The next day, the crowd gathered again in the council chamber, and the meeting was not over.

The first is a reward for the Xiaoxingzhuang security group, who followed Liu Zhe out to fight or defend against enemies at home, and were born into death.

Since Liu Zhe was not an emperor or a shou, he could not give his subordinates an official a half-post, and he could not give an official position, which could only be compensated in material terms.

Liu Zhe decided that each of the security group would reward each person with a sum of money and a pot of wheat liquid, and at the same time let Xu Shu and them count the merits of everyone in the battle, and then they would be rewarded according to the size of the merit. As for those who died in battle, their relatives would receive a tenfold reward, and their families would also receive money and food from Xiaoxingzhuang every month, exempting them from rent, and a series of generous rewards.

As soon as these rewards came out, the security regiment cheered from top to bottom, and their loyalty to Liu Zhe rose to an unparalleled status. And outsiders are envious to death, and they all want to join the security group. And Guan Yu, Dian Wei, these cronies, Liu Zhe has another reward.

"Master, what about the captives?" After dealing with the rewards of his subordinates, Xi Zhao Xi asked Liu Zhe a question, that is, what to do with the yellow turban that Liu Zhe captured back?

The prisoners captured by Liu Zhe, in addition to the common people who were entrapped, there were 780,000 belonging to the Yellow Turban Army, and if these people were not dealt with as soon as possible, they would be a destabilizing factor, and could even be said to be a time bomb.

For these people, Liu Zhe's original intention was to treat them equally and not pursue them, but his subordinates did not agree.

Everyone means that they are thieves, naturally they will be punished, and they cannot be let go so easily. After a group of thugs followed Liu Zhe out to fight, they saw many places that had been ravaged by yellow scarves, and many places were ten rooms and nine empty, and they were robbed.

"Lord, once you let them go so easily and pass it on, you will have a bad reputation for the lord." Xu Shu thought about it and said, he was worried that Liu Zhe's reputation would be affected by this.

"Lord, everyone must be responsible for what they do." Xia Zhicai also persuaded at this time.

"What do you say?" Liu Zhe patted his forehead and asked, can't you kill them all?

"Or kill them all?" Sure enough, someone really made this suggestion, it was Guan Hai, he touched his bald head and smiled and made suggestions, he didn't fight the battle the day before yesterday enough.

Everyone ignored Guan Hai's brainless advice.

"Let them be guilty."

People with high intelligence, think of ideas is fast, Xu Shu quickly thought of a way, Xu Shu smiled slightly: "Xiaoxingzhuang is now in ruins, many places need to use people, then let them do it, as long as they don't starve to death." "

"This is a good idea, Master, I think it works." The theater nodded, Xiaoxingzhuang is now getting bigger and bigger, more and more people, and more and more fields to be developed.

Isn't this the labor camp of the afterlife? Liu Zhe found that he could not underestimate the wisdom of the ancients.

"Then do as Yuan Zhi said!"

Liu Zhe waved his hand and said: "Divide them into groups of ten or twenty people, each group has a team leader, let them supervise each other, as long as one person is lazy, the whole team will have no food, and whoever dares to escape, there will be no amnesty." And tell them that as long as they have worked for five years, they can automatically become a member of Xiaoxingzhuang, and what they have done before will be written off. "

Liu Zhe added and improved the detailed rules for making meritorious contributions to this crime.

Xia Zhicai sighed in admiration and said, "Lian sitting, good, good!" With this method of sitting, it is simple and convenient to manage. And gave them a hope, not to worry that they did not work hard. "

Feeling the admiring gaze of his subordinates looking at him, Liu Zhe was very useful, although Lao Tzu did not know much about the Three Kingdoms, but some common sense was still useful, hehe!! It's a cool feeling.

Another theme of the meeting was the expansion of the Security Corps.

The security regiment now has more than 5,000 people, and the second security regiment, that is, the reserve regiment, has more than 10,000 people. The Security Regiment is responsible for external fighting, and the Second Security Regiment is responsible for internal security in Xiaoxingzhuang and serves as a backup candidate for the Security Corps.

Xiaoxingzhuang is not short of money now, before the Yellow Turban Uprising, because of the existence of caravans, Xiaoxingzhuang was already the richest Zhuangzi in Youzhou, and it was no longer necessary to feed tens of thousands of people. After the Yellow Turban Uprising, Liu Zhe led the security regiment to fight in the east and west, annihilating countless Yellow Turban Army, and naturally obtaining countless materials, so it was no problem to raise another 10,000 or 20,000 security regiments.

The question now is how many people are better for the security corps to enroll?

The bosses of the security group headed by Guan Yu naturally hoped that the more the merrier, and they couldn't wait to recruit hundreds of thousands. However, the head of the summoning table thought that there were too many tricks, which would be very difficult for Xiaoxingzhuang's finances, and this was too swaggering, and it might even attract the attention of the imperial court. What's more, the equipment of the security regiment is too expensive, and the cost of equipment for 5,000 people is enough for the imperial court to arm 50,000 people.

In the end, the two sides could not argue, and let Liu Zhe decide.

Originally, Liu Zhe felt that there was no problem in recruiting twenty or thirty thousand, but considering the long-term expenses in the future, plus as the boss, he had to balance the two parties. In the end, Liu Zhe decided that the security regiment would be expanded to 15,000 people, and the second security regiment would be expanded to 20,000, and as for the rest, a decision would be made later depending on the situation.

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