[PS: Impact Week Collection List, brothers who see it, please click to collect it gently, thank you!] The fifth is even more sent! Just collect, collect, collect!! 】


Liu Zhe sat in the hall, after meeting Han Yong yesterday, Liu Zhe always had a bad premonition in his heart, which made the corners of his eyes jump, and even last night he had a nightmare, the first nightmare after crossing. Liu Zhe is an atheist, but these things make Liu Zhe feel that sooner or later something big will happen. His knowledge of history was average, and he didn't know what Taiping Taoism did, but he always felt that this Taiping Taoism had a big problem.

Remembering the nightmare of war, scorched earth, dead people, and the end of the world in last night's dream, Liu Zhe couldn't sit still, and he had to do something.

Liu Zhe brought the opera summoning table and the Tibetan ring, and the Tibetan ring had worked as a clerk in the official office before, plus he was old, so Liu Zhe let him be the assistant of the opera summoning seat, and he could fight and kill Xian Yu outside.

Fighting and killing depends on Guan Yu Dianwei and them, and to discuss things, Liu Zhe can only find two people who summon the Xi and the Tibetan ring.

Liu Zhe told the two of them his worries about Taiping Taoism and the bad premonitions in his heart.

After listening to Liu Zhe's words, the faces of the two became solemn, the ancients were very superstitious about these, and they did not dare to ignore them easily.

"It seems that it is necessary to distance ourselves from the Taiping Taoist Sect." Xi Zhaoxi thought about it and said.

"Why, we have a connection with Taiping Taoism?" Liu Zhe questioned.

"Several tenants went to the Taiping Taoist Sect to ask for Fushui to cure their diseases." The summoning table said, this is a personal matter, he can't stop it.

"That's superstition, play the elder, tell them that in the future, they are not allowed to have dealings with Taiping Taoism, nor are they allowed to ask for water to cure diseases, and if they are sick, they will give me to see a doctor, and I can give him money if I have no money." Liu Zhe said angrily that Fu Shui's treatment of diseases is superstition, and it is impossible to cure people.

"Yes, Master." The player nodded, he knew what to do. Liu Zhe is the master of all the tenants, and the tenants dare not listen to his words.

"Uncle Houyi, you find someone to keep an eye on the people of the Taiping Taoist Sect and inquire about their movements." Liu Zhe told Zang Jie that the father and son of Zang Jie had mixed up in the rivers and lakes before, and they were familiar with the means of inquiring about information, so it was best for him to keep an eye on Taiping Taoism.

After some instructions, Liu Zhe let the two go out to do things, he was in a daze in the hall, and it was really not good to be the boss and the master. After arranging for the Taiping Taoism, Liu Zhe's bad premonition in his heart faded a little, but there was still a panic, blocking his heart.

"What's next?" Liu Zhe said to himself, he was just an ordinary person before, and he had no experience in dealing with such things.

But at this time, with a ding, the system that had not moved for a long time finally appeared again, and it issued a task.

"Ding, trigger the Yellow Turban side quest, recruit a military general with a force value of more than 90, and expand the escort team to 1,000 people, the mission period is one month, and for each successful piece, you can get a small reward, if the mission fails, punish the chicken bar 3 centimeters shorter."

Liu Zhe was dumbfounded, what the fuck is this broken task, not to mention where to find a martial general whose force is worth 90+, it is not easy to expand the escort team to 1000 people, not to mention these famous martial generals, it is even more difficult to find.

However, if it's just that, at most, don't reward the system, but fuck, this punishment is too shameless!

The head can be broken, the blood can be shed, and the chicken bar must not be short!

Liu Zhe really wants to pull out the system and beat it up at the moment, do you think that people with a force worth more than ninety are so easy to find? You think it's Chinese cabbage that can be picked up anywhere?

Liu Zhe is not familiar with the Three Kingdoms, and there should not be many people who know that the force value is more than ninety, but the force value of martial generals like Lü Bu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun must be more than ninety people, he still knows, but the key is that he doesn't know where to find it.



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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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