"Death to the dogs..." the soldiers became frenzied.


Guan Yu smiled coldly and looked contemptuously at the enemy who made various sounds to kill.

Rabble, Guan Yu's eyes were half-narrowed, but the murderous aura became strong.

The Green Dragon Moon Knife in his hand gently swung forward, and the speed of the Black Scale Army accelerated abruptly!

However, when the 40,000 Heilin army charged from four directions at the same time, the foreign coalition army suddenly fell into chaos, and when the 50,000 turian cavalry of Huang Zhong and Tai Shici appeared behind the enemy, the coalition army finally began to collapse.

Kirby was able to make the three of them escape immediately, and their escape also caused a chain reaction, and the rout was like a flood without a levee, which could no longer be recovered.

After Liu Zhe saw the banner of Kirby's three, he rushed out of the city and chased and killed Kirbyneng and the others with his centaurs.

These three people are the culprits this time, and Liu Zhe will definitely not let them escape easily.

"Leave your dog's head!" Liu Zhe led a group of people and horses to chase and kill behind, Kirbyneng and these people could only flee in embarrassment, they thought about turning back and fighting with Liu Zhe, but after being shot by the turf cavalry, they could only continue to flee for their lives.

Liu Zhe has been chasing for hundreds of miles, and in the end, Zuo Xian Wang was a little unlucky, was caught up by Liu Zhe, and was directly provoked by his halberd, and came to a heart-chilling and died.

However, it is a pity that Kirbyneng and Bandun took the opportunity to escape.

When Liu Zhe returned to Baitan City with victory, the entire Baitan City fell into a carnival.

But many more prairie people were shocked and frightened.

Liu Zhe's strength made it impossible for them to rise up in resistance.

When the news of Liu Zhe's victory spread in the grassland, the patriarchs and leaders of many tribes came to Baitan City in person.

They came to show their submission and loyalty, and they were afraid that Liu Zheqiu would include all their unrelated tribes when he settled the account.

For a time, the city of Baitan was overcrowded, and the patriarchs of large and small tribes came here, quite like the momentum of the coming dynasty of all nations.

The people who came here are very honest, even if they used to be arrogant and domineering in the tribe, after arriving here, they all obediently put away their tails, and no one dared to fart more.

200,000 horses say defeat is defeat, is there anyone more powerful than Liu Zhe? The people of the steppe are very realistic, if you are strong, I will submit to you.

However, although many people came, Liu Zhe did not have time to meet them.

"Lord, destroy ninety thousand enemies, take sixty thousand prisoners, and escape about sixty or seventy thousand." After cleaning up the battlefield and counting the results of the battle, Liu Zhe listened to the reports of his subordinates in Baitan's county.

"As for our side, all the defenders of Satellite City No. 1 were killed, the defenders of Satellite City No. 2 only had more than five hundred people left, the rest were all killed in battle, and the Heilin Army was lost..."

Liu Zhe listened to his loss in this regard, and his face was very ugly.

After Xu Shu finished reporting, the hall was silent for a long time.

Liu Zhe was silent for a moment before he spoke up, "These are my responsibilities. "

He was indeed a little arrogant, but after this time, he also sobered up and took the initiative to take this responsibility.

In the past three years, he has maintained a garrison of about 50,000 troops in these cities of Baitanpinggang, and because of his confidence in the Heilin Army, Liu Zhe feels that 50,000 people is enough.

However, today gave him a resounding slap in the face, a profound lesson.

"Master, it's not your fault." Yan Rou was the first to speak up, as Captain Wuhuan, in fact, the appearance of the foreign alliance army was his responsibility.

"It's the subordinates who are ineffective, please ask the Lord to punish." Yan Rou knelt down and pleaded guilt to Liu Zhe.

Liu Zhe waved his hand, until now, it is useless to pursue responsibility, in fact, the biggest responsibility is indeed on Liu Zhe himself.

"Expand the army." Liu Zhe said in a cold voice: "Shanggu, Baitan, Pinggang, Liucheng, each city must maintain an army of 100,000. The satellite city should be expanded, at least as a medium-sized city, with a garrison of no less than 20,000 people. "

This time, the No. 2 satellite city was because the wall was not high enough, and the enemy's simple ladder could climb it. Liu Zhe felt that if the city wall were higher, the casualties of the defenders would not be so serious.

Xu Shu spoke up at this time and said, "Master, we don't have such a large population. "

In fact, Youzhou can still recruit so many soldiers, which is if it is so crazy to expand, it is bound to have a great impact on it.

Liu Zhe thought for a while and said, "Then recruit from the foreign race." From the tribes loyal to us, select young and strong people to join and allow their people to move to Youzhou Sene. "

Youzhou is now a place that many grassland people yearn for, and many people hope to move to Youzhou, but Liu Zhe has always strictly restricted this, only allowing some tribes to move in.

"Lord, this is a very good plan." Yan Rou knew the alien race best, and naturally knew what the alien race wanted most.

What foreigners want most is a stable territory to live on, without having to fight the unpredictable weather on the grassland. And Youzhou is undoubtedly the most suitable place for such conditions.

Once Liu Zhe allowed the alien tribe to migrate into Youzhou, their young and strong people would inevitably be loyal to Liu Zhe when they came to serve as soldiers.

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