"Yellow Turban thief, Yanren Zhang Fei is here, dare to fight to the death with grandfather?"

"Go away, grandpa won't kill you pawns."

"Yellow Turban is this bit of strength?"

"Don't run, watch Grandpa clean you up."

Before they were close to the west of the city, a sound like a flood of thunder continued to reach Liu Zhe and their ears, and before they saw anyone, the sound was already deafening.

Liu Zhe and the group looked at each other, this voice was too loud, and everyone moved their eyes to Dian Wei beside Liu Zhe. Dian Wei's face was also surprised, he thought that his voice was loud enough, but he couldn't imagine that there was someone here who could compare with him.

After galloping across the horse for a while, Liu Zhe was stunned to find that Zhang Fei did not need him to save this goods at all.

In front of them, a group of yellow turban troops scattered and fled, they were crying and shouting for their mothers, running without looking at the direction with their heads down, and some even ran in the direction of Liu Zhe, and were picked up by the cavalry company that crossed out before crying and fleeing in other directions.

Behind the Yellow Turbans, a black cavalryman chased them with a spear. Black clothes, black war horses, black war spears, the whole person is like a demon king descending into the world, fiercely ravaging the enemy.

He should be Zhang Fei.

Liu Zhe looked at the black cavalry who was in no man's land in the Yellow Turban Army from a distance, and secretly guessed in his heart.

I saw him riding a horse, galloping in the yellow turban army, picking a spear in his hand, picking up at least one enemy at a time, sometimes even piercing the enemy two at a time, holding them like gourds, and then throwing them out, smashing the nearby enemies all over the face. His voice was so loud that the Yellow Turbans who approached him even covered their ears and fled.

"This product is really fucking fierce." Liu Zhe was very interested in watching it!

"Manghan, why should the general praise him like this?" A cold snort sounded from his ears, and Liu Bei's face was full of disdain.

"Brother Xuande, shouldn't you have a good relationship with him??" Liu Zhe was strange, Liu Bei's attitude towards Zhang Fei seemed to be a little wrong.

"Good relationship??" Liu Bei smiled dumbly, shook his head and said, "Where did the general hear that I really can't get along with this reckless man, especially his temperament. "

"Did he mess with you?" Liu Zhe asked with a strange expression, he didn't expect that he first recruited Guan Yu, and then the historical process had been fanned by his little butterfly, stirring the entire Three Kingdoms!

Liu Zhe glanced at Guan Yu, who was watching coldly from the horse not far away, and the second master looked at Zhang Fei in the distance with a proud face, not interested in everything around him.

"Hmph!" As if provoked by Liu Zhe's words, Liu Bei snorted coldly, avoiding the topic and not talking about it, he said: "In short, he is a reckless man, not enough. "

"You don't? Then I want it. Liu Zhe said something that made Liu Bei scratch his head.

"The general is after the Han family?" Liu Bei suddenly asked Liu Zhe that he had just heard Liu Zhe's general information from Xu Shu. Liu Bei did not expect that Liu Zhe was actually the owner of the famous Xiaoxing Zhuang, and after being surprised, Liu Bei's mind became active, hoping to have a good relationship with Liu Zhe.

"Yet." Liu Zhe didn't pay much attention to Liu Bei, he was thinking about how to turn Zhang Fei under his hands.

Liu Zhe threw a probing skill towards Zhang Fei, and suddenly his information was under Liu Zhe's eyes!

Zhang Fei, commander 86, force 97, intelligence 41, politics 22, charm 37, that force 97 almost blinded Liu Zhe's eyes.

"This product is really a fucking warrior, a fierce general, and he is forced to stay!" Liu Zhe muttered, although he whispered, he did not notice that Guan Yu's ears moved not far away.

"Haha, is there still here?" Zhang Fei chased the deserters and unknowingly killed Liu Zhe and their vicinity, and when he saw so many people here, Zhang Fei, who had already killed him, smiled and raised his spear to kill here.

Guan Yu smiled coldly, holding the Yueyue knife and was about to shoot the horse to meet it, but he didn't expect that someone was one step faster than him, it was Liu Zhe. After Liu Zhe saw Zhang Fei so fierce, his heart itched, and when he saw Zhang Fei coming towards his side, Liu Zhe didn't think about it, and patted his horse to greet him.


"Master, no!"

Liu Zhe's action frightened the people around him, and they all shouted at Liu Zhe not to do this.

"Bell!" Liu Zhe's halberd intersected with Zhang Fei's spear, and Mars splashed and the sound was loud.

"How daring! Little white face! Zhang Fei's mount was shocked to take a few steps back, first stunned, he couldn't imagine that the little white face in front of him could actually force him back a few steps, Zhang Fei, who was aroused by this block, shouted, this sound was really like a super large tweeter in his mouth.

After shouting, he clamped his mount between his legs, and his spear pierced Liu Zhe's face.

"Good to go." Liu Zhe responded in the same way, and his right hand was also uncomfortable. Zhang Fei's brute strength was even better than Guan Yu's, comparable to Dian Wei, and Liu Zhe used the impact of his mount to make Zhang Fei take a few steps back.

The halberd swung forward, blocking Zhang Fei's spear again, and after another collision, both of their weapons were bounced off.

"Come again!" Zhang Fei fought up, drank heavily, and attacked again.


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