The two minutes of invisibility had not yet ended, and Cheng Xu quickly moved his body to the window on the other side, only to find that there was also a nest worm guarding there. Cheng Xu stretched the silk thread and took a rough look at the surrounding area. There were one to three nest worms guarding each window. Cheng Xu quickly loaded a crossbow on his arm crossbow, aimed at the glass with the largest number of nest worms, and fired suddenly. "Bang!" The glass did not break as Cheng Xu expected, and the wide-headed crossbow arrow did not penetrate the double-layer glass of the window, but got stuck between the two layers. But the loud noise of the collision still attracted the attention of the nest worms. A dozen nest insects quickly gathered around, making rustling insect chirps at the cracked glass.

"If this doesn't work..."

Cheng Xu pulled himself back to the top floor, wrapped a brick that had been abandoned for many years with a silk thread, swung it like a meteor hammer, and smashed it hard on the glass on the top floor.

"Bang! Crash..."

This time it finally worked, and a big hole was smashed in the window on the top floor.

Those nest insects with little brains quickly gathered around the hole, raised their appendages, and made angry hisses.

Cheng Xu pulled the brick back from the hole, aimed at the window again, and smashed it hard!

This time, the brick could not be retrieved, and the group of nest insects that had been waiting for a long time rushed up and bit the brick to pieces.

Moreover, the silk thread that bound the bricks also became their target of attack. Two nest worms were the closest and would not let go after biting it. They were fished out by Cheng Xu from the crack of the window.

The two nest worms were hanging in the air, still not choosing to let go, but trying to pull Cheng Xu down from the top floor with all their strength.

Cheng Xu had already tied the two silk threads, and was not afraid of their pulling at all. There was no sign of the tough white material being torn off.

Cheng Xu waited for a while at the edge of the top floor. When his invisibility effect was renewed, he took out his arm crossbow and began to test the damage of the two nest worms.

"Bang! Ka..."

The sharp arrowhead of the crossbow directly shattered the bone carapace of the nest worm and sank into its head.

The nest worm did not die because of this. Instead, it roared angrily, grabbed the outer shell of its brain with its extra pair of arms, and pulled it off directly with a force.

A large amount of gray mucus flowed out along its neck, revealing a spinal canal under the carapace, which seemed to be connected to its brain.

The nest worm held its brain shell and began to fumble around with its other arm, grabbing the crossbow arrow and pulling it out fiercely...

A large amount of gray mucus sprayed out from the wound caused by the crossbow arrow, quickly covering the hole.

Then, the nest worm put its head back as if nothing had happened, and the gray matter began to solidify and gradually turned into a new carapace.

Cheng Xu aimed again, roughly estimated where its brain was, and fired the second crossbow arrow.


Perhaps because the nest worm's behavior just now was too reckless, its skull did not grow well at all, and was directly penetrated by the second crossbow arrow, and its brain was directly pierced.

The body of the nest worm stopped trembling and quickly drooped, but the mouthparts biting the silk thread were still nailed inside and refused to let go.

Cheng Xu slowly pulled the thread upwards, allowing the second nestworm to touch the edge of the roof.

Sure enough, the nestworm still had biological instincts in its body and climbed directly onto the roof.

The nestworm that climbed up was a little dazed, because it had never been to this place before, and the empty area did not have any trace of its own species left.

Its slender eyestalks trembled slightly, looking at the empty rooftop space in front of it, and I don’t know what it was thinking.

Cheng Xu first took out his folding knife "Bai File", aimed at the position of the nestworm's brain, and swung a slash.


The nestworm was like being slapped in the face, its head tilted, and it lay on the ground.

But only a small piece of its head shell was broken, and the brain inside was not damaged.

Cheng Xu aimed at the other side of the nestworm's head, but this time he changed to stabbing.

With one knife, the nestworm died on the spot.

After knowing the enemy's weakness, Cheng Xu activated the "Mirror Shadow Barrier" and sneaked into the room directly through the reflective surface of the glass.

Cheng Xu quickly found the room where the "Split Matrix" was located

, and shuttled out of the bathroom of the box.

The huge and bloated mother body showed a scarlet color, and a peristaltic tube wrapped in countless pustules grew out of the mother body and connected to the toilet in the bathroom.

Cheng Xu didn't know whether this tube was for absorbing water or other things, anyway, this was definitely not its key point.

The white substance quickly flowed out of Cheng Xu's limbs, forming a sticky structure that allowed him to crawl on the ceiling.

Cheng Xu crawled out along the ceiling like Spider-Man and saw the whole picture of the mother body.

It was simply a huge piece of meat, without any differentiated organs, the whole body was round, and the skin was full of lumps.

The huge piece of meat continued to make gurgling sounds, slowly peristaltic, and spit out the white egg shells along the only existing crack.

Those eggs were half a person's height and very huge. Once discharged, they were taken away by the nest worms and placed in other rooms, waiting for further hatching.

From time to time, one or two nestworms would come back with prey, pry open the mother's crack, put the prey in, and let the mother swallow it by herself.

Cheng Xu observed that the mother seemed to have no sensory organs, and even if the food fell next to the crack, it would not actively look for it.

Cheng Xu suddenly had an idea, hanging the spider that had been hanging on the ceiling on his fingertips and gently placing it next to the mother's crack.

There was a layer of bone hard shell inside the huge crack, which was now closed like teeth, and there was no gap enough to accommodate the spider's body.

Cheng Xu continued to wait patiently, letting the little spider lie near the mother's crack.

When the second batch of eggs were produced, the little spider crawled directly into the mother's body along the opening and closing crack.

In the huge cavity of the mother, the spider felt countless entangled breaths, mixed in the huge organism that continued to tremble.

Cheng Xu controlled the spider and carefully moved forward in one direction of the cavity.

Since he had no vision, Cheng Xu could not see the environment at all and could only feel the surrounding environment through vibration.

Finally, Cheng Xu found a smaller vesicle filled with a strong smell, similar to that of a newly born insect egg.

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