The old man was so angry that he was about to be killed.

"Yang... Brother Yang! The reporters are here!"

The sturdy man who ran to Cheng Xu with a metal bat was called back by the thugs behind him before he could swing the bat.

He picked up the bat and pointed it at Cheng Xu's face, showing an impatient look, but did not smash it down. He just threw the bat out in anger.

Then, the guy took a chair, sat on it and lit a cigarette.

"What the hell is my uncle doing all day? He made us work so hard to move those medicine bottles to Qianshan. It turns out that there are reporters..."

"Then Brother Yang, what should we do..."

"What else can we do? Close the door--"


A chair covered with blood fell down fiercely, causing the corner of the mouth holding the cigarette to twitch and faint.

At this time, Cheng Xu no longer looked the same as before. There was a crazy light flashing in his eyes, and blood plasma slowly dripped down the legs of the stool in his hand.

The voice in his heart became louder and louder, constantly echoing in Cheng Xu's ears, telling of his thirst for blood...

"Look at their eyes, look at those trembling cowards, they have never seen what hell is..."

Cheng Xu raised the deformed stool in his hand. The steel nails on the top had fallen off, and the gap was full of broken flesh and blood.

"Fuck you, if you dare, kill us all in front of the TV station!!"

An inexplicable emotion quickly spread among all the students who were still awake. They joined Cheng Xu again and fought back with anything they could get their hands on.

Even if they didn't have any weapons in their hands, they would use their nails and teeth to tear the skin of those bullies and make them pay for their atrocities with blood...

When the TV reporter broke into the academy, the scene was like hell, and the photographer was almost scared to fall down.

Cheng Xu, who was exhausted, lay crookedly on the ground, leaning against a fallen table, and the whole world was moving away from him.

Next to him were several instructors who had been knocked down, and Dean Yang, who had long lost his life. Their cold bodies formed a tomb, burying everything in this academy.

In a trance, Cheng Xu seemed to see a figure standing beside him, holding a bright plate, with a smile of victory on his face.

Ma Wenbo's voice also appeared from the void, repeating the topic they talked about that day, about dreams and the future.

"What about you, Cheng Xu? What do you want to do when you go out?"

"I want to be a free wanderer, no one can control me, and no one needs me to control me..."

"That's so boring. People like you should be knights who travel the world with swords in ancient times, with blades following shadows and white clothes like snow..."

"Brother Ma, you know more."

Staring at the figure, Cheng Xu smiled, relaxed and fell into the darkness, enjoying his victory.

Everything around him began to collapse, and the world returned to the illusion constructed by the belief proliferation body. Cheng Xu and the hunter were still tied together, feeling the memory from Cheng Xu together.

"I understand..."

The hunter's body began to break, and its power was extremely weakened. Everything in this space was leaning towards Cheng Xu.

"You are a fire born from darkness..."

Cheng Xu looked at the body of the hunter, and suddenly a very powerful mental wave burst out, and the power of "anger disaster" and "desire disaster" was fully activated.

The binding threads beside Cheng Xu were like fuses, spreading the flames that burned everything to every corner of this illusion, madly devouring the power from the belief multiplier.

In the lingering fire snakes, Cheng Xu's eyes did not fall into endless madness, but became extremely calm, emitting starlight hidden in the darkness.

"Resist, never surrender, this is why you are so powerful, I am very happy that you accept this part of yourself..."

The devil hidden in Cheng Xu's heart reappeared, and the face that was exactly the same as Ma Wenbo still had a lazy smile.

"Do you miss me?"

"You are not Ma Wenbo."

"Maybe, but it doesn't matter."

The third skill point on Cheng Xu's "mental tear" skill tree was slowly lit up, named "riot disaster".

At the moment the skill was activated, Cheng Xu's aura began to rise rapidly, and the illusion surrounding him and the hunter began to collapse rapidly.

The binding threads from Cheng Xu began to grow wildly, spreading a large amount of flames here.

in every corner of the city.

Those inorganic substances that had been activated were quickly melted by the flames, and a large area of ​​the ground began to collapse, revealing the roots of the belief proliferation body under the city.

More creatures that were fighting each other on the road of evolution were forcibly interrupted, and their illusions were also swallowed by Cheng Xu.

Cheng Xu's body was gradually wrapped by more new binding silk, turning into a huge orange-red flower, spreading outward at the speed of burning flames.

"Why... don't you kill me?"

The gradually withered hunter has not died completely. Its body is connected to Cheng Xu and begins to become more like a human, and a lot of skin gradually appears on its limbs.

Cheng Xu did not answer, but dragged his human clone to the side of the hunter and connected them again.

"So that's it. To some extent, I didn't lose either..."

The hunter's body and Cheng Xu's human clone gradually overlapped, and all the energy contained in the two began to gather rapidly, condensing into a crystal with an extremely complex structure.

At the moment when the crystal was formed, the binding silk wrapped around Cheng Xu had also grown to a very terrifying degree, and the height was close to the founder of this city.

"Precision, perfection, the tribute of evolution belongs to you..."

Cheng Xu saw the huge flower that covered the sky, and his consciousness was above it, burning with raging fire.

The crystal composed of the hunter and the clone slowly melted in Cheng Xu's consciousness, and then reassembled and turned into a very simple brass key.

Cheng Xu recognized this key, it was his first house key in his childhood.

Cheng Xu took the key in his hand and slowly inserted it into his chest.

The flames caused by Cheng Xu quickly began to extinguish, the blue binding silk also began to collapse, and the power belonging to Cheng Xu began to collapse...

This energy collapse is not a meaningless collapse, but a purification of Cheng Xu's power.

The gifts from the belief proliferation body were finally completely digested by Cheng Xu and turned into his power.

All the binding threads disappeared, but a small ball filled with countless pigment powder appeared in front of Cheng Xu, which contained powerful spiritual fluctuations.

"This is my... essence."

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