It's just that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Even if there were 100,000 people, they were not opponents of the 20,000 heavy infantry, and they had nothing to gain except to hit their heads and break the blood. After suffering heavy casualties, Zhang Fei suddenly attacked from behind, which became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

Therefore, they scattered and fled in a panic, and the group of hateful Gao Fushuai in front of them could not win, and there was actually a group of even more hateful Gao Fushuai, and this battle could not be fought.

After the victory, Chen Gong carried the banner of Goguryeo and the head of the commander, and led the army to Xiangping City.

The reinforcements were defeated, and even the son he sent out to rescue was captured by his life, and after getting the news, Gongsun Du directly passed out after spitting out several mouthfuls of blood.

Xiangping suddenly fell into the leaderless panic of the dragons, and his subordinates hurriedly pinched Gongsun Du's people, and worked for half a day to wake up Gongsun Du.


The first thing Gongsun Du said when he woke up was to surrender, he was already discouraged, not to mention that his body was deteriorating, and he didn't see how many days he had to live.

And the son does not argue, even if the throne is passed to him, he will not be able to hold it, it is better to simply surrender and beg to keep him alive. It was better than his subordinates rebelling in the future, and the Gongsun family was destroyed by the clan.

"Lord, if we surrender like this, we will be slaughtered by others, so it is better to fight with them." Many subordinates felt that they could not surrender and suggested it loudly.

At this time, Liu Yi, who was on the side, spoke up: "Lord, there is a plan under his subordinates that can make the lord worry-free." "

"Sir, please enlighten." Gongsun Du was overjoyed and full of expectations, he didn't know that surrendering like this would be dangerous in the future.

Liu Yi is one of Gongsun Du's most trusted cronies in normal times, knows how to strategize, and Gongsun Du values him very much. Now hearing that he had a plan, he didn't care about the words and felt his body, and quickly got up.

Liu Yi said, "Lord, do you remember those few people in the city?" They came to ask the Lord for help, and the Lord might as well tie them up and give them to Liu Zhe, saying that the Lord was bewitched by them and rebelled. These people do not understand the language, and what the lord says is what it is, and Liu Zhe cannot confirm it. "

Gongsun Du's eyes lit up, and Xiangping had several people who were said to be from the opposite side of the sea, and they claimed to be from the country of the slaves, which had been canonized by the emperors of the Han Dynasty.

Gongsun Du had no time to pay attention to these people, he was busy rebelling at that time, so he asked these people to guard them, intending to see what they planned after the rebellion was successful.

And now Liu Yi's proposal was to use those people as scapegoats, and Gongsun Du couldn't ask for it, so he let people tie them up, and then he surrendered to the Chen Palace with a group of subordinates.

Chen Gong naturally did not believe Gongsun Du's ghost words, he sent someone to look for a translator, and after several searches, he finally found a translator. But the words of the Yin people surprised Chen Gong, it turned out that the king of the Yin Kingdom was seduced by a woman named Bei Mihu, and now the Yin Kingdom is in chaos, and the Wei Kingdom kills the king and takes the opportunity to seek the throne.

These Yanren were ministers of the Yin state who deliberately escaped and went to the Han Dynasty for help.

This was a diplomatic incident, and Chen Gong did not dare to delay, and sent the Yanren and Gongsun Du and his group to Youzhou and handed them over to Liu Zhe to handle.

After receiving the news that Chen Gong quelled the rebellion, Liu Zhe was greatly pleased and directly asked Chen Gong to serve as the commander of Liaodong County, responsible for clearing out the remaining rebels and restoring the livelihood of the people in several rebellious counties as soon as possible.

At the same time, he was also interested in the group of the Yin people, and as for Gongsun Du, he directly threw it aside and let Xun Yu deal with it, and he would be beheaded when he should be beheaded, and exiled when he should be exiled.

"Meet the lieutenant."

The envoys of the Yin Kingdom and a group of more than ten people were brought up to see Liu Zhe, and as soon as they entered, they quickly knelt down, lying on all fours, very respectful.

They didn't know how big the official was, but seeing that the soldiers and horses outside were strong, more than all the soldiers and horses in their country, these Yan people knew that this official must be very big. Therefore, seeing Liu Zhe, their etiquette was greater than the etiquette they used to worship the king, and their attitude was even more respectful.

"Are you waiting from Little Japan?" Liu Zhe's words were spoken to them through an interpreter, but they were confused.

The interpreter explained: "Taijiao, they don't know where Little Japan is, they say it's from the Wakoku. "

Liu Zhe patted his head, there is no such thing as Japan, only to call them the country of Wa.

"Lieutenant, they ask you to send troops to help them defeat the humble kingdom and recover the kingdom." The interpreter said their meaning, "They say that the Kingdom of the Wa is a vassal of the Celestial Empire and has been canonized by the emperor. "

Then a man took out a large seal, which was a large golden seal.

After Guo Jia took it, he looked at the bottom and snorted in surprise, "Master, this is true." "

Liu Zhe also took a look at it, and it said "King of Han Wannu" underneath.

Cai Yong was knowledgeable and well-informed, he also looked at the golden seal, and finally recalled and said: "The old man once read the history books, and remembered that he mentioned this, Emperor Guangwu once canonized the Kingdom of Yin and gave them the gold seal, I think it should be this golden seal." "

After hearing the translator's words, they nodded their heads next to them, indicating that Cai Yong was right.

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