Since then, no one dares to ask Liu Zhe for food and grass anymore!

Therefore, the princes who were relatively short of food shifted their targets to other princes who had sufficient food and grass for the time being.

Yanzhou Taishou Liu Dai asked Dongjun Taishou Qiao Yao to borrow grain and grass, Qiao Yao said not to give it, and Liu Dai said to fuck your mother.

Therefore, Liu Dai raised troops to raid Qiao Yao's base camp, killed Qiao Yao, collected all the soldiers under Qiao Yao, and finally left dashingly and returned to Yanzhou with his troops.

The alliance leader Yuan Shao was furious when he found out, this is a manifestation of ignoring the law and discipline of the coalition army, and must be severely punished.

So he directly ordered his younger brother Yuan Shu to fight Liu Dai!

Liu Dai was not worried about this at all, and even publicly said, my brother is Yangzhou Taishou, Yuan Shu, you dare to be arrogant, I will attack your Nanyang with my brother.

When Yuan Shu heard this, he was shocked in his heart, as if he couldn't beat the attack of the two, and immediately returned to his Nanyang with his troops in ashes.

As for his brother Yuan Shao's side, he didn't care directly!

If Yuan Shu alone left, it would not be a big deal, but as a logistics officer, Yuan Shu was under his control most of the food and materials of the coalition army, and when he left, he naturally took the materials and grass with him, and the lack of food for the coalition army was even worse.

Everyone went to find Yuan Shao to make trouble, making Yuan Shao dizzy.

However, at the moment, he didn't have time to pay attention to this matter at all, because he was coercing Sun Jian to hand over the jade seal he found in the palace.

And Sun Jian said that he did not find it, and took advantage of the time when everyone went to find Yuan Shao to make trouble, and took the opportunity to return to his Changsha with his troops.

Seeing this, Yuan Shao simply took his troops back to his Bohai Sea!

Everyone looked at it, went back to each house, and each looked for each mother.

In this way, the coalition army that once made the whole world focus on Dong was disbanded.

The appearance of the coalition army of Dong Zhuo certainly beat Dong Zhuo to move the capital to avoid the attack, but it also further weakened the authority of the imperial court, and the prestige of the imperial court fell to the bottom in the hearts of the people of the world.

The princes of the world began to desperately expand their armies, and the lives of the people became more miserable, and the chaotic times were further revealed.


"Xiao Xingba, did you find that person?"

Gan Ning was originally lying on the tree and closing his eyes to rest, but at this moment, Liu Xin's voice came from under the tree.

Gannin rolled over and jumped down from the tree.

Gan Ning shook his head at Liu Xin and said, "Big sister, I haven't found it yet, that person is very cunning, and he has been contacting us through his subordinates, but he refuses to show up." "

It turned out that someone recently approached Liu Xin's strange thief Kidd gang, saying that someone could secretly fund them, as long as Liu Xin and them went to Youzhou to sabotage and rob.

Want them to go to Youzhou to sabotage?

Is this worth it?

Liu Xin was furious when she heard this, and vowed to find out the people behind the scenes so that he could see what the ten tortures were.

However, that person was too careful, and he kept showing up, all through his subordinates to contact Liu Xin.

However, Liu Xin will not show up, but let Gan Ning contact the man's subordinates in her place.

Liu Xin has been asking Gan Ning to find out the identity of the person behind the scenes, but there has been no progress.

"Big sister, why don't you let the Intelligence Department try it?" Gan Ning thought about it and made a suggestion.

The name of the Intelligence Department, Gan Ning has long heard of it, and he also knows why Liu Xin became a bandit, and the Jizhou soldiers sent out several times to encircle and suppress, but were all evaded by Liu Xin, all because of the merit of the Intelligence Department.

And Liu Xin now has Cai Wenji, the sister-in-law, as a tough backstage, and has been active more frequently recently!

Liu Xin's cute little face was a little depressed: "It's a pity that Brother Guo Jia is not here." "

"Don't you have a warrant written down by your brother?" Gannin Road!

Last time, Liu Xin used Zhao Yun as a "blackmail" and asked Liu Zhe to write a decree equivalent to a "holy decree", and Gan Ning naturally knew about this.

With this permit, many resources in Youzhou Liu Xin can be called.


In this regard, Liu Xin shook her head, of course she knew that the "holy will" Liu Zhe gave her could not be abused.

"Now Brother Wen Ruo is in charge, and Brother Wen Ruo is the most old-fashioned, if he uses it indiscriminately, what if he suggests to his brother to withdraw my permit?"

Liu Xin is young, but she is smart and knows that it is not okay to abuse the warrant.

Gan Ning scratched his head and asked, "Then what to do?" The man was so cunning that I repeatedly offered to meet him, but he didn't agree. "

Liu Xin touched her immature little face, her smart eyes kept turning, and said, "Contact the messenger and tell him that we want materials worth 500,000 yuan, and if he refuses, say that we will go and tell the people in Youzhou to know." "

Gan Ning was a little skeptical about this and asked, "Is that okay?" "

"Just do it."

Two days later, Gan Ning came to Liu Xin excitedly, saying that the man had offered to meet.

When Liu Xin heard this, she immediately grinded her teeth.

Is it finally here?

So, Liu Xinhao took the people and horses to meet at the agreed place.

Still the same as before, Ganning came forward, and he pretended to be the strange thief Kidd to meet people.

Liu Xin, on the other hand, dressed up in disguise with Zhang Ning Huang Butterfly Dance as Gan Ning's bodyguard.

The other guards changed into shabby clothes and acted as thieves.

Finally waiting for you, hehe!

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