Xia Zhao Xi looked at Xia Zhicai, and Xia Zhicai was also looking at him.

The more carefully he looked, the more surprised Xia Zhicai was in his heart, his uncle had changed too much. His face is rosy, his speech is full of anger, and his manners are measured, and he is like the two of them who used to be honest and honest crop men.

Coupled with the fact that he saw Xia Zhaoxi scolding Dian Wei just now, Xia Zhi felt that he didn't understand him anymore. In the past, the summoning table saw that people like Dian Wei had long retreated, and the atmosphere did not dare to take more breath, which is like now daring to open his mouth and scold.

Knowing his uncle's play, he knew that only outsiders could make his uncle change so much, and here, there was only one person who was suitable for his mind, and that was the young man who stood on the steps, laughing and not talking.

"He should be the owner Liu Zhe, right?" Xia Zhicai guessed in his heart, and sure enough, his uncle Xia Xi led him to the young man to introduce him.

"Lord, this is my nephew, Xia Zhong, Zizhicai. "

"Zhicai, he is what I mentioned to you in my letters, my lord, Liu Zhe, Ziling. "

"Zhicai has seen the owner. Xia Zhicai bowed to Liu Zhe, and Liu Zhe gave him a good first impression.

"Hello, hello. "Liu Zhe's first impression of Xia Zhicai is also very good, especially after he uses probing, the impression is even better. The intelligence is as high as 92, which is three times that of Dianwei. This is another talent.

Probe, is a skill obtained by Liu Zhe after recruiting Hua Tuo, you can view a person's attributes, the system will represent it with numbers, the larger a number, the more powerful a certain attribute of that person, the full value is 100; there are five attributes, command, force, intelligence, politics, charm.

The higher the command, the more powerful the unified army will be in fighting, and Han Xin and the like in history are extremely high in command.

Force is individual combat effectiveness!

Politics refers to the level of management, dealing with some daily affairs, the higher the more handy, the political attributes of the summoning of Xi Zangjiang are more than 60, which can only be regarded as average.

Intelligence, needless to say, is IQ. It should be different from the IQ evaluation standards of later generations.

What about charm, this one, the system did not give an explanation, Liu Zhe did not understand, but he could guess somewhat, for example, Dian Wei's charm is 30, which is lower than the average, so it is more scary. Hua Tuo's charm is more than 80, so this should be related to the popularity in people's hearts.

However, what makes Liu Zhe a pity is that he can't use this skill on himself, and he can't see his attributes, which makes Liu Zhe somewhat regretful.

Liu Zhe's martial arts are a large number of talents, and they are not good at high intelligence, and they usually can't find someone to come up with some ideas.

Now suddenly saw that the nephew of the drama summoning Xi Xi had an intelligence of 92, and Liu Zhe's eyes lit up all of a sudden. This is really like someone sending pillows when you want to doze off.

"Come in and sit. The enthusiasm shown by Liu Zhe made Xia Zhicai very moved.

"Owner, I have a friend who came with me, and he has something to ask the owner. Xia Zhicai said to Liu Zhe.

"Oh, hand it over to the play..." Liu Zhe waved his hand, he wanted to say that it would be enough to leave it to the drama summoning table to take care of, but after he put a probe on Shan Fu who was standing at the gate of the courtyard, he immediately changed his mouth.

If I can do it, it's the same. Liu Zhe said this categorically, and decided in his heart that even if he killed and set fire, he would not hesitate.

Oh, shit, cow man.

The information obtained after probing made Liu Zhe dizzy for a while, could it be that the heavens couldn't see that he was surrounded by a group of martial artists all day?

Xu Shu, character yuanzhi. Command 80, force 68, intelligence 94, politics 80, charisma 81.

The command is higher than the drama talent, the force is higher than the drama talent, and the intelligence is also higher than the drama talent, although it is a few points higher, the politics is comparable, and the charm is similar.

Both of them are extremely talented, and Liu Zhe has already made up his mind to recruit these two people to his subordinates no matter what.

"Snub Brother Yuan, don't blame Brother Yuan. Liu Zhe hurriedly led people to Shan Fu and bowed.

Liu Zhe felt that his nose was a little hot, is this to have a nosebleed, but shouldn't a nosebleed be like this when you see a beautiful woman?

Well, now Shan Fu is no different from a beautiful woman in Liu Zhe's eyes.

In the chaotic times, talent was the most scarce, and after experiencing the Taiping Taoist sneak attack on his manor, he knew this even better, so he was always thirsty for talent!

"Yuan Zhi, Brother Shan, it turns out that this is your word, hey, wait, you know Brother Shan?"

"Who are you, how do you know my name?" was called by Liu Zhe to break his own words, Shan Fu, that is, Xu Shu was extremely vigilant, and his right hand was already on the sword on his waist.

It seems that if you don't agree with each other, you will go on a killing spree!

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