The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

Cheng Xu saw very clearly that the plant tentacles from the armored creature had completely filled the body of the mechanical life, completing the comprehensive replacement occupation.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, it controlled the mechanical creature to walk to the area where the containment was loaded and began to pretend to check.

When it walked to the containment cage where it had escaped, it opened the communication and made a panicked sound.

"Captain! A containment disappeared! The cage is open!"

The voice on the other end of the communication was full of helplessness and anger, and it scolded the mechanical life.

"Hobert_72, did you lose your memory storage when you lost your combat module last time? How could you be so stupid?"

"I'm sorry... I..."

"Hurry up and bring the can up!"

Cheng Xu watched the fake guy quickly pick up the can and put his body in it, but the body still maintained optical invisibility, and it looked like an empty can.

Then, relying on the authority of the mechanical life, it came to the junction of the cargo hold and the operating cabin very smoothly.

After a scan, the mechanical creature's components were indeed detected to be abnormal.

"How much stuff have you put on yourself... The components you put in last time even included a finger wreckage from two hundred years ago..."

The team members responsible for checking the test results were a little speechless, but they all thought that the mechanical life who loved "nostalgia" had brought more black market components.

When the guy who modified himself beyond recognition appeared in the operating cabin, no one was surprised by his rusty components.

"You... Oh, forget it, put the can down, wait for me to stop the airship..."

The captain quickly adjusted the airship to a stable cruising state, and then took over the containment cage with obvious signs of damage with a helpless look on his face.

"The surveillance is gone, the alarm didn't sound, and the internal damage... What was originally in it?"


The mechanical life showed hesitation that matched its appearance, which brought a bitter smile from the captain.

"You, if you hadn't saved everyone once, I really wanted to pull the gear off your head and stuff it into your ass!"


The captain gently opened the outer shell of the containment cage, wanting to take a look at the specific identification serial number inside for query.

In an instant, a blazing flame suddenly exploded, presenting an incredible sharp spiral, and directly pierced into the captain's head.

In less than a second, the captain's eyes were completely stagnant, and his body completely stopped.

"There's a pretender! Sound the alarm--"


The terrible cone-shaped flames burst at an incredible speed, and the hot air quickly filled the entire boat, engulfing the team members who didn't have time to react.

A few seconds later, all the team members lost consciousness and lay on the ground in a twisted state.

Beside them, the armored creatures appeared, and the branches of the plants beside them slowly retracted, showing a cone-shaped end that looked like the end of a bottle opener.

"The "Ochre Blade" Vanguard Squadron, Captain of the 27th Squadron, Bilson."


The captain's stagnant body suddenly shuddered, and he woke up from the armor that supported him, raised his arm, and rubbed his aching head.

"Deputy Captain, Karal, Zergborn. "

A hunchbacked team member also woke up, making a sound of bones colliding as his answer.

"Team member, Bist, Star Scar Federation human..."

The armored creature quickly called all the people on the ship, and every crew member who stood up again showed an eerie calmness.

When it called the last person, the armored creature put down the record book in its hand, and generated three tarot cards with crystals and plants. After carefully checking, it turned its face to its side.

There was Cheng Xu in the void, and the two seemed to be looking at each other at this moment.

"My shelter is the body of the giant, and it is currently taking your shelter away to a safer area."

It pondered for a while, as if it was choosing its words, and then continued.

"I implore you to join me in my action and hold a killing feast on the mothership of "Ochre Red Blade" to ensure that our shelter reaches a safe place. "

Cheng Xu did not answer, or he could not answer even if he wanted to.

After waiting for a few seconds, the armored creature nodded.

"I will take this as your agreement. I hope you can help me."

Then, it raised its finger, made a swearing gesture, and raised it to the sky.

"I swear to the sky in the name of Qi Ling, Duan Zhicai, and Zhang Duanxing that in this game, Cheng Xu and his shelter must not be harmed. Those who violate the oath will be punished by heaven!"

Cheng Xu felt that its oath was a bit inexplicable. After all, in this life-and-death game, an oath is just less smelly than a fart.

And it made it so grand, to a large extent, it was expressing to Cheng Xu its desire for cooperation.

"Of course you can cooperate, but you must be on guard against others..."

Anyway, he couldn't show up now, so Cheng Xu decided to follow it first to see what the situation was like, and then decide on his own actions.

After swearing, the armored creature entered optical invisibility, and the "resurrected" team members quickly started their daily work and continued their exploration mission.

After 4 hours of continuous exploration, the dispatcher sent a return order, and the guys disguised as crew members began to move towards the mother ship.

The tower communication came from a sub-mind belonging to the "Hells Spire". The voice sounded very similar to the main body, with a very soft accent.

"Please wait, the detection is about to begin... Captain, please upload the record log synchronously."

As a detection boat, the functions that this ship can perform are very limited. The log responsible for recording the behavior of the spacecraft is also very short, and it did not take much time to transmit.

The spacecraft slowly moved along the detection channel and gradually synchronized with the mother ship. A pair of high-precision scanners quickly swept around the spacecraft.

"The spacecraft is normal, no abnormal conditions were detected, all crew members in the operating cabin please disembark for safety inspection."

The puppets controlled by the plants quickly lined up and waited for the hatch to open.

The instigator of all this had already returned to the cargo hold, staying with the mechanical creature that liked to modify itself, pretending to be harmless at the beginning.

"Hey, you've worked hard. I'll buy you a drink tonight!"

The team responsible for the inspection was the next vanguard team that was about to board the ship. The guy in the lead seemed to be familiar with the members of this team.

"No need. How about a drink now?"

"What do you mean——"

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