The book is a must-have for everyone.

(Please keep your brains safe and keep the receipts. If you lose it, put it in the wrong place, or eat it in hot pot, the book will not be returned or exchanged~)

"Welcome to the community survival game!"

"Here, you will participate in a survival competition with your residence!"

"Only players who survive the last round can advance to the next competition"

"And the losers will become scum forgotten by the world..."

Cheng Xu looked at the novel on his mobile phone, sipped a mouthful of snail noodles, and continued to turn the pages.

"Now this novel is really interesting..."


Just as Cheng Xu was turning the pages, the sunny sky outside suddenly darkened, and the world fell into darkness.

Cheng Xu turned on the flashlight on his phone and fumbled around, trying to find the switch for his own light.

But before he took a few steps, the world outside the window returned to normal, and the sun was still bright and beautiful.

Cheng Xu walked to the window in doubt, and the scene outside made him wonder if he hadn't woken up yet.

The community where he lived was still the same, but the city outside the community wall had completely disappeared, leaving only a gray mountain range like a silhouette.

There was no sun in the sky, but the sun still existed, shining on Cheng Xu's face, still as warm as before.

"Buzz... Buzz..."

Cheng Xu's phone vibrated, and then a forced call suddenly rang...

"Welcome, players, I am your manager..."

The voice could not be distinguished as male or female, and it seemed to be processed by some kind of mixer.

"I will distribute the specific rules to you later, and I wish all friends who participate in the survival game a happy time in advance!"

The inexplicable call was hung up, and at the same time, an email was sent to Cheng Xu's phone.

There was no other text in the email, only a link.

Cheng Xu clicked it directly.

A ray of light suddenly burst out and entered Cheng Xu's eyes.

A moment later, strange menu content and a detailed description document began to appear in front of Cheng Xu's eyes...

"Survival Game Guide"

"Dear new players, welcome to join the survivor game"

"Each player will be bound to your house. When the house is completely destroyed, your life value will also be zero"

"Therefore, what you have to do is to collect resources and strengthen your house"

"Daytime is your time, and nothing abnormal will appear"

"And night is the beginning of weirdness, and a large number of weird creatures will invade your room"

"At that time, only your house will be the only shelter"

"So, fellow survivors, there is not much time left for you..."

The message ended, and a countdown appeared at the edge of Cheng Xu's vision, showing a time: 7:59.

The meaning was very clear. After seven hours and fifty-nine minutes, the world would fall into darkness.

Cheng Xu was about to open the door to search for supplies, but suddenly found a communication bar in his field of vision.

"Invite to join the group..."

Cheng Xu turned on the button and found that he was invited to two group chats at the same time.

One group was called "Survivor Group", with a total of 4725 people in the group chat.

The second group was the "Administrator Group", with only 10 people in it.

Cheng Xu first opened the administrator group and found that the IDs of the ten people in it all ended with "Qia".

What Nanqi, Shuiqi, Citianqi, Bidongqi...

And his own ID was "Belladonna".

"Why are there no tomatoes..."

Cheng Xu waited for a while and found that no one in the administrator group was talking, so he clicked into the survivor group again and found that the group chat was already 999+.

"Xu Zheng: What happened? When I woke up, my family members were gone!"

"Pan Nan: Wait, where is my car parked downstairs? I just came back to get some clothes!"

"Ma Yao: Does anyone want a CD? I still have a lot of treasures here. Does anyone want to enjoy them before you die..."

A large group of people were talking about their shock and distress.

At this moment, a message suddenly appeared in the administrator group.

"Bi Dong Qia: This time the newcomers are even more stupid than the last wave. No one in the whole community has started searching for supplies..."

"Shi E Qia: Hey, you have led the survival game for several times, and each time you didn't start the action until the death toll was announced the next day."

"Bi Dong Qia: 彳亍口巴

“Ci Tian Qie: Who is the new member?”

“Nan Qie: He, he was temporarily transferred to another world. I just added him and forgot to delete him.”

“Shui Qie: Then don’t delete him. We are colleagues. I remember that he seemed quite bored in that place. It’s a good opportunity to let him have some fun.”

“Nan Qie: I’ll listen to you.”

Cheng Xu breathed a sigh of relief. His identity was almost exposed, but fortunately, all the “Qi” showed mercy and kept him in the group.

Cheng Xu was about to put on his clothes and go out to see if there was anything to collect, when a file was sent to him in the administrator group.

“Nan Qie: Resource”

“Nan Qie: This is the first day’s resource arrangement. If there is no problem, I will start to deploy it.”

“Kaxi Qie: No problem”

“Shui Qie: +1”

“Ci Tian Qie: +1”


The whole community suddenly heard a roar. No one knew what happened. The survivors group began to send all kinds of messy messages again.

Suddenly, the whole group was quiet.

"The administrator has enabled the speaking permission"

"Each person can only post 1 message within 5 minutes"

Cheng Xu quickly opened the file of the administrator group, unzipped it successfully, and found the place where various supplies were dropped off.


Compressed biscuits and canned food are definitely T0-level survival supplies. As long as they are there, they can survive for many days in this environment.

Rice and flour can be said to be T1, because they can be stored for a long time and can sustain food consumption for a long time.

The community where Cheng Xu lives has 15 buildings, each with 21 floors, divided into five units, and three suites per floor.

So there were 4,725 survivors on the first day, which was a huge number.

And the food dropped by the administrators seemed to be enough for only one-tenth of the people.

So Cheng Xu immediately seized the time, put on his school bag, and ran downstairs.

He lived on the fourth floor, and he didn't need an elevator to go downstairs, so he had a certain time advantage when collecting resources.

But at night, Cheng Xu's risk of being attacked by monsters would also increase.

"Breast Eggplant: Oh! The first survivor has appeared!"

Cheng Xu's photo immediately appeared in the manager group, and his figure rushing downstairs attracted the attention of the managers.

"Vine Eggplant: Then I'll bet on him, this guy will definitely survive the first day"

"Ten-Ear Eggplant: I bet 100, he won't survive the first day"

"Kaxi Eggplant: I bet 200, he can survive, definitely survive!"

Cheng Xu didn't have time to check the chat group, and didn't know that the managers were betting on him.

He only had one thing in his eyes, that was the canned beef scattered in the garden.

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