The dead tree was covered with blood, and the dead tree was buried in the ground.

The silent black trees suddenly came to life, and the roots quickly decomposed from the intricate tangled state and turned into symmetrical limbs similar to those of primitive echinoderms.

Their branches gradually got rid of the inorganic state and began to condense, turning into long fleshy spikes hanging on the top of the tree, looking like a group of earthworms hanging on it.

Among those earthworm spikes, there was a huge eye, which trembled from time to time and scanned everything around.

When Cheng Xu's binding storm stopped, his figure completely disappeared, and even the activated trees could not sense his existence.

Cheng Xu used the knowledge he learned during the previous climb to mimic his binding wire into a slender, straight long stick, supporting his body and reaching the canopy.

At this moment, he was like an old man sitting on a fishing platform, squatting on the binding wire pole, waiting for his attack to take effect.

A group of purple spores suddenly burst out from the crack of a tree, and then the wound on its bark quickly festered and turned into a sticky purple thick substance.

The "Weeping Blood Species" that Cheng Xu had absorbed before gave his attack the same ability. Any creature hit would be infected with the Blood Species fungus.

These fungi will grow rapidly, absorb the energy of the injured, and construct more Blood Species creatures.

Soon, the group of purple mucus began to flow wantonly, proliferating in large quantities in the root layer of those activated trees, and a layer of purple fog quickly enveloped the entire forest.

A few minutes later, the trees that were forcibly revitalized entered death, and a large number of purple humanoid creatures were born from the mucus, crying softly.

The crystal core belonging to the giant beast, after losing its body, gradually solidified and floated to the surface of the mucus.

Cheng Xu easily picked up the crystal core and was about to swallow it, but the binding threads in his body felt abnormal.

Cheng Xu put the crystal core in front of him and observed it carefully. It was completely different from the pure white crystal cores of the deformed creatures in the past.

One end was a wood grain structure with a little green, one end was flesh and blood tissue with deformed blood vessels, and the center was a white crystal mixed with some sand and gravel.

These three were connected to each other in a very peculiar way, and through the transformation of the white crystal, they formed a nearly perfect circulatory system.

Cheng Xu could feel the power contained in this crystal core, and gradually, the binding threads on his body had an extremely strong desire.

Cheng Xu placed the crystal core on his right chest, feeling the desire rising in his heart, waiting for his body to merge with it...

But a few seconds later, he felt an uncomfortable tremor in his body, his heartbeat began to become disordered, his blood vessels swelled and ached, and the strong and rapid tinnitus was like an alarm...

This sudden discomfort almost made Cheng Xu fall directly from a height.

After the discomfort ended, Cheng Xu found that the crystal core was not absorbed by him, and was still held in his hand, and it was completely unable to merge with the binding silk on his body.

"...Put it away first."

After all, this place is not a shelter, Cheng Xu decided to go back and solve the other mission target first.

The woods in front of the mall had turned into a purple swamp within a few minutes, and occasionally some tree shells left by the blood-breaking creatures could be seen floating on the mucus.

The blood-breaking creatures did not have any aggression towards Cheng Xu, but instead had a lot of intimacy, as if Cheng Xu was their foreign friend.

"The blood-breaking species... in a sense, it is symbiotic with me. I have a hunch that more creatures will merge with me in this way in the future."

In the mall, the "Water Snake", which had already sensed the movements outside, had already prepared for the battle. Hundreds of cobra-like appendages of different sizes all stood up.

Like the two giant beasts outside that merged with each other, the "Water Snake" was also trying to move to a higher level.

Originally, it was just a snake-shaped giant beast. After being captured by the plant-type giant beast named "Water Wood", it accidentally merged with it.

Their fusion progress was faster than the two outside. They soon constructed a crystal core with a very perfect combination and were reborn as the "Water Snake".

Originally, this giant beast was very powerful and had a strong regeneration ability. It was generally difficult to be completely killed.

But Cheng Xu arrived at a very coincidental time, just when it was trying to build a new self.

That simple flower that looked like it came from the Triassic period was the result of its efforts, and it contained a new body that it had built by extracting 50% of its own energy.

In order to ensure that its new body survived the fragile period, it even attracted two other giants to come and traded with them, letting the two giants guard the door for it.

Originally, this old body would have completely withered and been swallowed by the other two giants at the moment the new body was born.

But now, the sudden change made it feel fear, and the process of the birth of the new body was forced to stop.

It had to pin all its hopes on the remaining body, hoping to scare off its enemies by intimidation.

But Cheng Xu, who had "stealth" and "hiding traces", was basically a silent and transparent person. Unless you touch him directly, there is no way to directly detect his existence.

So, Cheng Xu easily found a gap between those snake heads with long teeth bared, and got into the mall.

"There is no crystal core in this guy's body? But the energy focus is in that flower..."

Cheng Xu walked to the side of the small flower almost leisurely, and "Hundred Files" cut the stem of the flower with a light cut.


The hundreds of snake heads fell down with a bang, and lost their breath in an instant, which scared Cheng Xu.

Cheng Xu, who was originally ready to fight a deadly battle, found that his skills were useless, and those snake heads had no fighting power at all.

"In short... can't waste it."

Cheng Xu used the hydraulic bone blade of Dao Mantis to cut off the connection points between the snake heads and the woody roots one by one, and then began to dissect their venom sacs.

After more than ten minutes, Cheng Xu gave up the idea of ​​continuing the dissection.

The large amount of high-quality venom of the snake directly filled up Cheng Xu's two space backpacks. These were only three snake heads. Cheng Xu really had no place to put the venom.

Unwilling to give up, Cheng Xu threw out some more things, freed up two small backpacks, and filled two bags of venom back like drawing water from a well.

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