Ig’s resume was only a few pages, but Xiao Yang’s eyes widened after a few glances.

Robert Iger (born 1951, Jewish) has been working in television since graduation, joined ABC in 1974, and after progression, served as president of ABC Network Television Group from 1993 to 1994, and then was appointed president and chief operating officer of ABC’s parent company, Capital Cities/ABC.

It’s just that from last year, in 1995, Disney has been seeking to acquire ABC, and it has not been completed until this year, and Robert Iger became the president and COO of ABC.Inc after being acquired by Disney.

Seeing this, Xiao Yang’s breathing was heavier, he remembered who this Robert Iger was, damn it, the CEO of the future Disney, the successor of the current Disney CEO Michael Eisner, officially took the helm of the commercial giant Disney in 2005, Iger was named one of the world’s most influential business leaders by authoritative magazines such as “Fortune”, “Forbes” and “Business Week”, and was also elected as the world’s best CEO in 09, leading commercial activities such as Disney’s acquisition of Marvel Studios and Pixar Animation, Under his leadership, Disney trampled several other major studios under his feet and couldn’t turn over.

Just such a fierce man is now sitting in front of him for his own interview, Xiao Yang really wants to slap himself to see if he is dreaming, is this the legendary protagonist aura.

“What’s wrong? Is there a problem with my resume? Iger looked at Xiao Yang staring at the resume without speaking, and asked.

“No, no… No problem!” Xiao Yang wiped the sweat on his forehead, “I see that you are now working at Disney, your status is not low, why do you want to change jobs?” Xiao Yang also raised his own questions.

“Well, it’s true that Disney is a giant ship, but I was only merged into the Disney system this year because of the acquisition, originally Disney was more exclusive, so, I, an outsider, blocked the way of many people, and because of the acquisition, the top management is more turbulent now, I don’t like the current working environment very much, I want to try a different challenge.” Iger said his reason in one breath.

“Indeed, the larger the enterprise, the more factional fights, and xenophobia is even more inevitable.” Xiao Yang nodded in understanding.

Looking at the man in front of him with a cute and warm smile like Mickey Mouse, Xiao Yang stood up and stretched out his hand, “Welcome, Robert, I hope we have a happy cooperation!” ”

Just kidding, in the future, to be able to crush the cowman in Hollywood with Disney, Xiao Yang did not have to think about it for a second to make a decision.

“Hmm… Happy cooperation! Iger was stunned for a moment, obviously did not expect Xiao Yang to ask and agreed to hire himself, but without thinking much, Iger stood up and held Xiao Yang’s hand with a smile.

“With an early capital injection of $100 million, your annual salary is tentatively set at 5 million, plus five percent equity dividends, no problem!” Xiao Yang looked at Iger with a smile.

“No problem, I’m satisfied!” Iger smiled even more happily, “It’s already much taller than I was before!”

“Haha, give you a high salary because you have to be responsible for too many things, basically have to build a company from scratch, too tired, but can only work hard for you.” Xiao Yang is still always lazy.

“It’s nothing, I’m afraid there is nothing to do!” Iger is still smiling, for a former ABC president, letting him idle is the biggest pain.

“By the way, what name do you want to register for the company?” Iger looked at Xiao Yang and asked.

“Hmm… Call it Tinder Source, what do you think? Xiao Yang feels that his film company will become the fire of Hollywood, and it will definitely become the fire of the plain in the future.

“Tinder source? Great name!” Iger also liked the name, “Then I will come here to start working after completing the formalities, it should be just these two days, and those guys must be very happy when I resign.” Speaking of this, Iger shook his head helplessly.

“Haha, then they will definitely regret it in the future!” Xiao Yang really wanted to see the expressions of the Disney executives when Tinder stepped on the peak of Hollywood a few years later.

“Haha, I hope so too!” Iger smiled.

Collect, collect, collect


A few days later, Iger successfully left Disney, and he did not rest and directly devoted himself to Xiao Yang’s work.

First, he used his previous contacts to rent an office building near Hollywood, registered the Tinder Source Film Company, and quickly contacted some former old subordinates, all because of the employees who were ostracized at Disney after being acquired.

“This is kind of digging Disney’s corner, haha.” Xiao Yang thought very badly after learning about it, holding a sheep wool, but the Disney family has a big business and does not care about this wool.

It is worthy of being the world’s best CEO in the future, and he has made the framework of the Tinder Source in just a few days, and is ready to talk about cooperation with several major theaters, and the efficiency is much higher than when Plank was doing Under Armour before.

