"Nope. "

Zhang Hao shook his head, and he said: "The imperial lieutenant loves soldiers like sons, and will not easily trample on the lives of soldiers. "

Zhang Hao was very envious of the Youzhou soldiers, and Liu Zhe's treatment of the Youzhou soldiers made them the Jizhou soldiers envious and jealous.

"Let's see then, the lieutenant must have a backhand." Zhang Hao said to the others.

However, time passed day by day, and five days passed in the blink of an eye, and the old people of Jizhou gathered together to discuss, and everyone felt very strange that Liu Zhe did not start attacking the city at this time.

"It's been five days, why hasn't the lieutenant taken action at all?"

"Could it be that the previous ten days of capturing Sindsu were just talk?"


Not only the old people in Jizhou were talking, but even the newly joined Jia Xu was surprised.

In the end, he couldn't help but speak up and asked Liu Zhe why he hadn't started attacking the city yet.

Liu Zhe was strange, and asked rhetorically: "Why did Wen He ask like this?"

Jia Xu was really a little curious and said, "Lord, you said that you will capture the capital of Sindu within ten days, and now there are five days left before the tenth day, the lord still does not plan to act?"

Liu Zhe said lightly: "There is no hurry." "

"Master, what can be done?" asked Jia Xuan.

Liu Zhe smiled and said, "Is there any way, isn't it a strong attack?"

Jia Xu's head is full of black lines, since it is a strong attack, then why don't you start yet?

Liu Zhe was immediately happy when he saw the black lines on Jia Xu's face, and he patted Jia Xu's shoulder and said, "Have you seen Fengxiao in the past few days?"

Listening to Liu Zhe say this, he noticed that Guo Jia, who had been following Liu Zhe, did not know when he disappeared.

"Where did Fengxiao go?" Jia Xu wondered, and then realized: "But what kind of clever plan is executed?"

Liu Zhe asked him at this time: "If you were asked to attack the capital of Xindu, what method would you take?"

Jia Xu blurted out: "It can only be attacked." Take advantage of the fact that the enemy has no reinforcements, attack day and night, and one day you can take it. "

For Jia Xu, as long as he can get the goal, no matter how many people die, it is worth it.

"What if you can't say that the casualties are too large?" Liu Zhe set another condition for Jia Xu.

Jia Xu thought for a while before saying, "Only with a plan, you can capture the enemy from the inside, lure the enemy to surrender, or let people steal open the city gates." "

"What if there are none?" said Liu Zhe again.


No matter what Jia Xu said, Liu Zhe had to set up qualifications.

In the end, Jia Xu could only shake his head and asked Liu Zhe with a wry smile: "Please also ask the Lord to make it clear." "

"Whew, I'm exhausted. "

At this time, Guo Jia walked in from outside, shouted as soon as he came in, and shouted to Liu Zhe again and again: "Master, I want to apply for a vacation, and I want a subsidy." "

"Got it?" Liu Zhe ignored Guo Jia's use of the terms he had learned.

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Naturally, it's done." "

Jia Xu was curious and quickly asked, "Master, what are you talking about?"

"Come with me, it's time for you to know. Liu Zhe smiled and motioned for Guo Jia to lead the way.

Jia Xu saw several huge siege equipment, trebuchets, at a corner of the camp. When he saw such a huge trebuchet for the first time, he couldn't help but grow his mouth in surprise.

This trebuchet was not the kind of trebuchet that Liu Xin loaded onto the ship, and this trebuchet was specially used to attack the city.

"With this trebuchet, the letter is easy to break." Jia Xu asked after being surprised.

"Hard. "

Liu Zhe shook his head and said, "Although it can project huge stones, the city is strong and not easy to destroy. "

The manufacturing department headed by Ma Wei had already experimented, and the effect of trebuchets on the city wall was not very great.

Jia Xu couldn't help but ask again, "Then why did you say that you would capture Xindu within ten days?"

"Wen He, let me ask you," Liu Zhe smiled and asked Jia Xu: "If you are a guard, you will not be afraid when you see the stone throwing opportunity?"

"Of course it will. Jia Xu nodded, trebuchets are not new, but they will cause great pressure on the defenders in the city, and not everyone has enough confidence that the city wall will not collapse.

Liu Zhe continued to ask, "If I keep using trebuchets to attack the city, will you worry about the city breaking?"

"Yes. Jia Xu nodded again.

"If you think that the city will soon be breached, will you want to abandon the city and retreat?"

"Yes. "

Liu Zhe asked again: "And at this time, reinforcements just appeared, what do you say you will do?"

"Naturally, it is necessary to lead troops out of the city to join the reinforcements outside the city, depending on whether the situation is war or withdrawal. Asked here, Jia Xu understood.

Liu Zhe made several preparations, one was to cooperate with the trebuchet to attack the city to put pressure on the defenders in the city, and the other was to send people to pretend to be reinforcements to lure the defenders in the city out of the city.

"Gongda, are they going to pretend to be reinforcements?" asked Jia Xu, understanding and understanding.

Xun Yu has not seen anyone in the past few days, and there are also Zhao Yun and Lv Bu who have disappeared.

Guo Jia said with a smile: "They have other priorities, and we can also solve Yuan Shao's reinforcements." "

"Bong Hyo Zhen is a brilliant strategist and a clever man. Jia Xu admired Guo Jia, he thought that these were thought up by Guo Jia.

Guo Jia quickly explained: "This is not what I thought, it was thought up by the lord." "

"Lord Lord?" Jia Xu was first surprised, and then greatly admired: "Lord Gong God and Man are also." "

Liu Zhe smiled and didn't say anything, but it made Jia Xu feel inscrutable.

Liu Zhe did not move troops for five days to wait for these trebuchets to be formed, and now that the trebuchets were completed, Liu Zhe decided to start attacking the city.

Early the next morning, Liu Zhe gathered his drums and announced the beginning of the siege of the city.

So, surrounded by thousands of troops, ten large trebuchets were slowly pushed to the front of the capital city.

Yuan Shaojun was terrified, just from the appearance of these soldiers had already terrified, they were the first time to see such a huge trebuchet.

When dozens or even hundreds of catties of huge stones were thrown and smashed into the city of Xindu, smashed into the wall of Xindu, and smashed into a few unlucky ghosts, the fear in the hearts of the soldiers of the Yuan army reached its peak.

If it weren't for the watchful team, they would have run away.

The pressure of the big stones falling from the sky is huge, and no one knows when they will hit themselves.

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