"The big old man is out, the big old man is out..."

Seeing Liu Zhe appear, there was a commotion among the displaced people, and someone who knew Liu Zhe shouted loudly.

The commotion of the crowd made Guan Yu and them very nervous, and all of them had more than six hundred people, which was ugly to hold all of them. Dian Wei even came to Liu Zhe to protect Liu Zhe.

Liu Zhe signaled that Dian Wei didn't need to be so nervous, his strength was almost the same as Dian Wei, even if something happened, he could protect himself.

"Elder Xia, what should I do then?" Liu Zhe couldn't think of any good way to deal with the matter in front of him for a while, so he asked the drama summoning table to see if there was any way to deal with the drama summoning seat.

"Master, you can open a shed to give porridge and stabilize them temporarily. Xi Zhao Xi whispered to Liu Zhe.

His suggestion was to stabilize the displaced people first, so as not to cause trouble among the displaced people hungry.

"This can, and you let Guan Yu and Zangba see if these displaced people are suitable for young adults, if it is suitable, accept it, we will expand the recruitment team!" Liu Zhe thought for a while and said, there were still more than three hundred people left before the requirements of that task, and the date was getting closer and closer, and Liu Zhe had to find a way to complete this task first.

And now there is a lot of grain in his Zhuangzi, there are three newly built granaries alone, and each granary stores enough grain for 10,000 people to eat for half a year.

The most important thing is that his system inventory can actually store these grains, and it will not be destroyed due to time, 10,000 catties of food occupy a space in the inventory, and his inventory has 99 spaces, enough for him to put a lot of things, and Liu Zhe has a good habit, always put some food into it from time to time, at this time the inventory has put more than 300,000 catties of food, there is no worry about what food is burned or robbed and there is no food!

After the summoning table announced the news, all the displaced people cheered.

"The old man is really a good man. "

"If only I could be recruited by the eldest master. "

"You want to be beautiful, I don't know how many people think like that." "

When the displaced people heard that there was food, everyone's mood improved, many people were amazed by Liu Zhe's good deeds, and more people wanted to become tenants under Liu Zhe.

Liu Zhe was very good to the tenants under him, he was simply the No. 1 good owner in heaven and earth, and at first he covered his food and lived, and also gave grain to the tenants on credit, and only after the tenants planted grain did he collect rent, and the rent collected was pitiful.

"Maintain order. Liu Zhe ordered Guan Yu to let him take people to watch tightly, and not to make trouble.

There was something to eat, the displaced people were still orderly, and some people wanted to cut in line, but seeing the majestic Guan Yu and those nursing homes, these people obediently dismissed the idea.

However, more people will always make trouble, and Guan Yu alone seems a little stretched. Seeing this, Liu Zhe simply selected some young and strong men directly from the displaced people at the scene and organized them to maintain order.

Liu Zhe gave them a little better food, gave them a little money, and recruited them as guards, which immediately made these simple peasants desperately help maintain order.

However, Liu Zhe opened a shed and set up porridge here, but it caused some people's eyes to be red!


"How many people have joined the sect these days?" asked his subordinates with a gloomy face.

"Returning Lord, there are thirty-one in all. The subordinate's answer made Han Yong's face even more gloomy.

"Only thirty-one?" Han Yong gritted his teeth, very angry.

"Yes, Lord Qu," replied his subordinate, his voice trembling, afraid that Han Yong would anger him, and he quickly explained: "It's all because of Xiaoxingzhuang, they pulled people over. "

Xiaoxingzhuang is the name of Liu Zhe Zhuangzi, a homonym of his increasingly cute sister Xiao Xinxin!

"Is it the person surnamed Liu?" Han Yong gritted his teeth, he touched a nose of ash at Liu Zhe last time, no matter which store he went to to fundraiser before, it was smooth and prosperous, but he ate a closed-door soup at Liu Zhe's, so he remembered that he hated Liu Zhe, and now what made him even more angry was that he couldn't recruit people.

I thought that there would be many refugees and displaced people in the heavy snowfall disaster, and when the time came, he could easily recruit people here, and maybe he could become a marshal. Who knows, those contemptible displaced people would rather run to Xiaoxingzhuang than come here.

"Yes, the canal master," replied his subordinate, "Xiaoxingzhuang has been opening a shed to give porridge for half a month, and more and more displaced people have come to him. "

"How can it make sense. The more Han Yong listened, the more angry he became, and he slapped his palm on the table, his eyes were fierce, he gritted his teeth, and said hatefully: "The surname is Liu, I won't let you go." "

"Channel, it's better to do this..." Seeing this, his subordinates came up and whispered to him.

"Okay, that's it..."


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