The moment the "wandering neurons" emitted a large amount of mental fluctuations, the circuits of the surrounding shops instantly melted, and a large amount of electric sparks spread into the air.

Driven by instinct, Cheng Xu launched directly and rushed into the sky to avoid the arcs running on the ground.

A group of translucent films grew around his body, like a glider, transporting Cheng Xu directly to the surface of the giant beast.

Although Cheng Xu's two-minute invisibility time limit has not yet expired, the giant beast's mental perception has locked his body and released all-round mental spikes to attack Cheng Xu.

The illusory and invisible mental spikes are like arrows born specifically for sniping souls, sharp and swift.

But in front of Cheng Xu at this time, those mind spikes were no longer comparable to arrows, at most they were just sharp blades wielded by the enemy.

A shadow suddenly appeared all over Cheng Xu's body, and "Chaoying Tu Mi" was activated, which improved his speed and reaction ability. The siege of those mind spikes also appeared flaws in his eyes.

Taking a step forward, Cheng Xu's body shrank like a swift, and he escaped from the siege of more than a dozen spikes.

But those mind spikes did not stop there. More synapses were activated by the giant beast, and like a machine gun position, a large number of mind spikes were fired at Cheng Xu.

Facing the torrential barrage, Cheng Xu suddenly felt as if he was no longer between life and death, but became the protagonist of the barrage game...

A large number of binding threads appeared around his brain, fully stimulating the brain nerves to perform calculations, looking for the vacancies where those mind spikes existed.

Six thin binding threads grew around Cheng Xu's body, sometimes turning into appendages, sometimes turning into wings, helping him to accelerate and dodge.

A huge number of mind spikes passed by Cheng Xu, exploded on the body of the giant beast, and exploded into a mass of mind storms that had already turned into substance.

In the crazy explosion, Cheng Xu's eyes were filled with the enthusiasm of a challenger and the calmness of a killer, staring at his target, the crystal core hidden under the synapse.

Countless complex information flows collided in his mind, and information about the enemy's actions, positions, attack strength, etc. condensed into several huge clumps, constantly flashing like stars in the sky.

And Cheng Xu, at this time, was like an ancient astrologer, with his arms open, waiting for the arrival of the nine stars in a row.

When a mind spike flew past Cheng Xu's forehead, he heard a crisp buzzing sound like a sword hitting a sheath, and a fine red line appeared in Cheng Xu's field of vision...

Cut! !

Cheng Xu's figure passed through the artillery fire in an instant, and the folding knife in his hand drew a shocking arc, cutting off the beast's neural synapses!

After being nourished by the binding silk, the "Hundred Files" had grown a crack full of jagged teeth. At this moment, it was holding the edge of a crystal core and pulling it out of the beast's tissue.

The binding silk around Cheng Xu directly dissolved the beast's crystal core, completely swallowed it, and turned it into its own power.

At the moment when the crystal core was swallowed, a mental barrier suddenly appeared on Cheng Xu's body, which was almost exactly the same as the beast's attack wave.

The two mental powers from the same source could not disintegrate each other at all, and the result of the collision was only mutual fusion.

When more mental spikes attacked Cheng Xu, Cheng Xu ignored their impact and rushed straight to the remaining neural synapses along the way, stepping on the blasting drumbeats.

The second synapse was directly smashed by Cheng Xu's shoulder, and the crystal core was also dug out of the beast's body very roughly, dissolved and swallowed.

As Cheng Xu swallowed more and more crystals, his mental shield became thicker and thicker, and the means of dismantling the giant beast's mental synapses became more and more brutal.

Some synapses were even uprooted by Cheng Xu. The feeling of having the brain taken away from the skull by others made the "wandering neuron" feel desperate.

The thoughtful administrator placed the shooting point near Cheng Xu's forehead the moment Cheng Xu approached the giant beast, and all the audience had an immersive experience.

In the first half, they felt like they were watching an action movie dodging bullets special, and in the second half, they felt like they were appreciating a violent aesthetic art work.

When Cheng Xu dismantled the last crystal core, the "wandering neuron" was completely declared dead, and the remaining body fell softly and stopped moving.

Those still alive "polycephalic hydras" quickly turned the tables and began to devour the dead body of the giant beast.

Cheng Xu, who finally had the skill of "stealth", suddenly felt

He felt a little disappointed, because he basically didn't need to hide anymore with the power he had now.

Cheng Xu's self-confidence swelled to the extreme. He felt that even if the hunter appeared in front of him, he could fight with that guy now.

"Having such an idea... means I'm tired of fighting. If I continue like this, I might capsize in the ditch. I'll go home and take some wood with me."

Cheng Xu's figure suddenly disappeared, as if it was wiped out by the entire space, silently, and a tree that was broken by the giant beast on the side of the road also suddenly disappeared in half.

"Thorn Eggplant: How is it! Isn't the first person very cool!"

"Water Eggplant: Genius, you do this"

"Vine Eggplant: By the way, have you fixed the bugs?"

"Thorn Eggplant: It's almost fixed, the only thing left is to raise the wall of the mall by 600 meters"

"Vine Eggplant: What do you mean, raise it higher?"

"Thorn Eggplant: Yes, the order issued by Lord Disaster himself requires us to raise it to 1,300 meters. Now the deputy team leader is cursing while raising the foundation"

"Vine Eggplant: It's hard for the deputy team leader, he is so busy every day that he doesn't even have time to chat"

"Bitong Eggplant: I just don't like to talk"

"Vine Eggplant:!"

"Bitong Eggplant: @Water Eggplant, do you have any deformed creatures left over from the last experiment? Move some to the outer wall of the mall"

"Water Eggplant: There were only some plant-like creatures left last time, no waiting Wait until the next distortion?"

"Bi Dong Qie: The next distortion is two-in-one, and the plant community and the animal and plant gene mapping are merged into a distortion stage by Lord Disaster"

"Shui Qie: So anxious? Then I'll go get those curly snake grass and parasitic vines now"

"Teng Qie: Doesn't that mean there are only five days left before the city is revitalized?"

"Bi Dong Qie: Maybe even shorter"

"Teng Qie: I feel sorry for the deputy team leader for a second, but doesn't that mean the 1,300-meter-high wall you built will collapse in five days"

"Kaxi Qie: You're always talking about things"

"Bi Dong Qie: Okay, let's get to work, @Teng Qie, come and help me"

"Teng Qie: Deputy team leader, you can't take revenge!"

"Bi Dong Qie: What are you complaining about? You're the only one in the team who hasn't worked. Stop slacking off and help me make some hot-melt elements to stabilize the wall"

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