But think about it, Plank is just a young man who has just graduated, but he is a little talented in business, while Iger is 45 years old and has been an executive for more than ten years, and when he is experienced and strong, the two are not comparable.

Xiao Yang didn’t care about the source of the fire these days, but has been soaking in the crew of Thunderbolt Jiaowa, and Mila and Beckinsale are fighting more and more hot, and from time to time they can eat the tofu of the two.

For Xiao Yang’s action of taking advantage, the two beauties were not disgusted, but if there was no initiative to let Xiao Yang take advantage, Charlize pretended not to see it, and the relationship between the three beauties became more intimate.

“Robert, if you have time, contact Hasbro and buy this copyright for me.” Xiao Yang sat at Igger’s desk and handed over a piece of paper.

“Hasbro? Isn’t it a toy company? Iger took the paper handed over by Xiao Yang with a puzzled look, and really couldn’t figure out what connection between the film company and the toy company could have.

“This is…” Iger looked at the boxy robot drawings drawn on the paper, with Transformers written next to them.

“Transformers, Hasbro has launched Transformers cartoons, but it has been more than ten years, and the response is not very enthusiastic, so this is just one of Hasbro’s many toys, if I buy this copyright, I want to spend the price will not be too high.” Xiao Yang plans well, now the copyright of Transformers is not worth much, buy it first, and then take it out to harvest the box office when there is technical shooting.

“Okay, I’ll contact them in the next two days.” Iger nodded and didn’t ask anything more.

“By the way, do you know about Marvel Studios?” Xiao Yang asked, he only knew that Marvel mixed badly in the nineties, changed hands several times, and even had to sell the copyright of superheroes to get by, and now that he is here, this bargain does not take advantage of nothing.

“Marvel Studios? Marvel Comics? Of course, Iger knew that this company, the old comic book company, once reached its peak in the early nineties, but with the exposure of a series of suspicious transactions and the bursting of the financial bubble, Marvel’s stock price collapsed directly, and the stock price fell from $35.75 in ’93 to $2.37 this year, and recently heard that Marvel was even about to declare bankruptcy.

“I heard that their boss is Ronald Perelman, a black-hearted profiteer who used Marvel’s listing to make a wave of money, and now Marvel is about to go bankrupt, and I heard that Perelman is looking for the next home to take over Marvel.” Iger said with a shrug.

“Are you sure this person wants to sell Marvel? I mean the whole of Marvel, including all the comics, toys, movies, etc. departments? Xiao Yang instantly felt that he must be God’s illegitimate son, and his dream came true, and he just wanted to buy Marvel when he hit the lowest price in Marvel’s history.

“Yes, the current Marvel is a mess, no one wants to step on, Perelman has found many institutions have been rejected, it is estimated that it will not be long before Marvel will be declared bankrupt!” Iger nodded, “How, do you want to buy it?” Iger looked at Xiao Yang in surprise.

“Uh-huh, there is this idea, you also help me contact this Perelman by the way, and express the intention of acquisition.” Looking at Ig’s widening eyes, Xiao Yang quickly added, “Don’t worry, you don’t need to buy from the Tinder Source, in my own name, you don’t need to use the funds of the Tinder Source.” ”

Iger exhaled, “Well, since it is your own personal business decision, I will not stop you, I will contact Perelman in the next few days.” ”

“Thank you, Robert.” Xiao Yang smiled and hammered Egger’s chest.

“You are the boss, haha, by the way, recently I contacted AMC and reached a cooperation agreement with them, and when Thunderbolt Baby finished filming, you can arrange a schedule for release as soon as it finishes.” Iger is still very efficient, and reached a cooperation agreement with the second largest theater line in the United States in a few days, of course, this is also related to his previous good connections.

“Haha, I don’t worry if you do things, I won’t interfere too much when I say about the Tinder Source, these things don’t need to be told to me, I believe in your ability.” Xiao Yang smiled and stood up and clapped his hands, “Okay, my business is over, you are busy, I’m going to see my thunderbolts, haha!” ”

“Okay, I won’t send you, be careful on the road!” I will give you an answer to what you said in the next few days. Iger got up and sent Xiao Yang out of the Tinder Source.

The last few chapters are writing some commercial layout of the protagonist, the Lakers’ scenes are a little less, but the protagonist is not a player who plays, so I didn’t put too much plot on the court, after all, writing games I am not as good as those specialized competitive novels, but rest assured, NBA deals, drafts and other plots I will not miss, will definitely be described in detail, the protagonist is the boss! Haha, in addition, it is still the old rule, please click on the collection ~~~

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