The more you look at the sky, the more you will see.

At the end of the endless illusion, Cheng Xu found that there was an extra noun in his head, which was the name of the white substance: "binding silk".

This thing is like a neural pathway connected to "Faith Proliferator Σ6". Once you have it, you will become an individual recognized by it.

In each distortion evolution, all creatures with binding silk enjoy equal distortion power, listen to the Grand Overture, and lead to the evolutionary end of fusion and unity.

Cheng Xu stood on the top floor, recalling the illusion that lingered in his mind just now, and the sound of the Grand Overture faintly sounded in his ears again.

In the brief dream just now, Cheng Xu saw the true body of the Faith Proliferation Body. It was a white glow like a crystal, surrounded by countless white light spots, like a moon surrounded by stars.

Cheng Xu's consciousness was completely different from them. He was a deep black crystal, without any light escaping, swallowing everything around him.

Before Cheng Xu could carefully observe everything around him, his dream ended, as short as a blink of an eye.

"... Finish the task first."

Cheng Xu casually threw the binding silk and it adhered to the edge of the roof. The silk thread that was ejected was extremely perfect, whether it was thickness, flexibility, or the smoothness of the silk thread, it was more perfect than before.

Relying on the power of the binding silk, Cheng Xu's figure was like a jumping spider that jumped up and lightly jumped into the private cinema.

The nest insects that lost their mother gathered together, surrounded the dead mother, and stood blankly.

They were like a piece of industrially grown corn, arranged very neatly and very close to each other.

Cheng Xu used the binding thread to stick himself to the ceiling, waited for the skill to take effect, took out the "Blood Bowstring", aimed at the heads of the nest worms, and began to hunt.

Without the mother body to command, the nest worms basically lost their ability to react. Even if their companions were pierced by an arrow, they no longer had any movement.

After completing the mission goal, Cheng Xu left the private cinema and rushed to the location of his last mission of the day as soon as possible.

His hunting mission today also includes "ball brains", this kind of deformed creature belongs to a relatively loose group tribe. Many of them only stay together, but do not constitute a class level.

They are all derived from human-like deformed creatures, that is, brains with ciliated gastropods.

These guys have strong mental abilities. As long as they encounter creatures weaker than them, they will forcibly control the other party and let those weaker creatures hunt for them.

And those gastropods are both their organs for walking and their digestive glands.

The only food for these greedy guys is the brains of other deformed creatures. No matter how rich they are, they will never refuse.

For Cheng Xu, this kind of creature is not very threatening. As long as he does not get close to it, there is no risk of being attacked mentally.

The settlement of the spherical brains is in a hotel. Although it is a fast hotel, it occupies a large area.

In that hotel, there are one or two spherical brains in almost every room, and various weak deformed creatures gather around their territory to survive.

When he arrived at his destination, the group of spherical brains were waiting for their younger brothers to offer them.

They lay lazily on the carpet, and their ventral feet were too lazy to move. They just waited for the attached deformed creatures to send brains of various forms to the side for the spherical brains to suck.

Cheng Xu noticed that in a room in the hotel, there were piles of humanoid deformed creatures. Except for the skull being sawed open, other parts were basically intact.

Cheng Xu observed the deformed creatures and found that there was no guard next to the bones.

He directly used the wire to unscrew the window from the outside and got in.

Although there were no large scars on the bodies, Cheng Xu noticed a detail.

There were more or less holes on the skin of these skeletons, and around those holes, some swelling marks could be seen.

While Cheng Xu was observing, a group of deformed creatures about the size of a small dog ran in carrying a humanoid corpse.

They threw the corpse away and left quickly.

A moment later, a group of black spots like flies flew up from the corpse and circled in the air.

Cheng Xu could not see the specific appearance of those black spots, but an instinctive reaction continued to warn him.



Cheng Xu quietly retreated, and with the help of the binding thread, he swung back to the top of the building next door and began to think.

After a moment, he had an inspiration, and made the binding thread thinner, wrapped it around himself, and spread it out in several layers, forming dozens of spider webs, leaving only a window-sized hole.

Cheng Xu pulled the bowstring, pulled the bow with the penetrating arrow to the full, aimed at a ball brain that was sucking brain juice, and shot a fatal arrow.

The "blood bowstring" with a shooting force that exceeded that of an ordinary compound bow provided the arrow with an extremely terrifying initial velocity, and those wronged souls stained with scarlet gave it a strong penetrating power.

The arrow drew a dark afterimage in the air, directly penetrated the glass of the window, and pierced through the ball brain lying on the ground feasting.

The dying ball brain let out a wail, and the spreading mental fluctuations almost turned into substance, suddenly spreading in the hotel room.

Then, a large group of rioting insects and deformed creatures drilled out from the cracks in the window, circling around, looking for the murderer who killed the ball brain.

Some flying insects rushed randomly and directly hit the large net woven by Cheng Xu with binding silk. The more they struggled, the tighter they were bound, and finally turned into a small knot on the silk thread.

Cheng Xu found that the protective effect of the net was very impressive, so he put a part of the binding silk on the end of the bow and arrow and shot it into the room with the most ball brains.

This was a new use of the binding silk that Cheng Xu figured out, and he didn't know if it would succeed.

When the arrow successfully penetrated the glass and hit the ball brain, the binding silk loaded on the end of the arrow suddenly exploded, turning into a ball of sharp silk threads, killing all the ball brains in the house.


Cheng Xu tried to control the group of binding silk more than ten meters away from him, but they just barely gathered together, then lost the signal and spread on the carpet.

"It seems that we need to test it..."

Cheng Xu replenished the silk net beside him, and then continued to shoot, killing all the targets.

After completing the task, Cheng Xu waited for a while longer, so that he could capture as many poisonous flying insects as possible.

He stuffed the insects directly into his space backpack and stored them as secret weapons.

"More deadly than spiders, not bad."

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