The crystal car built by Zhang Duanxing has his usual imagination. The car, carrying the unconscious Qi Ling, ran in a city full of distorted creatures until the energy ran out. The shell of the crystal car, which had lost its energy, suddenly caught fire and fell headfirst into a pile of mud. The flames had a power similar to Zhang Duanxing's, attracting the surrounding metal-rich materials to move closer to itself, melting them all and sticking them around itself. A few minutes later, the distorted creatures who had just sensed the abnormality nearby and wanted to take a look found that the car had turned into a huge garbage dump. Deep in the garbage dump filled with all kinds of things, Qi Ling, whose spirit value dropped below 20%, had fallen into a deep sleep, and it was unknown when she would wake up.

The hunter who originally planned to continue chasing her chose to take a detour because he was blocked by Zhang Duanxing, who had transformed into a giant beast.

In fact, the giant beast had long forgotten why he wanted to stop the hunter. It only remembered that it had a very important reason to stand here, even if it died.

When the hunter left, the giant beast stood there for a long time, thinking about why he stood here, and let out a puzzled and painful roar.

"Kashijia: Tears in my eyes, I decided to put this part together with "Ghost Bridegroom" to make a collection, named "The Touching Between Life and Death""

"Ruqie: Your naming skills are too bad"

"Kashijia: What, do you dislike my low cultural level?"

"Ruqie: It's not a problem of level, it's simply that you lack artistic cultivation"

"Kashijia: Tsk, that's because I lost contact with the tribe, without database support, and only the knowledge I learned in my active cerebral lobe is left"

"Kashijia: But no matter what, I am better than you. I don't believe that your empty head can understand "art""

"Rubber Eggplant: After all, I am the prince of the queen of the insect swarm. I have tasted and seen it, so I still have some artistic accomplishment."

"Kaxi Eggplant: Then you give it a name."

"Rubber Eggplant: Silk of Sadness and Wrongness."

"Kaxi Eggplant: Pretentious, I am diagnosed with literary youth disease."

"Rubber Eggplant: Why is it not better than your old-fashioned name?"

"Kaxi Eggplant: Anyway, I am the editor and producer."

"Rubber Eggplant: ..."

Besides these noises, Cheng Xu, who had not been paid attention to for a long time, had accepted his own silk blessing, and his mental value limit soared to more than twice the original.

At this moment, in his shelter, it has become a world like an insect nest, with a large number of black and white silks spewing out wantonly, weaving a complex net.

In the center of the big net, there is a cocoon, Cheng Xu is wrapped in it, and is receiving the final power of the silk. His fusion with the silk has reached 90%.

Under the influence of the silk binding, Cheng Xu had a long-lost dream, returning to a place he never wanted to mention, the Five Elements Academy.

When that place was advertised to the outside world, it had always been under the banner of "corrective treatment, Chinese classics, and quitting Internet addiction", luring parents to send their children there.

In fact, their treatment can cure any "disease".

Violence and threats are the only treatment methods that exist in this "academy".

Cheng Xu returned to the small dark room where he was locked up three times. The muddy floor, the stinking toilet bucket, and the bowl full of swill made him feel disgustingly familiar.

In the corner, a thin boy huddled up, his back to Cheng Xu, breathing tremblingly.

Cheng Xu walked up to him, slowly stretched out a hand, and put it on his shoulder to stop his trembling.

"Why, you remembered?"

The boy turned around and smiled.

His face gradually changed, slowly overlapping with the demon living in Cheng Xu's heart.

The environment around Cheng Xu also changed quietly. He did not know when he returned to his shelter. The familiar arrow-making platform made Cheng Xu feel at ease.

"It seems that you still don't want to remember those things. It doesn't matter. I will remember them for you. After all, I was summoned by you to do this..."

The demon patted the dirt on his body, leaned over and sat on the windowsill, and sighed.

"Cheng Xu, do you know why you are here?"

Cheng Xu turned his head to look into his eyes, which reflected the city outside the shelter. Huge deformed creatures were cruising, wandering

The sky was covered with black snow like mud.


"Because that thing is taking away everything from us."

The demon raised his hand, with a piece of white silk wrapped around his fingertips.

That thing grew out of his blood vessels and was slowly wriggling, like some kind of terrible parasite.

"Power has a price. It uses power to tempt you to join, and takes away all your information as a bargaining chip for its own evolution..."

The demon pulled the piece of white silk from his fingertips, pinched it casually, and turned it into a crystal, which flickered with white light.

"How about we make a deal?"

The demon placed the crystal in Cheng Xu's palm, watching it bloom again, turning into white binding silk, and wrapping Cheng Xu's palm.

"I will continue to keep everything in the past for you, and you need to give it your current memories."

"Can you guarantee that they will never be released again?"

"Of course, unless you insist on digging..."


A large amount of binding silk instantly wrapped Cheng Xu and pulled him out of the dream.

When he opened his eyes, the black and white bindings had collapsed, turned into liquid substances, and merged with Cheng Xu again.

Cheng Xu clearly felt that the power contained in his body had increased, and some things from the belief proliferation body had completely become a part of Cheng Xu.

"Woven armor..."

The first thing Cheng Xu sensed was a layer of something that replaced the fat layer in his body.

That layer of material was made of bindings, which was extremely tough, had a very strong anti-cutting ability, and extremely exaggerated self-healing properties. As long as the external damage could not penetrate this layer, it meant that Cheng Xu was completely unharmed.

Moreover, these bindings also protected Cheng Xu's internal organs, adding a layer of cushion to them, which could effectively prevent blunt attacks.

"My bones seem to have been reshaped..."

Cheng Xu's bones were completely reshaped by the bindings. On the basis of retaining the original functions, his bone density was greatly increased, and the strength of the ligaments was also increased.

Now Cheng Xu can jump directly from the sixth floor without worrying about injury.

"This is equivalent to completing an evolution... Thank you, Faith Multiplier, I wonder if you have found what you want..."

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