The broken ground was broken, and the ground was broken.

Cheng Xu's figure suddenly crouched down, and a wave of air suddenly exploded around him. Dozens of tiny pits appeared on the concrete floor in an instant, and a large spider-web-like crack appeared next to his feet.


The bursting air waves and the broken ground showed Cheng Xu's terrifying physical strength. He did not use any skills, but at this moment, he was like a cannonball, rushing forward!

Less than half a second after Cheng Xu rushed out, his figure suddenly disappeared, and the powerful attack suddenly became silent.

But the next moment, the blade of "Hundred Files" appeared in front of the hunter, and the blood-red eyes showed greed for killing!

"Nothing more!"

The hunter's body folded in an abrupt manner, as if he had already anticipated Cheng Xu's attack, with almost predictable confidence.

The hunter's twisted figure turned into a shadow in the next second, stabbing at Cheng Xu's defenseless chest!


A green binding silk sprang out of Cheng Xu's body, turning into a huge bone blade of a mantis, colliding with the dagger in the palm of the hunter's hand, making a bang in the air.

The two figures intertwined for a brief moment, and neither of them caused any substantial damage.

"You still underestimate how powerful you are... That kind of precise control of killing, and that kind of judgment that is almost like a foreboding, you don't know how precious they are at all!"

The dagger in the hunter's hand was slightly raised, and the twisted eyes that were very similar to "Hundred Files" kept trembling.

"I once wanted to completely break away from you and get rid of your influence, but no matter how hard I tried, all the forces were gradually converging towards you..."

The hunter slowly walked towards Cheng Xu. Beside it, some tiny red flowers suddenly grew out, swaying and spreading fatal beauty.

"At that time, I understood that my destination would never be able to get rid of your path. We were exactly the same from the beginning."

The flowers surrounding it began to decay, withered grass leaves and petals scattered all over the ground, and many indescribable maggots crawled in the rotten leaves.

"Only by surpassing you can I completely replace you and become a true..."artist"! ”

The maggots behind the stalker were frozen in the moment before they were about to pupate. The flowers on the ground were wrapped by maggots, and the white silk threads were laid out like a velvet carpet.

"Human suffering, death, sorrow, and despair are perfect creative pigments. I can see infinite possibilities from them and create more works..."

The stalker pointed the dagger at Cheng Xu, and the maggots hidden in the silk threads quickly turned into cocoons and piled up together.

"And you, who call yourself an "artist", but so far, except for me, you have no decent creations..."

When the maggots emerged from the cocoons again, they had turned into bright red butterflies, more gorgeous than the flowers just now.

They It flapped its wings and flew towards Cheng Xu's pupa, like a storm full of dreamy colors.

Just as the stalker said, Cheng Xu did not feel any killing intent from the butterfly, and still stood there without dodging.

"Look, you are a pure "killer". Even when facing such an amazing spectacle, you will only consider the danger and will not appreciate it at all..."

The stalker's legs suddenly exerted force, and at the same time, a large number of binding wires appeared from its back, pushing its body into the sky.

The stalker jumped high like a meteorite falling from the sky, falling with an extremely violent breath, and the dagger in his hand has turned into a slender blade, slashing at Cheng Xu!

"The waterfall is like a star! "

The slashing blow, as powerful as a waterfall, came from the female swordsman who was defeated by the stalker, but she had never used this sword in front of the stalker.

Because her swordsmanship had not yet reached such a level.

Cheng Xu's figure disappeared in an instant, and as usual, he flashed behind the stalker and fought back with "Hundred Files".

The stalker also knew that his attack would fail, so he had already withdrawn his hand in advance and blocked the bloody crack of "Hundred Files" with his blade.


"Look, this is the difference between you and me..."

The stalker swung his long sword, and the blade quickly collapsed. After a moment, it condensed into a red judge's ruler, which was extremely heavy and majestic.

"I am constantly learning from others, making up for my own shortcomings, and taking the strengths of hundreds of schools. I have surpassed everything you have!"

The stalker

Taking a step forward, purple flames ignited on it, and more mixed energy surged and spread outward beside it.

These energies had no intention of attacking, but only carried the breath of the original owners of those powers.

The storm blew beside Cheng Xu, and those complex breaths merged together, without giving him any feeling of "higher level".

"You just absorbed some knowledge from that big flower, these things are not your own power."

Cheng Xu was unmoved, still holding his dagger tightly, waiting for the other party to show a flaw.

"No! The owners of these powers are not at a higher level than me now. I have already realized the true meaning of evolution!"

A surge of life energy burst out from the body of the hunter, and several branches with eyes suddenly grew out, and its breath changed instantly.

At this moment, the hunter showed the breath of a fused creature, and the level was indeed one level higher than before.

"I have taken the next step! The evolutionary path that my mother has paved for us is just ahead, and the prelude to the evolution of life has already sounded for me..."

A large number of gray flames appeared around it, spreading rapidly like weeds, quickly occupying the entire space, adding a bit of weirdness to the already depressing illusion.

The hunter, showing the power of the plant body, floated up and pointed the heavy ruler in his hand at Cheng Xu, like a king giving orders.

A large number of gray twisted plants were generated instantly, attacking Cheng Xu with hideous organs!

Those plants were very similar to the plants that broke out in the ruins of the city, with pure malice, and showed unreserved cruelty to Cheng Xu.

The moment they appeared, Cheng Xu felt as if he had become the enemy of the whole world at that moment.

At the moment when the plants exploded, the inorganic matter around Cheng Xu also began to run wild, just like the city activation that happened in the outside world, the whole land began to fission, trying to swallow Cheng Xu whole...

"How do you feel? My dear creator, you have long become an abandoned inferior creature..."

The hunter paused those crazy plants and inorganic matter at the moment before the attack, leaving room for it to talk with Cheng Xu.

"Why not give me your memory and let me replace you to become a more perfect creature!"

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