Although the hunter had no head, it still retained some human characteristics, holding its neck high and refusing to kneel.

The binding silk in its body was running wildly, absorbing information from the other party, and a large amount of power from the plant body began to fill its body.

Qi Ling still maintained her condescending attitude. The six fingers that originally grew on the side of her palm had been detached and turned into a long red ruler, which she held in her hand.

This is one of Qi Ling's skills, called "Judge's Ruler", located at the top area of ​​the skill tree branch, and is a skill that can only be unlocked in the very late stage.

But her skills are not the kind of mode that can be unlocked once and used for life. As long as her spirit value reaches the specified value, she can use the corresponding skills.

The "Judge's Ruler" is a skill she activates when her spirit value is at its peak.

With the "Judge's Ruler", she can summon a large number of "torture instruments" to attack. For enemies who have committed sins, she can also launch "Judgment" to directly launch an attack that is almost at the level of causality.

At this moment, the hunter has been hit by two "Judgments". In Qi Ling's eyes, it has no chance of escape.

So Qi Ling summoned the "Torture Instrument·Killing Stick" to kill it directly.

"Evil villain, why don't you kneel! Come! Killing sticks are waiting!"

Two red wooden sticks inlaid with iron hoops slowly appeared and smashed down on the hunter!

Just when the stick was about to touch the body of the stalker, the stalker who had been patient for a long time suddenly jumped up, turned into a shadow, and launched a surprise attack on Qi Ling with the scream of a ghost...

The stalker's thin figure came in an instant, relying on the "Light Shadow Kill" skill from Cheng Xu, directly breaking through all of Qi Ling's defenses.

The scarlet blade in the stalker's hand suddenly stabbed out, with the desire to kill Qi Ling, and moved forward!


But it overlooked one point, the "Judge's Ruler" in Qi Ling's hand was not just a medium for launching skills, but a real heavy weapon.

Relying on the powerful mental power, Qi Ling swung a ruler and collided with the tip of the stalker's dagger, making a tooth-grinding sound.

The two figures intersected again, and the stalker's sudden attack was easily resolved by Qi Ling.

"Spiritual power... I understand!"

The hunter who landed on the ground exclaimed, as if he had just figured out a difficult problem, and his voice was full of unrestrained joy.


Around its body, a constantly expanding spiritual wave suddenly appeared, and the scene in it was completely opposite to Qi Ling's "clear space", full of hazy warm snow.

"Judgment! Deceiving officials and deceiving superiors, multiple crimes are punished together, and the punishment should be imposed!"

A huge iron ball emerged from the air and suddenly smashed towards the hunter without any delay.

But when it fell on the hunter's head, it froze in place, and there was no imagined roar.

"Hehe! I understand! I understand..."

The hunter's voice became much smoother, and his voice was different from Cheng Xu's, becoming more cheerful and more like a child.

"Your mental power has not formed a physical power. You just made me believe that they exist, so as to force me to hurt myself!"

The hunter stepped into Qi Ling's "clear space" step by step. Countless warm snows surrounded it and slowly fell with its steps.

"Your power is really diverse, physical skills, swordsmanship, belief control... Humans are really an inexhaustible treasure!"

The hunter's power leaped the moment it stepped into the "clear space". At this time, it had accepted the promotion from the plant body and possessed a strong mental power.

The hunter's soul still maintained the tattered form like a cloth strip, but it had full initiative and would no longer be manipulated by others. It could grow fangs and spikes to fight back.

The hunter walked in front of Qi Ling, stretched out a hand, and swung it in front of her casually twice as if stirring the river water, releasing a chaotic mental fluctuation.

Qi Ling's spiritual power suddenly lost balance, and the "clear space" collapsed instantly. A large amount of spiritual power was scattered everywhere, and her power instantly became chaotic and uncontrollable.

"Guess how I cracked this secret..."

The hunter did not rush to kill Qi Ling, but slowly walked around her, full of pride and arrogance.

Qi Ling fell to the ground in pain, her lower body was still paralyzed, unable to move, and the sword

The "Judge's Ruler" has also disappeared and turned back into her spiritual organ.

Her spiritual value has begun to drop like a reservoir, most of her skills have become ineffective, and snowflakes have begun to fall, covering her figure.

"Your power comes not only from yourself, but also from my mother's gift, the powerful binding silk..."

"But you have to know that the gift has a price. The deeper you humans merge with the binding silk, the more I can know..."

"Whether it is your power composition or your mental obsession, as long as I get my mother's consent, she will share it with me for free!"

The hunter opened his arms and enjoyed the warm snow falling from the sky. That feeling made him understand a word he had never experienced before - "embrace".

"What a pity, this is all I can learn from you. I will take your power and become the ultimate winner of this evolution!"

"Bang... Boom!"

The hunter raised the dagger in his hand and was about to give Qi Ling the most artistic death posture, but a figure emitting purple crystal light suddenly appeared...

With a roar like a cannonball, he directly crashed into the hunter who was a little too proud of himself, and the violent force knocked his body directly more than ten meters away.

The person who came was none other than Qi Ling's eldest brother.

He stared at the battle intently from the beginning, always feeling that the person was like his third sister, but he could never be sure.

Since Qi Ling activated the "Judge Ruler", her hair has been standing up and suspended in the air. In addition, there was warm snow blocking the surroundings, making it even more difficult for him to determine the other party's identity.

In the previous game, he and his second brother, the "Watchmaker", survived this round because they listened to the advice of the third sister, so he kept the advice left by the third sister in mind.

"Don't be reckless, be cautious, confirm the situation first... confirm it, what if it's really the third sister!"

When Qi Ling was at a disadvantage, her eldest brother couldn't help it, picked up his strongest equipment and ran out the door.

Before Qi Ling was killed, the eldest brother activated the "Holy Shield Impact" that his equipment could only launch once, and sacrificed himself to knock the hunter away.

"Third sister! Don't talk first, listen to me this time!"

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