The sky was full of fog, and the sky was full of fog.

Cheng Xu's figure disappeared instantly and entered the reflective surface, still sitting flat, waiting for the sudden intruder to enter this area.

Originally, Cheng Xu thought it would be the reinforcements of the spaceship troops, but it turned out to be a white plant tentacle.

At the moment when the tentacle appeared, the power supply of this area that lost lighting was quickly restored, and the lights were turned on again.

Then, the tentacle retracted outside the protective wall, and a pair of industrial demolition pliers directly tore open the metal barrier and let a team of floating mechanical creations in.

The mechanical creations quickly started working, cleaning the monitoring devices inside the spaceship to ensure that the monitoring of this area could not take effect, and then completely restored the power supply.

After the power supply was restored, the isolation measures were quickly withdrawn, and a team of soldiers tied up with various restraints appeared outside the isolation wall.

They were tied with all kinds of incredible things, including energy transmission tubes for spacecraft, strong fibers for collecting fragile items, and even some biological colons with fresh blood...

A team of mechanical troops with powerful firepower was gradually approaching with a very steady pace, and all weapons were aimed at those guys who were tied together.

When they were driven into an area full of thorns, the living thorns that felt fear suddenly revived and swallowed all the fresh food that was delivered to their door.

After all the hostages became food for the thorns, the second group of hostages took the elevator to this area and let those hostages accept exactly the same way of death.

Cheng Xu found that these dead guys seemed to be ordinary guards, and most of them were humans with ochre-red skin, and they should be the core members of "Ochre-Red Blade".

"Good morning, Mr. Cheng Xu."

A group of white plants emerged from the mechanical troops and formed at the location where Cheng Xu disappeared, looking like a human woman.

Cheng Xu felt Qi Ling's breath and no longer hid. He showed up behind her, showing that he still had the strength to fight.

"Who are these guys?"

Qi Ling was not surprised at Cheng Xu's appearance. The body made of plants quickly disintegrated, and then reassembled, completing the "turnaround" in a very strange posture.

"They are our enemies, the young officers of "Ochre Blade", and they are also the hard bones who refused to surrender."

"What did you... do?"

"While you were involving their main force, I went to liberate the inventory of this spacecraft and released dozens of containment objects. "

The amount of information contained in Qi Ling's understated words was extremely explosive. It was obvious that she had completely mastered the spacecraft in such a tight time.

However, Cheng Xu did not ask any more questions, but just added an extra layer of defense in his heart.

"How far are we from driving away this ship?"

Qi Ling was a little surprised by Cheng Xu's question, and paused for a few seconds before answering.

"It also requires authorization from the governor of the shelter center named 'Perli', and the biological code of 'Zauli', the commander-in-chief of the "Ochre Red Blade". "

"Can I get the authority by killing them? "

"Yes, as long as you don't burn them to charcoal..."

Cheng Xu nodded, and the three lin snakes behind him quickly spit out vines from two growth seeds, digesting and devouring the creatures that had just died from the thorns.

Qi Ling quickly bowed to Cheng Xu, and then turned into a plant again, merged into the mechanical soldiers, and disappeared.

"Teng Qie: Wow, this "fortune teller" is really good!"

"Teng Qie: She actually relied on her own abilities to upgrade and transform the "guard core" and usurped the communication rights of the entire spacecraft!"

"Teng Qie: Now before the spacecraft has an obvious explosion and fire, it is estimated that No one will find out about this riot..."

"Shuiqie: The containment items she released are all mechanical creations, and now the army of the containment center has been completely blocked on the upper level of the spacecraft."

"Shuiqie: The laborers and grassroots troops on the lower level of the spacecraft seem to have completely surrendered and accepted the control of the mechanical army."

"Shuiqie: A perfect riot model! It includes multiple elements such as mobilization, entry, multi-point siege, violent suppression, and execution of rebels!"

"Shuiqie: It is simply a great material for research!"

"Tengqie: I don't understand, but I feel that you academic madmen are really good in some aspects..."

"Kaxiqie: Why don't you pay attention to the "killer"?

? He is about to fight the strongest on this ship."

"Tengjia: He has already started looking for a fusion that matches himself. I think he will have no problem killing these two guys!"

"Kaxijia: Is it so much better after fusing that bone pistol?"

"Tengjia: That's not the case. The fusion only serves to provide a guide for forward movement, which is equivalent to installing a few new wheels on his cart."

"Tengjia: But he has caused real killings, and the number is not at the same level as before..."

"Kaxijia: "Real" killings? Do you mean that the monsters we released before are not real?"

"Shuijia: Yes, they are all projections. After all, we have cultivated them with great effort. It would be a pity if they died all at once..."

"Kaxijia: Damn, how much will this killing improve him?"

"Tengjia: Well, you can see it now."

In the picture, Cheng Xu is still absorbing the power of those corpses, and the number of dead bodies piled in the aisle begins to decrease sharply.

When Cheng Xu swallowed to a certain extent, he suddenly felt that his body had changed, but he couldn't tell where the change had occurred, which was very strange.

After noticing the abnormality, Cheng Xu stopped swallowing the corpses and began to carefully examine his body to eliminate possible hidden dangers.

"What is this...?"

Cheng Xu found a circle of light red ripples outside his body, which could only be seen in his emotional senses and could not be detected at ordinary times.

Although he could sense the existence of the red ripples, he could not use or touch it at all.

Cheng Xu tried to swallow a new corpse. At the moment when the corpse turned into powder, a very thin red mist floated out of its body and merged into the halo outside Cheng Xu's body.

"So what is this thing..."

While managing this group, Tengjia wrote a sentence as if answering Cheng Xu's question.

"Tengjia: This is a blessing from Lord Disaster. I will not admit my mistake. Even if there is only a trace of that pure killing aura, it is like a bloody hell..."

"Kashijia: I feel more and more that this guy is a bastard!"

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