The explosion was still going on.

Just when he was about to die because of the damage to his shelter, he activated his first item, the "Rashomon Coin".

His shelter was quickly repaired to 100% completeness, and he entered a 24-hour invincible state.

"Being a hamster is not all bad..."

Cheng Xu was in a world outside the rules, and he could still observe everything that happened in the real world, and the explosion was still going on.

The observation outpost called "Desolate Observer" had been destroyed by countless energy weapons that exceeded the specifications, leaving only a remnant of ruins.

"Wait a minute..."

Cheng Xu looked at the ruins and suddenly found that his body movement did not seem to be restricted by physical rules, and it was almost a "flash" that ignored the distance.

Just now he was in the ruins, and the next moment, Cheng Xu appeared next to the crystal giant surrounded by flames.

The guy disguised himself as a group of broken building components, with burnt marks all over his body, drifting in the universe with the ruins of the damaged observatory.

Cheng Xu noticed that his shelter seemed to be used as a shield by it, piled on the chest and back of the giant, covering most of its body.

"To survive such a powerful attack, this guy is quite capable, and we can seek cooperation for the time being."

After confirming that his shelter was temporarily safe, Cheng Xu set off towards the fleet in the deep space.

In a flash, he came close to the fleet. Their size was even larger than he imagined. The huge ship that was almost out of proportion made Cheng Xu feel a little dizzy.

In one of the largest ships, Cheng Xu saw the floating "Hells Spire", its shape was gradually shrinking from the huge film.

Following the body of "Hells Spire", Cheng Xu found the second Infinite, who was sitting in the luxurious captain's room of the spaceship, with a small creature crushed to death at his feet.

"I thought that the guy who could cross the cosmic barrier had some strength... but this is it!"

Infinite pointed to the wreckage destroyed by energy weapons in the distance. The flames on it had gone out, but the light emitted by the radioactive dust still existed.

"In fact, I feel that "Eternal Sleep" and "Gazer" are enough, and the remaining four fleets are a bit redundant..."

"But that alien traveler still succeeded in affecting your mood."

"I know, I know, I can't be impulsive... I just happened to be tired of drinking this kind of wine, and it has nothing to do with him. Change me a glass of crystal pure brew!"

"Senator Infinite, I must remind you that the other twelve fleets are on their way."

"Tell them that they don't need to come, search for alien visitors on the spot, kill them all, and throw them into the black hole. "

A servant with a head like a fly came to Infinite and brought him a glass of "Crystal Brew", the wine was sparkling and bright.

Infinite sniffed the taste of the wine, and for some reason, he felt a kind of faint stench.

"Hiss... By the way, is there any reconnaissance team left here?"

"I have arranged the "Ochre Blade" advance team to search. The 12th, 21st, and 27th teams have set off and will complete the analysis of the ruins within three standard days."

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. I'm in hibernation."

"You haven't finished your wine yet."

"No, give it to the servant just now, that's it. "

Infinite fell into a dormant state as if he was escaping from something.

His seat softened quickly, wrapping Infinite in it, turning it into a nondescript ornament.

The soft material was actually a large piece of extremely precious soul alloy. It is said that only a creature that feeds on stars can produce a palm-sized soul alloy after death.

Such a huge soul alloy is enough to condense the remains of hundreds of creatures, which can be called a genocide.

The illusory form of "Hells Spire" is attached to this soul alloy, controlling everything that Senator Infinite needs.

"Enjoy your vacation with peace of mind, Senator Infinite, those alien visitors will never disturb you again."

Cheng Xu did not stay in the cabin any longer, but followed the identification map of the command radar, identified the location of the "Ochre Blade" ship, and flashed into it.

The "Ochre Blade Vanguard Force" responsible for the detection mission has been prepared.

The boat was ready and ready to go. No one noticed that they had brought an extra illusory passenger.

Cheng Xu was actually on another boat, but she saw a familiar face in the communication list, so she came here.

As expected, Erto and her subordinates who had met Cheng Xu yesterday were among them.

"Sister, didn't we go out once yesterday... Why do we have to go out again today..."

"Yesterday was an escort mission, sending the two traitors to the Tribunal. Today is an exploration mission, which is relatively simple."

"Why then..."

"Every team will have a mission. You should be happy if you are assigned to an exploration mission, which is a simple job. Don't complain to me!"

The scolded team member did not seem to be angry or regretful at all. Instead, he was very excited, as if being scolded by his own captain was a happy thing.

Their exploration boat was about ten meters long, and the internal structure was very similar to a submarine. It was very simple, with only a single toilet and no other available equipment.

"Tell me about our exploration process. Don't forget who forgot to clean the toilet for a month."


"I agree!"

"Big sister is right!"

The ochre-skinned female captain seemed to be accustomed to their excitement and began a brief introduction.

The introduction with many professional terms was as long as an instruction manual. Although it was not very long, it was difficult for people to understand intuitively.

After listening to the introduction, the team members who were very happy just now felt that they might have to clean the toilet for a month.

Then, the mission action plan did not leave them any time to review, and the detection boat came to the vicinity of the destroyed "Desolate Observer".

The residual radiation heat energy was still spreading, showing a clear rising arc on the radiation radar.

"Come, I will demonstrate it again on the spot, everyone watch it."

The female captain began to operate the detection instruments, explaining while operating.

"First, fix the wreckage with steel frames, then analyze the material, scan it optically, scan it with radiation, and finally burn it..."

"Then check carefully to see if there are any biological signals... Wait! There are indeed biological signals!"

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