Jia Xu did not hide it, and said directly: "Niu Fu has become the turtle in the urn of the imperial lieutenant, and he has lost." I don't want to be buried with him. "

Jia Xu told the truth that he thought that Liu Zhe already knew him well, so he did not plan to perfunctory Liu Zhe. Jia Xu is a smart person and naturally knows when it is best to say anything.

"So you came to surrender to me?" Liu Zhe felt that Jia Xu was also a real person.

"Isn't Dong Zhuo your lord? Shouldn't you be faithful to your father? Why did you leave him when the catastrophe was coming? At this time, Guo Jia spoke up, he had been watching from the side before, and did not make a sound.

Jia Xu glanced at Guo Jia, but Guo Jia was too young for him to care too much.

Jia Xu shook his head and said, "Dong Zhuo is not my lord, and I have never been loyal to him. What's more, Dong Zhuo is not a lord worthy of death. I am not a pedantic person, and I understand the principle that good birds choose trees to live. "

Jia Xu was not a foolish and loyal person, and his creed throughout his life was to protect one's life just to survive. Niu Fu only treated him as a subordinate, and did not give Jia Xu the treatment of swearing allegiance to the death, and Jia Xu never thought of living and dying with Niu Fu, because Niu Fu was not worth it, and Dong Zhuo was not worth it.

If you really calculate it, Niu Fu's official position is still given by the imperial court, not Dong Zhuo or Niu Fu.

Therefore, when Jia Xu knew that Niu Fu was going to lose, he decisively left, on the one hand to prevent Niu Fu from coming back and beheading him in anger to vent his anger, and on the other hand to avoid dying in the chaos.

Guo Jia said coldly: "People like you can surrender my lord today, and they can vote for others tomorrow, why do you want my lord to accept you?" "

Jia Xu smiled slightly and said, "It's up to the lieutenant." "

"Me?" Liu Zhe smiled and said, "Why look at me?" "

"As long as the lieutenant is strong enough and continues to be strong, even if the lieutenant chases me, I will not leave." Jia Xu's meaning is very clear, if Liu Zhe can always be strong, Jia Xu will not turn to others and will always follow Liu Zhe. But if not strong enough, then he will take refuge in someone else.

Liu Zhe glanced at him lightly and said, "When you say this, you are not afraid that I will slash you?" I don't allow anyone I don't trust to stay around, not to mention, people like you are not my friends, then they are my enemies, and I will never be soft on my enemies. "

When Jia Xuan heard this, his face also changed slightly, but he was extremely intelligent after all: "I believe that the imperial lieutenant is not such a person."

"Haha..." Liu Zhe couldn't help laughing, Jia Xu was really a real person.

Jia Xu's idea, Liu Zhe did not look down, but found it very interesting.

If you are strong enough, I will turn to you, not strong enough, when the disaster comes, don't blame me for leaving you.

Such an idea may be difficult to accept in ancient times, after all, everyone has received an education such as loyalty and patriotism since childhood, and Jia Xu's idea will make him look very different. However, Liu Zhe, who came from later generations, felt that there was nothing wrong with this idea.

Jia Xu's kind of people are like part-time workers, and Liu Zhe is like a boss, if you want employees not to jump jobs, the boss must be strong enough, not strong, can not give employees what they want, employees jump jobs This is very normal.

What's more, Liu Zhe was worried that he was against the water, and with the loyalty mechanism provided by the system, he was not worried that these generals and advisers would calculate him.

At this moment, although Jia Xu's loyalty is not very high, only +60, Liu Zhe is not worried at all.

Liu Zhe looked at Jia Xu and said, "Mr. Wen He, you are indeed a wonderful person, and I accept your surrender." "

"Master..." Guo Jia tried to stop.

Liu Zhe raised his hand to interrupt Guo Jia's words, and he said to Jia Xu: "As for if you want to escape, I don't think you have this opportunity, because I will only be stronger, and nothing in this world can stop my steps." "

Liu Zhe's words were full of confidence and domineering, which shocked Jia Xu's heart.

Jia Xu bowed deeply and said respectfully, "Wen He meets the Lord." "

At the same time, Liu Zhe found that his loyalty actually jumped directly by 10 points and came directly to +70, which is already quite high loyalty, Liu Zhe has every reason to believe that in time, his loyalty will definitely reach 100% and cannot be betrayed.

Moreover, in any case, Liu Zhe will accept Jia Xu, his intelligence is as high as 98, and like Guo Jia, based on this alone, Liu Zhe has no reason to let it go.

Then Liu Zhe introduced the other people in the big tent to Jia Xu, but there were not many people in the big tent, and they were all sent.

Liu Zhe smiled and said, "There are still a few who have already closed the net outside, so I'll introduce them to you later." "

"Closing the net?" Jia Xu was stunned, then reacted and asked, "The master said to close the net, but the fish in the net is Niu Fu?" "

Liu Zhe thought about it, decided to take the test Jia Xu, and asked: "That's right, Wen and you can probably guess how to close the net?" "

For a person with an intelligence of up to 98, such a scheme should not be difficult for him. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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