The parasite was actually successful.

"Did it really succeed in parasitizing?"

Cheng Xu found that his body did not resist at all, and the scales and bindings were in a free state without any reaction, and they did not react to external invasion.

His body was now like a car out of control, with only the engine still running, and neither the steering wheel nor the brakes worked.

"Speaking of which... I seemed to have remembered something just now..."

Cheng Xu recalled everything that had just happened, and the memory full of curses and malice became blurred again, leaving only a silhouette exuding a breath of fear.

"Half of your foot has already stepped into that hell, man, but fortunately only the tip of your shoe is wet..."

The demon who had disappeared for a long time appeared again, still leaning against his favorite window sill, with a lazy look that was slightly cramped.

"But fortunately you have three brains to bear the damage. The current situation is the best result."

Cheng Xu looked at the demon and felt vaguely that he should thank him, but he couldn't say it.

"My original body...what's the situation now?"



"Yes, he faced your sad past, was captured by grief, and almost died of spiritual suicide."

"So what should we do now?"

"Fusion, what else can we do? Replace his nerves with your plant brain for the time being, and let him complete this stage of evolution."

"Fusion? How to merge?"

The demon shrugged and disappeared.

"Ah...then we can only try it."

The roots of the plant clone quickly contacted the nerves of Cheng Xu's original body and began to gradually replace the nerve tissues that once belonged to humans.


In a corner of the city, Qi Ling, who was sleeping underground, was awakened by a low roar. The sound came from a human, which made Qi Ling feel inexplicably distressed.

After waking up, Qi Ling found that her body seemed to be stuck somewhere, and she couldn't move at all. There was only a tiny gap where she could stretch her body.

She felt that if she didn't get out, the human would die, so she stretched her body desperately and struggled to crawl out of the gap...

When she came out of the gap, she found that her body had turned into the roots of a plant, without any human characteristics at all.

Qi Ling was a little stunned, feeling the branches that stretched out of the ground, and it was a little hard to accept for a while.

"Why did I become a plant..."

A painful humming sound from a human came, which made Qi Ling put aside her doubts and quickly spread her roots to explore the direction where the sound came from.

Outside the crack where she was sleeping, there was a human covered with plant branches and leaves, who had fallen into a deep coma and trembled unconsciously.

Qi Ling saw his face, and his slightly fat cheeks were full of scars.

"Second brother..."

Qi Ling wanted to call him, but found that she couldn't make any sound anyway, so she could only spread a burst of urgent mental fluctuations.

Her mental fluctuations dispersed the plants parasitic on her second brother's body, and a large number of plant branches and leaves quickly turned yellow, turned into dry black fragments, withered and scattered.

Qi Ling put her branches on the face of her second brother and gently called his name.

"Duan Zhicai... Second brother... Duan Second brother... Wake up..."

Duan Zhicai, who was in a coma, vaguely heard a voice that made him feel at ease, and forcibly pulled him out of the endless hell.

"Cough cough... Um..."

The weak Duan Zhicai opened his eyes miraculously, and forced his exhausted body to sit up.

When he saw the plant in front of him clearly, he was almost scared to death again.

There were no leaves on the white vines, only a human face like a mask, looking at him and smiling at this moment.

But then, he heard that gentle voice again, which sounded very much like his third sister.

"Brother, it's me. Can you still recognize my voice?"

"Is it really... you? That dream is real..."

Duan Zhicai grabbed the white vine with some excitement, but was afraid of hurting it, so he let it go gently.

But the vine gently wrapped around his fingers, emitting gentle spiritual fluctuations.

"I don't know what's going on now. If my soul is attached to this plant now, there is a high possibility that my... body will be underneath."

"Ahem... Ha, sister,

Ask your eldest brother to dig it. I am afraid that I will not live long..."

Duan Zhicai felt the powerlessness in his body, and the cold silence was spreading up his legs.

He knew that this feeling was death, the final cooling of life away from all warmth.

"No, it's not time yet, second brother, I think I can try..."

Qi Ling's plant body quickly drilled into Duan Zhicai's body, patched up all the wounds in his body, and used her own plant tissue as filler to save his damaged body.

Her branches were like surgical sutures, accurately filling every inch of the gap and repairing Duan Zhicai's missing organs.

Duan Zhicai did not feel any pain. On the contrary, the coldness of the loss of vitality was dispelled by a sudden warmth and disappeared completely.

In less than two minutes, his body resumed function, and his body functions gradually returned to normal levels.

"How is it? I feel that your vital signs should be stable...”

“Sister, thank you for coming to me in your dream last night and letting me find you... Otherwise, I, your second brother, would have become a pile of fertilizer a long time ago...”

Qi Ling's slender branches emerged from the cracks in the ground, with a bunch of fluffy roots and a broken bone.

Qi Ling slowly attached the roots to Duan Zhicai's chest, growing rapidly and completely suturing the wounds on his body.

The slender branches that had completed the repair work suddenly stretched out, and a small white flower with five petals grew at the tip. It was only the size of a fingernail, but the smell was very fresh.

The flower bloomed next to Duan Zhicai's nose, instantly dispelling the stench in the plant hell, making Duan Zhicai feel refreshed.

“Second brother, I can feel where the eldest brother is, let's go find him...”

“Okay! "

Duan Zhicai felt the surging energy coming from the plant, carefully collected the bones scattered on the ground, and walked quickly in the direction indicated by Qi Ling.

"I didn't expect that the three of us were still alive..."

"I don't know if I am still alive..."

"What you said is true. Even if you become a potted flower, you are still my sister. Since you saved me and your elder brother, I swear that no matter what happens to you, I will treat you as my own sister!"

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