The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Now, my dear friends, please allow me to open the curtain for tonight's performance!!"

The hunter bowed to the violent giant, and a silk-like thing appeared in his palm, which gently rubbed against his other palm.

A moment later, a flying bird with silk binding appeared and flew towards the sky.

At that moment, the violent giant stopped his movements and stared blankly at the sky, gazing at the sky covered by the shadows of the trees.

Duan Zhicai, who was standing in the distance, also felt something and looked up at the sky involuntarily.

Through the signal sent by Qi Ling, he saw the sky hidden outside the twisted trees...

It was a bright white, with the unique texture of plant fibers, trembling slightly in the pores covered by the leaves.


All the survivors in this city, as well as all the surviving deformed creatures, felt a deep tremor from the ground.

The ground of the entire city began to crack, and pale filaments flowed out between the cracks, quickly spreading in every inch of inorganic structure.

All the materials wrapped by the silk threads entered a strange form, began to activate, and possessed uncomfortable vitality.

Rubble and bricks fought each other, asphalt and steel bars intertwined and multiplied, broken advertising stands and traffic lights completed hybridization, generating strange offspring...

The city is alive.

The entire city has turned into a living thing, and began to grow more crazily than those plants, and a large number of "inorganic creatures" beyond cognition began to appear.

The originally lush plant forest was crushed by the edges of inorganic matter and quickly submerged by the tide of reinforced concrete. Twisted high-rise buildings rose from the ground...

"Shuiqie: Boss, did Lord Disaster send any message?"

"Nanqie: I didn't see it, but it's hard to say."

"Shuiqie: This is too fast. The last triple distortion came together in less than a day!"

"Nanqie: The whole city seems to have been fully activated. Next, the mental storm will occur..."

"Nanqie: Finally, I don't know how many survivors can complete the evolutionary path formed in a hurry."

"Shuiqie: Those who can't find the key... will be abandoned?"

"Nanqie: I think Lord Disaster decided so."

"Shuiqie: What about our next game? There are not enough people?"

"Nanqie: Let's wait for Lord Disaster to arrange it."

In the live broadcast, the hunter has been performing magic by himself, and there are only those newly born inorganic creatures as its audience.

"Welcome! Everyone! You are the audience of this performance, and you are also the actors. Please do your best to play your roles well..."

The gray flames on the hunter gradually brightened, and the black impurities were gradually removed, and its entire body transitioned to pure white.

Coincidentally, there was a heavy rain in the sky at this time, and lightning flashed.

A huge pure white flower slowly bloomed in the interlacing of flashes...

The petals that covered the sky slowly fell, and the heavy rain over the entire city was completely covered. The thunder dissipated, the lightning disappeared, and only the huge creature that was as magnificent as the world tree remained.


A soft voice like a sigh sounded in the ears of each creature, as if it was a helpless last words.

"Boom! Bang! Crack..."

The inorganic creatures that had just taken shape quickly collapsed, and a large amount of mental power poured out of their bodies.

The mental power they carried with their newly born souls was extremely pure, without any impurities, and dissipated like a breeze.

But soon, these breeze-like mental powers gathered together, and the intensity increased exponentially. A violent mental storm exploded in the twisted ruins!

Twisted scars began to appear in the sky, various blocks of color merged and spliced ​​in the air, and countless meaningless whispers drifted in the wind...

"A wonderful prelude to evolution... I finally heard it..."

The hunter stood on a pile of broken cement slabs, overlooking the surrounding ruins, stretching his arms obsessively, listening to the prelude to evolution played by his mother.

"All the blessed descendants, evolve... Find your key and go to the other side of life with me..."

The call from the belief multiplier inspired all the living creatures, bringing all the matching creatures together.

Or two, or more, those matching creatures have only one choice...


This death battle called evolution can only end when one of them realizes the true meaning of life.

The area around the stalker was quickly covered by flames. The flames, which were as lush as weeds, burned between the steel and concrete, and there was a faint gray light in the white flames.

"You are finally here. I didn't expect this moment to come so abruptly, and I didn't even make any more dramatic preparations..."

The stalker saw the figure at the end of the flames, with black scales, stepping on the flames and approaching him.

"Your artistic aesthetics are terrible, man..."

The stalker looked at the guy who had almost no aesthetic sense, gently shook his petals, and his slender body revealed a frivolous beauty.

"Of course, I am a pragmatist..."

A human who followed the scaled monster walked in, and with a flick of his hand, a large amount of binding silk sprayed out from his palm, swallowing all the flames released by the stalker.

In the venue, waves of mental storms swept through, and a large number of distorted mental fluctuations flashed between them. Three guys of different shapes looked at each other.

"To be honest, I hate your breath..."

The hunter walked down the platform, and a thick red judge's ruler appeared on his palm, and his own momentum began to rise without concealment.

"I have been trying to get rid of your influence and become a new existence beyond this body, but in the end, I came to a conclusion..."

The hunter's momentum suddenly soared as it stepped forward, reaching its peak ten meters away from Cheng Xu.

"I must swallow your soul to become perfect!"

A huge guillotine like a demon-slaying platform fell from the sky, shattering the distorted mental storm, and slashed towards Cheng Xu and the others!

At the moment when the giant guillotine slashed down, a huge creature smashed the distorted mental storm, broke into the battle site between the hunter and Cheng Xu, and smashed the guillotine with a shield!


The black flames continued to burn on the giant body, and endless anger gushed out from the giant's body...

It was Zhang Duanxing who came here, as well as Duan Zhicai and Qi Ling who were protected by him in his chest!

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