Guo Jia asked curiously, "Master, how should we deal with it?"

Liu Zhe waved his hand and said, "No hurry, let's go back to Youzhou first, by the way, I'll go back to catch up on sleep first." "

According to Liu Zhe's orders, Guo Jia passed the text to others to see, and after the others read it, they were furious, and they all rubbed their fists, deciding to give Yuan Shao some color, and actually dared to slander their lord like this, it was really tired of living.

In fact, it was not only Liu Zhe's subordinates who were angered by this article, but also another person.

That is Liu Zhe's baby sister Liu Xin.

Liu Xin's life in Youzhou was very moist, and when Liu Zhe was in war with Yuan Shao, she did her best to attack Yuan Shao's port, and did a big job, and the rapid fall of Bohai County was inseparable from her.

Sneak attack on Jie Shijin and raid Leling County, so that Liu Xin made a lot of money.

The ship snatched back from Joshizu alone saved her several years of shipbuilding efforts, not to mention the harvest of personnel and materials. In short, after the sneak attack, the strength of Liu Xin's subordinates increased several times compared to before the sneak attack.

After getting such a big benefit, it is natural to digest it for a while, so Liu Xin's life has been very comfortable recently. Get up in the morning to tease her baby niece, and after noon, go to her water village base to see her men train.

Unfortunately, such a day was not long broken, and Liu Xin saw Yuan Shao's crusade against Liu Zhe.

Looking at this, Liu Xin was also furious.

"Ahhhh..." Liu Xin's angry cry came from inside the tent.

Zhang Yan, who was training soldiers, asked Gan Ning curiously, "What's wrong with her?"

Gan Ning said, "Yuan Shao sent a message to call on the people of the world to fight against the lord. "

"Oh, but she doesn't have to be so excited. "

"It's not excitement, it's anger. Gan Ning corrected himself and said, "That article scolded the Lord and Gong very badly. "

"Oh. When Zhang Yan heard it, he already fully understood.

Zhang Yan has not been under Liu Xin for a long time, but he has fully understood his top boss.

Although Liu Xin is young, she is a genius, but she is also a sister who loves Liu Zhe very much.

Zhang Yan did not have the slightest doubt that there would be no future with Liu Xin, and what Liu Xin did was difficult for many people to do in their lifetimes.

Although Liu Xin is usually a little naughty and likes to play pranks, her temper is sometimes difficult to figure out, but as long as she doesn't mess with her, she will be fine.

As a subordinate, Zhang Yan knows very well that Liu Xin has a piece of anti-scale on her body, which must not be touched, and she will be crippled if she touches it.

That is, it is forbidden to say bad things about Liu Zhe, and it is forbidden to have bad thoughts about Liu Zhe, and those who commit this will be very miserable, just like Xu Yu, who is still struggling to atone for his sins at this moment.

"Gee, that person is dead. Zhang Yan sighed, and Xu Yu next to him couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Xu Yu himself is an example, he had hit Liu Xin's muzzle because he wanted to target Liu Zhe before, and his life was miserable, and he has not yet got rid of his status as a prisoner.

However, Xu Yu was also glad that he did not admit that it was the person who made his idea, but framed Guo Tu's head, and the image of Guo Tu is still hanging on Liu Xin's flagship, which is a person that Liu Xin will kill, you can imagine Liu Xin's careful eyes.

Xu Yu also knew about the Wenwen, he didn't need to look at it to know whose hand Yuan Shao's Wenwen came from, he suddenly wanted to see Chen Lin caught by Liu Xin at that time, when he thought of this, Xu Yu couldn't help but look forward to it a little.

"Ah, hateful Yuan Shao, I must strip him naked and put him in the sea for a year, and I dare to scold my brother like this, he is dead." Liu Xin was very angry, jumping around in the big tent, eager to catch Yuan Shao and brew it now.

Zhang Ning Huang Butterfly Dance Kong Butterfly three people looked at each other with a little helplessness, Liu Xin's temperament They have long understood, this is a little devil, the most terrifying thing is that this little demon holds a heavy soldier in his hand, so no matter who offends her, he will die miserably.

"Xu Yu, you let me in. After Liu Xin vented, she roared angrily, and Xu Yu, who was outside at any time, swooped in.

The little devil is angry now, be careful.

"Who wrote this text?" Liu Xin shook the text in her hand.

Xu Yu looked at it, his heart jumped, the good paper produced in Youzhou had been caught messily by Liu Xin, and there were several holes in it, all of which were stabbed with knives.

"It's Chen Lin. Xu Yu decisively confessed to Chen Lin, he had a general relationship with Chen Lin, and he couldn't cover for him and let himself suffer.

"Chen Lin, right? Liu Xin hummed and asked Zhang Ning very angrily: "Do we have a portrait of Chen Lin?"

Zhang Ning shook his head and said, "No. "

"Xu Yu, you write his name on paper and hang it with Guo Tu's portrait. Liu Xin said viciously to Xu Yu.

"Yes. Xu Yu dared to object, and quickly responded.

Liu Xin glanced at Xu Yu and said in a deep voice: "Well, you have been here for a while, your identity should also be corrected, you will go out later to help Xiao Xingba prepare for them, we are going to go to the world again." "

"Thank you, big sister!"

When Xu Yu heard this, he almost cried, and he didn't know how long he had been looking forward to this day.

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