Liu Zhe sent people out to inquire about the news, and he waited anxiously in the hall for news.

The first to come back were not the father and son of Zangjie, but Guan Yu and Dian Wei, who also brought back several corpses.

Liu Zhe looked at the corpses of several dead family members, his face was livid, and he clenched his teeth in anger, and he clenched his teeth.

The summoning banquet took seven family members with him, and except for Liu Fu who fled back, the bodies of the other six people lay in front of him like this. Their deaths were tragic, killed by multiple attacks, each of them stabbed at least a few times, with fear on their faces, confusion and a desire to survive.

"What about the old play? How about the play? Liu Zhe took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart, what he could do now was to find the murderers and avenge them.

"No butler." Guan Yu also had a gloomy face, and the red on his face was even worse, which was the rhythm of anger, and he continued: "We only found their bodies, and we searched all over the vicinity but did not find the butler, and there were thirty pots of wheat liquid that disappeared with the butler. "

"Don't worry about the wine, find me a play." Liu Zhe waved his hand and said, "Life wants to see people, and death wants to see corpses." "

At this time, the father and son of the Tibetan ring returned.

"Sir, I found out." He said, "Last night, a tenant named Chen Ji entered the city, and now he has not returned. "

"Find him and let him come to me." Liu Zhe's eyes flashed with anger, and what he hated the most was eating Erwuzai outside the grill: "Uncle Houyi and Dian Wei stayed to protect everyone, Yunchang and Xuangao, so I will trouble you two to inquire about the news." If the matter really has something to do with Chen Ji, let him disappear. "

"Whoosh!" The four of them solemnly took orders.

Guan Yu and Zangba entered the city to inquire about the news, while Dian Wei and Zang Jing stayed.

Dian Wei had already taken out his double halberd, which Wang Er had helped him build half a month ago, Dian Wei held the double halberd murderously at the door, and the Tibetan ring was sent out by Liu Zhe to appease the tenants. The corpses brought back by Guan Yu and Dian Wei just now were seen by many tenants. As for why he didn't send Dian Wei, first, Dian Wei looked ugly and very scary, and sent him not to appease the tenants but to scare the tenants. Second, Tibet Jing has read some books, is relatively old, mature and heavy, and it is most appropriate to send him.

At this time, Liu Zhe found that he did not have enough manpower, not even a single person to discuss, and he had to grasp the idea and give orders for everything.

"Dianwei, come here." Liu Zhe summoned Dian Wei over and asked him, "Who do you think did this?" "

"Isn't that guy named Chen Ji?" Dian Wei touched his bald head and said!

"What do you think it's him?" Liu Zhe asked.

This Dian Wei did not touch his head, but scratched his bald head, thinking, and finally said: "Anyway, I think it's him." "

"What would you do if you were asked to meet him?" Liu Zhe dismissed the idea of discussing with Dian Wei.

"I'll pinch out all his egg yolks." It seems that Dian Wei's talent points are added to the muscles.

"Sir, will something happen to the butler?" After talking for a while, Dian Wei suddenly asked.

Liu Zhe was stunned, he glanced at Dian Wei, Dian Wei's face was full of worry, Liu Zhe did not expect that Dian Wei, who was usually scolded the most by the summoning table, would actually care about him so much.

"I don't know." Liu Zhe looked up to the sky and sighed, not only Dian Wei was worried about the summoning table, but even he was worried. Although it was not long, Liu Zhe found that this room was already inseparable from the drama summoning, otherwise the trivial things on weekdays could annoy him.

It was late, and Guan Yu and Zangba came back from inquiring about the news.

"How? What didn't you hear? After they returned, before they saluted, they were anxiously questioned by Liu Zhe.

"I heard, sir." After Guan Yu and Zangba looked at each other, Guan Yu spoke up and said: "There is a group of bandits in the middle of Gaoyang City and Zhongshan Country, the leader is called Su Niu, there are more than a hundred people, occupying the mountain as thieves, specially robbing passers-by, and the official government has failed to suppress the bandits several times. Someone saw them appear in the High Sun Realm today. "

"Do the people who saw them see anything else?" Liu Zhe asked with a gloomy face.

"No, the man hid because he was afraid, only vaguely saw a little, but he said there were many people." Zangba said.

"Sir, I think it's them." Guan Yu touched his Blue Dragon Moon Saber and continued, "They won't appear in Gaoyang for no reason. "

Liu Zhe nodded, it seems that there is a great chance that they did it.


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