Kebineng did not expect that Liu Zhe would actually take the initiative to reduce the defenders in the city, and sent Zhang Liao Lübu to lead the black scale army to fight guerrilla outside, and it was with the existence of Zhang Liao Lübu.

Every time they attacked the city, they did not dare to press it vigorously, and they had to send people to prevent them from suddenly killing.

"Where to ambush them?" Kibby could stare at the map on the table, which he had drawn himself, and although it was not very careful, there should still be places.

"Are they here?" Kibinen's finger suddenly moved to a certain place above the cowhide, about twenty miles from here, in the south. Close to the Great Wall, directly opposite here.

Kibi could know that the place used to be a tribal settlement, which was later destroyed by Liu Zhe.

"Hmph!" After Kibi could think for a long time, his finger pressed heavily and pressed on the place.

On the fourth day, the alien race attacked the city again, and the momentum was much stronger than the previous day. However, under Gao Shun's command, the satellite city remained majestic.

On the fifth day, the defenders began to suffer casualties, and the enemy's offensive became more and more fierce one after another, even Zhang Lun was accidentally injured, if not for the timely rescue of the soldiers around him, he might have fallen.

On the sixth day, there were already foreigners climbing the city wall and engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat with the defenders, and many defenders were dragged down the wall by the aliens, and the scene was terrible.

On the seventh day, the corpses under the city walls had been piled up, and the corpses of the first to die had begun to emit a stench. The enemy continued to attack, and the pressure was so great that Liu Zhe also had to personally play. Zhang Liao Lübu and the two did not care that they would be discovered by the enemy scouts, and they all began to storm the enemy army during the day, but unfortunately, because of the defense, their impact did not have much effect and had to evacuate.

On the morning of the eighth day, Liu Zhe got up early, he now slept less than two hours a day, and these days, the enemy's attack became more and more fierce, causing a lot of pressure on the defenders. Although Gao Shun divided the defenders into several batches, all the soldiers were tired.

These of them get up early, help with some things, and try to let their subordinates rest as much as possible.

"Gao Shun, why get up so early, sleep more." Liu Zhe saw that Gao Shun also got up, and it was Gao Shun who was the most tired, commanding soldiers to fight during the day, but not at night and constantly patrolling, afraid that the enemy would attack the city at night.

"Go back to the lord, don't get tired." Gao Shun's eyes were red, and he was clearly lying.

"Hard work on you." Liu Zhe patted Gao Shun's shoulder and said, "After holding out for a few days, reinforcements are almost here." "

When the first rays of sunlight entered the city, the defenders of the city rose up, they were used to this time, and the enemy was about to start attacking the city.

However, when the enemy began to attack the city, everyone felt a sense of relief, compared with previous days, the enemy's attack today was not fierce enough.

What happened? Gao Shun and the others frowned, and their hearts were vigilant, afraid that the enemy would have some tricks.

However, Liu Zhe looked at the enemy's formation and found that there was much less cooking smoke in the morning, and Liu Zhe suddenly thought of a possibility.

"They went after Fengxianwen Yuan." Liu Zhe blurted out, and when Gao Shun heard it, his face changed. If so, Lü Bu Zhang Liao would be in danger.

These days, it is precisely because of Lü Bu Zhang Liao's harassment that the enemy cannot attack wholeheartedly, so that the city can hold on here.

"Master, what should I do?" Gao Shun asked urgently.

"Don't worry, even if they can't fight, they can escape." Liu Zhe still had confidence in his Black Scale Army.

Even if he wanted to send someone to report the letter, it would be difficult to find Lü Bu and Zhang Liao. And looking at the assembled cavalry team outside the city, it was obvious that they were also guarding against this.

"Damn, if I had more troops on hand, I could take them to wipe out all these suppers." After Lü Bu withdrew with his men and horses, he came to the place agreed with Zhang Liao.

He had just led people to attack the enemy camp again at night, but the enemy was shrewd, so that Lü Bu could not cause much victory, so he had to withdraw with his people.

For the inability to defeat the enemy, Lü Bu was only in his arms, there were too few troops on hand, and the number of enemies was too large to defeat them.

"I hope reinforcements will arrive soon."

After days of fighting, even Zhang Liao and others showed fatigue, and the black scale army under his command was tired.

"Go back to Baitan City and change a group of people and horses to come out again." Zhang Liao thought about it and said.

These days, they will go to White Tancheng every two or three days, and then change a group of black scale troops and come out again.

But at this moment, the earth suddenly shook.

"Enemy attack!" Zhang Liao Lübu's face changed greatly!


The earth was trembling, and countless enemies were slaughtering in the morning light, surging towards Lü Bu and Zhangliao.

"Hey, you guys are really here, kill!" Gang Dun personally pursued and killed with his Wuhuan cavalry, and under the guidance of the scout, finally blocked this team that they hated to the bone.

"Abominable, kill it." Lü Bu immediately got on his horse and shouted.

Encountering the enemy's sudden attack, the Black Scale Army was not very flustered, they turned on their horses and followed Lü Bu Zhang Liao to start charging and killing.

The battle is on the verge!

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