The hunter slowly unfolded a scarlet spider web made of plant fibers, supporting Yin Shou, who had already turned into a mummy.

At this moment, Yin Shou's body was completely dehydrated, and his bones had shrunk. He shrank from about 1.7 meters to less than 1 meter.

His various body organs began to harden, and his muscles and skin, which had lost water, showed a texture similar to firewood, with some loose lines in the hardness.


Yin Shou's arm was directly broken off by the hunter.

The hunter had no worries. In its senses, the guy opposite had completely lost his threat, and even if he launched an assault, he had to accumulate strength again.

And most toxins have no effect on it, so the hunter went straight to work and began to dissect Yin Shou's body alive.


The hunter carefully "tasted" Yin Shou's arm with the binding thread, and found that the energy substances contained in the arm were really pitiful.

To some extent, Yin Shou at this moment is more extreme than some hibernating plants.

"Since you have no objection, I will continue."

The hunter began to tear along Yin Shou's body in large pieces, and those dry tissues only need to be pulled lightly to completely detach.

Near the shoulder, the parasitic plant is still coexisting with Yin Shou, and it also shows a withered state.

Its exposed stems and branches have turned into dry fragments.

In fact, for Yin Shou, his perception has always existed, and he is particularly sensitive to external dangers.

In the previous few times of danger, the threat from the enemy basically disappeared quickly.

As long as the monsters eat a mouthful of mummy with a mouthful of residue, they will basically never want to eat a second bite.

But the guy with the flower on his head seems to be really using him for "research", which makes Yin Shou start to panic.

While he was thinking about how to deceive that guy, the parasitic plant that had been competing with him for life energy emitted a mental wave.

"Host... crisis... community... reconciliation..."

The parasitic plant, with only a thin layer of roots left, was attached to the edge of Yin Shou's core, and at this moment, it also felt the threat from the hunter.

It decided to make concessions and stop robbing Yin Shou's life energy, and instead merge with him and coexist with each other.

Desperate Yin Shou chose to try his luck for the second time, secretly ruthlessly, and directly agreed to the request of the parasitic plant.

The hunter who was about to dismantle the last piece of Yin Shou's dried tissue suddenly felt a strong energy wave coming from his body!

"Right, a little resistance is interesting..."

The hunter did not choose to attack the focus of energy immediately, but quickly waved his arms to gather the surrounding scarlet bushes and turned them into a blood-red octagonal cage.

The originally dry Yin Shou's body swelled rapidly, and a large amount of plant fiber tissue began to form, replacing the original structure of his body.

His torso abandoned all human organs, leaving only a spine to support the body and more than a dozen layers of thick fiber armor.

And his limbs were also replaced by hydraulic structures, covered with slender and sharp hooked blades.

Yin Shou looked like some kind of crudely made toy, and his body structure was completely out of the scope of humans.

But his consciousness was not infected at all. On the contrary, after reaching a reconciliation with the parasitic plant, his consciousness became clearer than ever before.

"Buzz... Chi!——"

Yin Shou's throat structure was replaced by several intertwined pipes, and he could only make a wild roar like a whistle.

At the moment when Yin Shou roared, four or five green appendages grew out from his back, each with an eye, staring at the hunter opposite.

"I don't know which stage of fusion you are in..."

The hunter waved his hand again, and a piece of red wood condensed in his palm, turning into a shape similar to the "Judge's Ruler".

But unlike the almost completely copied "Judge's Ruler" before, this ruler has the hunter's unique mark and hollow carvings.

At the moment the red heavy ruler appeared, the surrounding sky was dyed scarlet, and the powerful mental power from the hunter quickly pressed down on Yin Shou.

But Yin Shou did not show any reaction at this time. Around him, the parasitic plant formed a mental fluctuation very similar to the hunter, constructing a very tricky protective force field.

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The hunter's mental power is a war hammer, so the protection of the parasitic plant is to add an extra hammer head to the hammer, and put Yin Shou inside.

No matter how the hunter attacks, there will be no result.

"It's getting more and more interesting, but why don't you try to take the initiative to attack..."

The hunter threw the judge's ruler, and the blood-colored substance quickly climbed up, forming a slender blade outside the ruler.

The more slender blade also changed from before, with a lot of twisted structures on it, and even a barb shaped like a wasp's stinger.

At the moment the blade appeared in the palm of the hunter, Yin Shou's figure suddenly jumped up, and rolling yellow sand came out of his body, rushing directly towards the hunter!

The surging yellow sand like the waves poured directly towards the hunter, but Yin Shou, riding on the top of the sand wave, had no intention of continuing to attack.

At the moment when the sand wave blocked his figure, he kicked his legs and wanted to escape from the octagonal cage.

As a survivor who is extremely good at surviving, in Yin Shou's mind, successfully escaping from a battle is the real victory.

But unfortunately, at the moment when his legs exerted force, a dark shadow quietly came...

Although the figure was not as sharp as Cheng Xu, it was a bit more ghostly.

When the long knife in the hands of the stalker slashed violently, the scarlet blade instantly enveloped Yin Shou's body!

His plant body suddenly made a crisp sound, and his two arms were directly cut off.

But his body did not stop because of this. Instead, a large amount of wind and sand sprayed out of his broken arm tube and rushed directly out of the octagonal cage of the stalker.

After successfully escaping from the range of the octagonal cage, the plant behind Yin Shou suddenly began to grow violently, forming a ball of gel in a few seconds.


The gel suddenly broke, revealing the contents inside, which were two individuals exactly the same as Yin Shou.

After the two substitutes were born, Yin Shou activated his skill "Sand Escape Technique" without stopping for a moment.

More sand and dust quickly surged around his body, like a thick brown-yellow fog, completely covering his figure.

In less than half a second, he disappeared below the ground, completely losing his trace.

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