(PS: Collecting is really important for new books, everyone who sees the trouble click to collect, thank you!) If there are flowers, evaluations, and rewards, thank you even more!! )


The night was dark and the wind was high, and half of the moon was hiding in the clouds, leaving a little moonlight for the earth, and under this dim moonlight, Liu Zhe's Zhuangzi was dark, and the entire Zhuangzi fell into a deep sleep.

"That's it?"

Under the moonlit night, a group of people came here, hiding in the woods where the moonlight could not shine.

"Yes, boss."

"Is this owner really a fat sheep?" The first voice asked.

"That's right, his housekeeper and nursing home are paid fifty dollars a month."

"Fifty dollars?" The sounds of surprise around them, mixed with the sound of swallowing, the eyes of the group turned green.

"And I also heard that the owner has collected treasures in a room, and no one is allowed to enter except him and the housekeeper, not even the nursing home."

"Baby?" The surrounding green light is more abundant.

"It seems to be a fat sheep, is his nursing home powerful?" The man who called the boss asked.

"Not powerful, anyway, I don't see how powerful he is, but he has a strong appetite, he can eat three or four people in a meal, oh, by the way, his appearance is very ugly and scary, maybe this is the reason why he is a nursing home, by scary."

"Boss, it's okay, it's just a nursing home, we have more than twenty people here, I'm afraid he won't be able to do it alone?" The third voice sounded, and there was already a button in the tone.

"Okay, act, it's a pity that there are no women in this Zhuangzi." The boss's voice had a faint pity in it.

"Isn't there a nanny?"

", I'll reward you later."

"I don't dare ask for it."



"Wow..." Liu Zhe was confused, and was woken up by Xiao Xinxin's crying.

Liu Zhe quickly got up and lit the oil lamp, holding Xiao Xinxin and gently swaying, coaxing her to sleep. Xiao Xinxin, this little nizi, had to sleep with him at night, otherwise she would cry and tried several times, so Liu Zhe only slept with little nizi every day.

However, although Xiao Xinxin is young, she sleeps very peacefully at night and generally does not cry in the middle of the night, so Liu Zhe is a little strange, he thought that Xiao Xinxin was hungry, and after coaxing for a while, he wanted to go out to find some food for Xiao Xinxin.

But just with this idea, Xiao Xinxin suddenly stopped crying, she giggled at Liu Zhe for a while, and then yawned and fell asleep with her fingers in her eyes.

"Strange." Seeing this, Liu Zhe dispelled the idea of finding food for Xiao Xinxin, but he was a little strange about Xiao Xinxin's behavior tonight. It doesn't look like I'm hungry, I don't pee my pants, why do I suddenly cry?

Shaking his head, he didn't understand the world of children, put Xiao Xinxin on the bed, Liu Zhe got up and prepared to blow out the oil lamp and continue to sleep.

Before the oil lamp blew, the voice of the summoning table came from outside: "Sir, are you all right?" "

I don't know if it was Liu Zhe's illusion, he felt that the voice of the summoning table was a little anxious.

"It's okay, Xiaoxin suddenly cried, it's okay now." Liu Zhe responded, he thought that there was a quarrel at the summoning table, "It's noisy for you, right?" It's okay, you hurry up and go to sleep. "

"It's okay, good night sir." The voice of the summoning seat came in, very calm, not in a hurry, Liu Zhe thought that he had heard it wrong.

"Well, good night." Liu Zhe replied casually, he was indeed a little sleepy now, and as soon as he lay down on the %% bed, he quickly fell asleep again.

The next day, Liu Zhe woke up on time under the cry of the alarm clock Xiao Xinxin, hugged Xiao Xinxin, and yawned and left the room.

However, after coming to the front hall, Liu Zhe rubbed his eyes and muttered, "I haven't woken up yet?"

In the front yard, there was a row of kneeling people, all with wounds, some with their foreheads wrapped, blood oozing from them, some with blue noses and swollen faces, groaning in pain and whispering, and a few people next to them were lying on the ground, motionless, I don't know what was wrong. At this time, there was a pungent smell of blood in the air, and the surface of several places on the ground turned dark red, which was a trace of dried blood.

Smelling the blood, Xiao Xinxin suddenly cried!

So Liu Zhe hurriedly gave this little nizi to Aunt Mei, so as not to scare her!

At this time, Dian Weixiong had to walk back and forth in front of this row of people with a large ¥¥ stick, his eyes showing fierce light, and the stick in his hand was ready to hit at any time.

"Good morning, sir." The drama summoned the table to come over to Liu Zhe to ask for peace

Seeing the summoning seat, Liu Zhe knew that he was not dreaming, but the fact in front of him was confusing: "Elder Xia, what's wrong?" "

"Sir, they are thieves, and they came to the door last night." Xi Xi's words frightened him a little.

"Thief? Last night? "


"How did I not know?" Liu Zhe said stunnedly.

"Last night you went to ask me if something was wrong because of this?" Liu Zhe suddenly remembered that last night's summoning table ran outside his room to ask him if there was anything wrong, he thought it was an ordinary inquiry, but now he thought it was because the robber came to the door.

"They have all been cleaned up by Dian Wei, I see no problem, so I won't disturb the lord to rest." Xi Zhaoxi said with a smile.

Encountering such a housekeeper, Liu Zhe didn't know what to say, Liu Zhe thought for a while and asked, "How is it?" Didn't hurt anyone, right? "

"It's all thanks to Dian Wei, he alone cleaned up all of them, we didn't have any damage, but the thief died five, and the others were wounded." The summoned seat replied.

"How many thieves are there?"


"So powerful?"

The two said as they came to the door of the vestibule and stood on the stairs.

"Sir, all the thieves have been caught by me." Dian Wei came over to ask Liu Zhe for peace, and at the same time reported his battle results!

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