The old man was standing on the ground, and the old man was standing on the ground.

Cheng Xu held his breath and walked to the elevator partition, and found that the bags of things piled on the ground were gone.

But the three doors were not closed and were still wide open.


(A paragraph that almost made me die was deleted, it was too hard for me)

On the floor of the room, several footprints could be vaguely seen.

Cheng Xu quietly walked into the room, quickly checked the surrounding environment, and found that the dusty footprints went to the bathroom.

The bathroom door was locked, and the faint knocking sound came from inside.

Cheng Xu first checked the bedroom next to it and found that no one was there, so he ambushed next to the bathroom, waiting for the thing inside that might be a person to come out.


There was a breathing sound in the bathroom, which sounded like the comfortable hissing sound of someone smoking.

Sure enough, there was someone!

Cheng Xu continued to squat outside the bathroom, trying to judge what the guy inside was doing by the sound.


Something was thrown to the ground and made a noise.

After a few seconds, the sound disappeared, replaced by a sound of smoking.

Cheng Xu still didn't understand what was going on inside. Suddenly, there was a loud sound in the bathroom, as if someone was talking to each other, and the sound was very loud.

"It sounds... like someone is watching a movie secretly?"

A few minutes later, the sound sounded again...

Finally, after a comfortable sigh, the sound of the movie was completely turned off.

There was a sound of water in the sink, as if someone was washing something.

After a while, the door of the bathroom was opened, and a person came out carrying something.

"Oh... it's great..."

Just as he was sighing, Cheng Xu, who was hiding next to him, rushed out and stabbed him in the chest with his fist blade!

The tall and very strong man was startled, and subconsciously raised the things in his hands to resist.

Cheng Xu felt that the fist blade penetrated something soft, and then it was deeply stuck in it, and there was no way to go further.

But the saber in his right hand had already stabbed out, leaving a big hole in the right chest of the man.

The man who felt the pain was a little flustered, dropped everything, and ran towards the nearest window.

While running, the man shouted loudly: "Help! Help!"

"Bang! Crash..."

His strong body actually smashed the glass directly and flew out of the window.


The man's body fell to the ground and there was no movement.

Cheng Xu glanced at the fist blade in his left hand, which was pierced with something difficult to describe.

"Where did you find these survivors? Why do they all seem to have some mental illness..."

"Ci Tian Qie: Haha, maybe he discovered the secret of these survivors..."

"Bi Dong Qie: After all, the rules were set by Lord Disaster himself. No one without a mental illness will be accepted."

"Rosega: I don't quite understand why they chose mentally ill people this time?"

"Nan Qie: They are even less united. After all, they all have intolerable morbidities. In this case, guys like the No. 1 seed will appear."

"Teng Qie: I like this guy. Does it mean that I also have some mental illness..."

"Ci Tian Qie: Yes, I was a little scared when I saw the way you dealt with the group of cross-border people last time. It was a stick to tear people alive, and five people were dismembered..."

Cheng Xu went to the window to check on the man's condition and found that he was lying on the ground with a twisted neck and a pool of blood under him.

"He should be dead, but just in case, who knows what skills he has..."

Cheng Xu pushed a flower pot down the window and hit the guy's head accurately.

"It's a pity that the supplies are gone. Let's go back and prepare for the evening. From what he said, he should have companions."

Cheng Xu quickly left the scene and left the fifth floor quietly.

As soon as Cheng Xu left, a man hurried down the stairs, holding a machete in his hand, with a fierce look on his face.

The man was also muscular and looked as strong as two Cheng Xu.

There was no "caution" or "careful" on the man. These words were equivalent to "sissy" to him.

The guy walked into the corridor on the fifth floor and yelled directly: "Who's in there!"

Cheng Xu, who had just returned to the fourth floor, heard the guy's voice

, carefully thought about the possibility of taking action.

"Physical strength 37... If he rushes down, I have a chance of winning, but it's not worth it."

Cheng Xu gently opened the door of his house and slowly closed it, almost without any sound.

The guy's extremely loud voice rang out, and Cheng Xu could hear it clearly even through a floor.

"Fuck you! Don't care who you are! Let me, Zheng Tian, ​​find you and I will definitely chop off your head to commemorate my brother!!"

"How did such a person survive the first night... Could it be that he relied on chopping?"

In the last time of the day, Cheng Xu planned his house and used all the reinforcement materials.

All the windows were reinforced by Cheng Xu with iron plates and wooden boards. If it was a monster of the level of the licker yesterday, it would be impossible to knock the window open again.

The anti-theft door was also equipped with an additional layer of protection, and even two new hinges were installed to prevent it from being forced open.

Cheng Xu placed the remaining reinforcement materials in the bathroom and arranged it as his second line of defense.

After doing all this, his house panel is as follows:

"House number: 2-0403"

"House type: Fortress"

"House level: lv1"

"House reinforcement: iron plate 4/6, iron bar 3/12, wooden board 5/10, additional installation (hinge * 2)"

"House health value: 1613/1630"

"The door that was broken by the pseudo-man yesterday has not been completely repaired, but it's no big deal..."

After repairing all this, Cheng Xu found that there was still an hour before the evening.

"I feel like I'm about to become Da Vinci. I'm almost used to this kind of multiple sleep..."

Cheng Xu lay on his bed, put the saber under the pillow, and fell into a deep sleep.

"Nanqie: Are the monsters to be deployed tonight ready?"

"Shuiqie: Ready, according to the request of Lord Disaster, I added several special monsters"

"Nanqie: Very good, send the distribution map"

"Shuiqie: I adjusted the distribution of special monsters a little, so that they appear in crowded places as much as possible, do you think it's okay?"

"Shuiqie: Arrangement"

"Nanqie: Sure, let's prepare"

(Under force majeure, I still changed a lot...)

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