Two enemies approached from the front, and on a snowy night, coupled with the fire burning around him, Liu Zhe could easily see the appearance of the enemy.

Their faces were calm and loyal, not unlike the honest and hardworking crop men Liu Zhe had seen, but their eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light, and the weapons stained with blood on their hands.

It can be seen that they are very different from those honest people, maybe they used to be honest peasant men, but now they are outright murderers.

They first slowly walked towards Liu Zhe, and then after approaching Liu Zhe a few meters, their speed increased sharply, and judging from their running, they seemed to have some simple cooperation.

Liu Zhe could see their cooperation, and his heart sank, this is not an ordinary robber, ordinary robbers will not cooperate.

Then Liu Zhe was furious, no matter who you are, but to provoke me is to find death. This level in front of you can't pass, then the upcoming Three Kingdoms era in the future, still use mixing?

These displaced people Liu Zhe has been raised for a long time, Liu Zhe has subconsciously regarded them as his own property, they come here to kill the displaced people, it is equivalent to robbing Liu Zhe's money, and no one will be happy to be robbed of money.

Liu Zhe took a deep breath and robbed his brother's money, and his brother will kill you. The simple knife in his hand turned over, and he took the initiative to meet it.

After the two enemies stepped forward, they were killed in front of Liu Zhe by a different position.

"Bell" Liu Zhe exchanged hands with the enemy in the front, and the two of them's simple knives collided, splashing out Mars.

Immediately afterwards, another enemy took advantage of the moment Liu Zhe was blocked, shouted, and slashed towards Liu Zhe.

The right blade made Liu Zhe guess well, and their cooperation was indeed skillful.

However, Liu Zhe had already prepared, and with the force of his hand, he pushed the enemy who blocked him away, and at the same time took a few steps back with this force to avoid the sword.

After his body was strengthened, Liu Zhe's speed and strength were far superior to these two enemies.

When they were still adjusting their bodies, Liu Zhe had already adjusted and took the initiative to attack.

Take a big step, close the distance with the enemy, and then slash down with a big knife, there are no fancy moves here, only big openings and big closing, one hit kills

Liu Zhe knows his advantage, that is, fast speed and great strength.

With this knife, Liu Zhe almost exerted all his strength, and when he slashed down, he even cut through the air and made a whirring sound.

The enemy on the left hand side in front of Liu Zhe, he was the one who slashed at Liu Zhe just now, and that sword not only missed, but also made him stand in front of Liu Zhe.

As soon as he adjusted his body, Liu Zhe's knife had already come to his eyes, and the whistling sound made his face change greatly, and without thinking, he raised his weapon and crossed it in front of him, hoping to use this to block Liu Zhe's knife.

At the same time, he disdained in his heart, Liu Zhe's knife seems terrifying, in fact, there is no spare strength, once blocked, it will be weak, and then his companions will take the opportunity to attack, and Liu Zhe will definitely not be able to defend at that time. Out of the corner of his eye and Yu Guang, he saw that his companion was already making an attack posture, and the sneer in his heart became even stronger. Next round, boy, wait for death, he said in his heart.

"Dang..." A crisp voice sounded, and the enemy suddenly felt a strong force coming from the knife, and soon his hand felt light.

His eyes widened, and his knife was actually broken, and it was cut off by Liu Zhe with a knife, and two were cut off from the middle.

It's not good, he hasn't finished reading these two words in his heart, and Liu Zhe's knife has already cut on his head. After a scalp-numbing sound, he was split in half by Liu Zhe from head to toe.

The strength is so great and the speed is so fast, the enemy has been slashed from head to foot by Liu Zhe with a knife, so fast that it is unbelievable, the enemy's eyes even blinked, and then showed horror, and then the body changed to the sides and fell.

"Suck it..." Liu Zhe's means frightened another enemy, he looked at Liu Zhe in horror, his heart had collapsed, he shouted, turned and fled.

"Don't, don't try to escape. Liu Zhe was a little tired and stood up to chase him, but found that he had run some distance.

Just as Liu Zhe wanted to pursue, with a bang, a halberd flew out from behind Liu Zhe, hit the enemy, entered from the back, and nailed him to the ground.

"Master. "The halberd was cast by Dian Wei, and Dian Wei was happy to kill just now, but he didn't find Liu Zhe running to the other side, and when he found it, he was scared to Dian Wei's soul

If Liu Zhe had any three strengths and two weaknesses, Xi Tie would definitely skin him.

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