan's 30,000 horses, and then occupy Luoyang and monopolize the power of the imperial court.

However, what Dong Zhuo did not expect was that although Ding Yuan's soldiers and horses were few, there were many fierce generals under him, including Lü Bu, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and other generals, and after a big battle between the two sides, Dong Zhuo angrily found that his soldiers and horses had lost 30,000.

Dong Zhuo did not expect that the Hezhou soldiers were actually so strong, he thought that in addition to Liu Zhe's Youzhou soldiers, his Liangzhou soldiers were the strongest.

This time, he entered Luoyang with 50,000 of the strongest Liangzhou soldiers, and came with strong self-confidence, intending to rely on these 50,000 soldiers and horses to enjoy the big cake of the imperial court alone. But who knew that before the cake was tasted, it ran into Ding Yuan's difficult nail.

In particular, Lü Bu's outstanding performance attracted Dong Zhuo's attention, so Dong Zhuo took up the intention of soliciting, and at Li Ru's suggestion, Dong Zhuo sent people to buy Lü Bu, but Lü Bu did not betray Ding Yuan as in the original plot of the Three Kingdoms.

The furious Lü Bu not only beheaded the envoys sent by Dong Zhuo, but also led the troops to storm the camp of the Liangzhou soldiers again, causing a lot of casualties, and once again deeply damaged the morale of the Liangzhou soldiers, making Dong Zhuo furious!

Li Ru failed to make another plan, and he asked Dong Zhuo to pretend to be an enemy and wanted to make peace with Ding Yuan.

Ding Yuan was really fooled, he took a few of Lü Bu's cronies into Luoyang, but was ambushed, Lü Bu and others fled to the death, but Ding Yuan was in the middle of the attack.

"Righteous father..." Lü Bu knelt in front of Ding Yuan and said with tears in his eyes: "The child's protection is inadequate. "

"Fengxian, I don't blame you, only blame, carelessness for the father." The arrow in Ding Yuan was coated with poison, and now it has spread throughout the body, time is running out, and Ding Yuan now feels that it is difficult to speak.

"Righteous Father..." Lu Bu's eyes were red, and tears continued to flow from his eyes.

"Listen, listen to me!"

Ding Yuan's lips were black, his eyes were red, and he said with difficulty: "After I die, you will immediately... Lead the people back... Back to the merged state. No... Avenge me, go ... Go find... Youzhou Liu... Liu Zi... Mausoleum..."

When he said this, Ding Yuan's body suddenly froze, and he lost his breath at all, and passed away for a long time.

"Righteous Father!"

However, before the soldiers and horses of Union Prefecture, who had lost their lord, could gather to take revenge on the main communion, they were attacked by the soldiers and horses of Liangzhou, and although Lü Bu was brave, he was outnumbered, fought for half a day, suffered heavy casualties, and finally had to lead the few remaining Union State soldiers to retreat to Tiger Prison Pass, intending to enter Tiger Prison Pass and defend it according to the pass.

However, Li Ru had a premeditated plan, and he had Dong Zhuo buy the guards of the Tiger Prison early on and took the Tiger Prison into his hands.

When Lü Bu led the remnants of the army to Tiger Prison Pass, he was killed by the defenders who were ambushed in the pass, and the state army was in chaos.

There were ambushes in the front, and then chased after them, and they saw that the collapse of the Union State Army was imminent.

Suddenly, the fire in the Tiger Prison Pass burst out, and a cavalry was killed from the Tiger Prison Pass!

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