The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of smoke.

Cheng Xu went down the stairs to the first floor. He had little physical strength left, so he didn't activate his skills.

When he approached the first floor door, he vaguely heard someone talking.

Cheng Xu stopped at the junction of the first and second floors and listened carefully to the movement downstairs.

"... What on earth is this? I have recorded it. I will post a video when there is internet tomorrow!"

"Too exaggerated, it's just an alien!"

Cheng Xu found that his mission had entered the timer, so he simply stopped at the stairs.

The two residents didn't sound like they knew anything about the survival game. They were probably people who had come back from the dead.

"Brother Li, what do you think we should do if this thing doesn't leave tomorrow morning?"

"Shoot a video. This is a good opportunity. If you become famous, you can be a ghost blogger. Isn't it more comfortable than being a worker in a milk tea shop?"

"Oh, you are really good. I can't think of so much."

"By the way, when I woke up tonight, I found that your sister-in-law was missing. Is your wife still there?"

"No, I looked for her several times, but I couldn't find where she went..."

"Tsk... I'm afraid we are missing..."

"Brother Li, what do you mean?"

"I always feel that this place is not the real world. There is no network, no signal, and there are such a large group of monsters..."

"Don't let any perverted killer come to find us later..."

"You can't talk nonsense in a place like this. The more mysterious it is, the more likely it is to come true!"

Cheng Xu listened with relish not far away and decided to spare their lives after the mission was completed. Anyway, the two people disappeared at dawn.

"Tengjia: Tsk, why is this guy not moving? Didn't anyone tell him that there are extra rewards for killing special monsters?"

"Shuijia: No one has told me yet. The survivors are still at a very low level."

"Tengjia: Because this guy kills too decisively, I have already ignored the fact that he is not even lv10 yet..."

"Shijiajia: But that stitched monster is easy to kill, especially since he has crossbows."

"Tengjia: With his personality, he probably won't waste crossbows..."

Cheng Xu saw the message in the administrator group and was very concerned about the special reward, but because he had no legitimate reason, Cheng Xu could only stare blankly.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and the two residents waiting for the signal had already taken more than a dozen videos and had no intention of leaving.

Cheng Xu took a sneak peek at the chainsaw stitched monster stuck at the door and found that half of its body had squeezed into the interior of the floor.

Three chainsaws had removed half of the building door, and a large amount of wall plaster was stripped off by the chainsaws. Although the steel bars were not sawed off, the chainsaw was able to move freely.

"No... This thing is going to get out of trouble!"

Cheng Xu immediately let go of his greed and ran upstairs quickly.

The two dead who had come back to life were a little puzzled when they heard the footsteps, and shook their heads with some disdain after a moment.

"It's probably some coward who was scared away. After all, not everyone can have such a magnanimity as me. Brother Li, you are so cool!"

"Brother Li, you are awesome--"

Before he finished his words of praise, the frame of the building door collapsed completely, and the huge body of the chainsaw stitching monster completely squeezed in.

It moved very fast, and the seemingly bloated parts of its body were actually muscles, and the power and speed it burst out were extremely powerful.

After the chainsaw stitching monster removed the building door, a child on all fours also crawled in.

Its scarlet eyes stared at the two residents, causing their legs to suddenly lose control and suddenly become weak, and they fell directly down the stairs.


The chainsaw, which was no longer sharp, rolled up the two people and crushed their bodies with its powerful force, filling the body of the stitched monster, making it swell a little more.

The strange baby was even faster than the stitched monster. It came to the door of the resident in the blink of an eye and sniffed the smell carefully.

It tilted its head, and some black liquid oozed from its body, emitting a strong stench.

These things began to grow like mycelium, turning into fluffy black silk threads, breeding everywhere in the corridor.

The strange figure of the baby began to crawl on the silk thread, like an agile hunting spider, carefully searching for every human who could be its mother.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The huge chainsaw stitched monster barely climbed to the third

The abandoned baby climbed up to the fourth floor, but his body tilted and he accidentally got stuck in a pile of debris. He could only roar in anger and smash the debris with an electric saw.

The abandoned baby moved very quickly and climbed to the fourth floor relying on the silk thread.

There, he finally smelled the scent of a woman.

The first person the abandoned baby found was Sun Luyu, who lived next door to Cheng Xu, because she had a stronger feminine scent.

Her body had already turned cold, lying on the ground, with blood that was about to solidify all over the ground.


The abandoned baby made a creepy cry, then approached her lifeless body, turned her over, lay on her lower abdomen, and curled up.

Perhaps it felt the cold, the abandoned baby only lay there for a short while, and then woke up shivering.

Its cry became louder and louder, causing Cheng Xu on the opposite side to even pull the hook of the crossbow.

"Mom... cold..."

The abandoned baby used its little hands covered with rancid liquid to tear Sun Luyu's lower abdomen hard...

A hole was torn in her lower abdomen, and the blood-stained organs could be vaguely seen inside.

The abandoned baby followed the hole and drilled into her cold abdomen, curling up into a ball.

Sun Luyu's blood gradually turned black, and sticky liquid flowed out of her body.

Her body became corrupt and hideous, her muscles began to shrink, black mold spots grew on her skin, and while black pus flowed out, she twitched continuously as if she was alive again...

"Mom... woo woo..."

The abandoned baby cried again, because Sun Luyu's body did not bring it any warmth.

Cheng Xu heard a strong hatred and resentment from its cry, and instinctively felt a trace of panic.

Driven by this instinct, Cheng Xu still hid in the bathroom and sat on the ground to calm himself down.

"There's still an hour until dawn, so there shouldn't be any more accidents."

The voice of the abandoned baby started moving from the opposite door, gradually came to the middle door, and began to dig holes in the body of the woman who had been dead for a long time...

"I want my mother! I want... my mother..."

When its cry sounded again, Cheng Xu felt its anger.

Just when Cheng Xu was about to relax and check the information, he heard a sticky snapping sound coming from his living room...

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