The old man was in a hurry to get out of the way.

"Agent Alien Scale, let me tell you directly, your hometown is not within the scope of our universe."

Infinite stood up and approached Cheng Xu, and the nozzles of several heavy weapons were also aimed at Cheng Xu's body.

"You and it are both alien visitors from another universe. I think you can't be unaware of their existence..."

Cheng Xu didn't say anything, because he saw that his long-silent task panel was updated, and a full six tasks appeared at once!

"1. Help the "Crystal Giant" escape from the cage, or kill the "Crystal Giant""

"2. Kill Senator Infinite"

"3. Destroy or seize 10 weapons"

"4. Kill 50 agents"

"5. Destroy the "Desolate Observer" observation outpost"

"6. Survive the destruction weapon"

When Cheng Xu saw these tasks, all the muscles in his body were instantly excited, and every inch of his body was eager to kill.

His subconscious body transformation was captured by the "Hells Spire" and regarded as hostility towards the "Crystal Giant".

After a brief communication between it and Infinite, they decided to urge Cheng Xu to do something to the giant.

"We don't know what you will do, Agent Alien Scale, but the choice is entirely yours. As long as you are willing and give the right reasons, we can even release this alien visitor."

"Like I promised you, I can convince it to join the Foundation."

Cheng Xu stood up, left the table, and walked towards the cage where the crystal giant was imprisoned.

Cheng Xu could feel that when he stepped into that area, hundreds of different types of weapons were all aimed at him.

From his feet to his head, every inch of his body was exposed to the enemy's firepower.

The crystal giant soaked in blue liquid was not unconscious, and its consciousness was still in a very clear state, and even some plant branches were tentatively growing outward.

On its body, there were two or three ropes of different materials, which seemed to be continuously extracting the power in its body to prevent it from escaping.

The moment Cheng Xu appeared, the giant's body trembled, and many white branches quickly entangled and grew in the chains, but they withered completely in an instant.

"It looks like it knows you."

Infinite walked to Cheng Xu's side without hesitation, looked at the giant's movements, and smiled at Cheng Xu.

"We once fought side by side on the battlefield, but I didn't expect it to come here..."

"Ha, since we are comrades, how about we open the cage?"

Cheng Xu nodded, sending out a mental wave of affirmation.

Infinite raised his hand high and announced the release of the giant trapped inside. All weapons began to be highly alert, and the charged weapons even began to warm up.

As the blue liquid gradually dropped, Cheng Xu began to sense the mental wave from Qi Ling, which was very strong and showed no signs of weakness.

"Open the cage and ropes, so that the two old comrades can meet each other!"

Infinite snapped his fingers, and the huge cage wall began to thin, and the giant's figure gradually became clearly visible.

When the cage wall broke, Cheng Xu sensed a surge of mental turbulence, coming from Qi Ling who had been bound for a long time.

"How many enemies are there?"

Her question was very direct, with an almost fatalistic certainty, as if she had long known that Cheng Xu would choose to kill everyone here.

"From what I saw, there are 500, and the total number should be two or three times, not much."

"We can't withstand the surrounding weapons for too long, we can only attract firepower for about 30 seconds."

"You just need to create a big enough momentum, and leave the rest to me."

"Happy cooperation, Mr. Cheng Xu."

Qi Ling called out Cheng Xu's name directly, causing his breath to stagnate suddenly, but it returned to normal in an instant.

"Oh, how was your chat?"

Infinite raised a glass of amber wine, shook it gently, and looked at Cheng Xu and the giant with a slightly playful look, but his emotional reaction showed pure kindness.

"Very good, Mr. Infinite, I think we are comrades again now..."

"Well, I hope you get along well."

Infinite raised his glass and greeted Cheng Xu, his eyes full of warm smiles, but hidden in them was a hint of condescending arrogance.

The next second, Cheng Xu's figure changed

As a ghost, it instantly penetrated Infinite's chest and tore half of his body with "Hundred Files"...

At the moment when a large amount of broken flesh and scarlet droplets splashed, hundreds of weapons roared!

A large number of hot flames intertwined with each other, and the chaotic energy ripples were like the sky at the beginning of the universe. The whole world was left with only endless light...

Before the chaotic storm swept him, Cheng Xu disappeared at the edge of the mirror.

A second before disappearing, Cheng Xu saw Infinite's smile, which was still full of teasing and arrogance, but this time without a trace of disguise.

"The target disappeared! Alarm--"

An agent who controlled a heavy artillery was about to remind his teammates to sound the alarm, but his throat was torn open by a black figure who appeared from the scope.

"Lend me your head..."

Cheng Xu raised the guy's head, used his iris, which had not yet fully expanded, to identify the weapon, and set the heavy artillery to full-automatic sweeping mode.


A bomb with a large amount of thermite suddenly exploded on the wall of the "banquet hall", setting all the beautiful collections on fire.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Hegu! What are you doing!"

"Thermite burning! Report! Thermite burning!"

The heavy artillery that suddenly lost control attracted the attention of all the agents, but before they could counterattack, more weapons began to fire without any rules.

"It's the target! It's——"

Many people didn't see Cheng Xu's figure clearly, and died in their positions from the slash of the sharp blade.

The agents with high-tech equipment understood a truth at this moment, no matter how advanced their equipment was, they were ordinary lives from beginning to end.

Every life has a moment of death.


The crystal giant lying in the center of the venue suddenly roared, and the three chains on his body suddenly melted, and were forged into a ball of liquid by the blazing black and white flames.

A huge shield also appeared in front of the giant, with three very obvious characters engraved on it: "Qi Zhang Duan".


The giant's shield instantly smashed into the wall behind him, directly knocking a large crack in the wall, and black and white flames quickly spread in between...

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