[The seventh is delivered, please collect, collect, collect, well, if there is a tip it is even more appreciated! ] You don't need much, you only need 100 points! Thank you!! 】


"Hello Liu Yuanwai." Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping did not dare to despise Liu Zhe, they were much older than Liu Zhe, and they were directly worthy of Liu Zhe's generation.

"Hello two of you." Liu Zhe returned the salute, he looked at the summoning table, and did not understand what they came here for.

"Sir, the two members want to buy wheat liquid." Xi Zhao Xi whispered to Liu Zhe.

"I also hope that Liu Yuanwai will cut love." Su Shuang arched his hand and said to Liu Zhe, the two of them came here by chance to taste wheat liquid, and suddenly felt that the wine they had drunk before was urine. The two of them were businessmen with shrewd business acumen, and when they realized that the wheat liquid was only circulating in Gaoyang City, they knew that this was a huge way to make money.

"Liu Yuanwai's wine is simply heavenly immortal brew, and the two of us are good wine people, so we specially came here to ask for wine." Zhang Shiping also said.

"Simple, everyone who comes is a guest." Liu Zhe smiled slightly, there was no doubt about their words, wheat liquid did have such an attraction, but Liu Zhe sighed slightly in his heart, if only wheat liquid attracted Zhang Fei and these people.

Liu Zhe said to the summoning table: "Go and get two altars of wheat liquid and give them to the two members." "Su Shuang Zhang Shiping is a rich person at a glance, and it is not bad for such a person to make friends with wine. After saving the theater banquet last time, the theater banquet often went to make wine, and now the wheat liquid fills several rooms.

"Liu Yuanwai, can you sell some to us?" Zhang Shiping saw that Liu Zhe seemed to only want to send them two altars, which was inconsistent with the purpose of their coming, so he quickly spoke up.

"You two want to buy wine?" Liu Zhe smiled in his heart, he waited for their words: "Let's talk about it when you enter the house." "

After entering the house and letting the next person finish tea, Liu Zhe asked the two: "I don't know how much you two want?" "

"I wonder how many Liu Yuanwai have?" Su Shuang asked tentatively.

"Do I have as much as you want?" Liu Zhe asked rhetorically.

"Hehe," Su Shuang smiled, showing a confident smile, and said, "Of course, if Liu Yuan is willing to do it, how much we want, as for the price, it is not a problem at all. "

"Is it okay to have a hundred gold for a pot of wine?" Liu Zhe said with a smile.

"Poof..." Zhang Shiping, who was drinking tea, was caught off guard, frightened by this price, and directly sprayed out a sip of tea, fortunately, Su Shuang, who was sitting opposite him, dodged in time and was not sprayed.

"One hundred gold?" Su Shuang's confident smile froze, and he never thought about it to be this price. If it is this price, only a hundred pots of wheat liquid are needed, and he is bankrupt.

"Isn't Liu Yuanwai joking?" Su Shuang asked after a while, as for Zhang Shiping, he was still coughing, and he had just choked.

"Nope." Liu Zhe shook his head and signaled that he was not laughing. The price sold to Zhu Rui before was eighty gold, but Liu Zhe could see that Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping were not ordinary businessmen, whether it was behavior or dressing, Zhu Rui was not comparable to them, so Liu Zhe would call such a high price, and naturally slaughtered fat sheep when encountered.

"This, this... It's really..." Su Shuang didn't know what to say.

"Don't you two think it's worth the price?" Liu Zhe asked them.

"This..." In fact, Su Shuang Zhang Shiping and the others felt that this price was quite reasonable, when they passed through Gaoyang City, they knew that this wine was expensive, and it was only unique to Gaoyang City, you can imagine how high the value of this wine is!

"I wonder how many Liu Yuanwai have?" Su Shuang took a deep breath and asked again.

"Three hundred altars, do you want both?" Liu Zhe said after a moment of silence. In fact, the stock of wheat liquid has exceeded 500 pots.

"Ahem..." Zhang Shiping coughed again, they can't afford all of it, otherwise there will be a cash flow failure.

"Can it be cheaper?" Su Shuang had to bargain with Liu Zhe.

"It depends on how much Su Yuanwai wants." Liu Zhe smiled slightly.

"Thirty altars, how much cheaper can Liu Yuanwai be?" Su Shuangyi gritted his teeth and said that he had to adjust the quantity, and the money they brought was not enough to buy them all.

"Sorry, if you buy so little, it won't be cheap." Liu Zhe shook his head gently, there is no way, brother also has to survive, brother drags the family with mouth, a large group of younger brothers are waiting to be fed, and you buy so little samples.

Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping's faces turned white, but they were reluctant to give up!

Especially when they smell this mellow wine, they can't give up!!


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