The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

Tengjia looked at Cheng Xu who left the boat on the screen, stretched out a little relaxed, turned off the live broadcast, and was about to take a break.

Before he could move his eyes away, the information pop-up window of the work group popped up.

"Alas... I'm busy again..."

"Nanqie: @Tengqie, @Shuiqie, you two are free, come with me."

"Shuiqie: It's rare that the boss has a job for me, where are we going?"

"Nanqie: It's still about the competition venue. I taught them a lesson last time, but it seems that these guys still don't quite understand their position..."

"Tengqie: Fighting again? Count me in!"

"Nanqie: Don't fight if you can avoid it. Don't ruin the image of our company."

"Tengqie: Anyway, we fought last time..."

"Tengqie: How about fighting directly this time?"

"Nanqie: If you hit someone, you have to make him understand why he is being beaten, otherwise it will be ineffective."

"Tengqie: Then let's go with the flow Cheng? You chat first, then smash the cup as a signal, Shuiqie and I will open their skulls directly! "

"Shuiqie: I am a dimensional parasite, and I don't have much combat power. You let me fight, why not use me as a weapon..."

"Tengqie: That's up to you"

"Shuiqie: I'm just saying that, don't really use me as a weapon..."

"Nanqie: Okay, "Pulsating Pacemaker" gather"

"Tengqie: Here we come!"

"Shuiqie: Got it"

"It's not bad to have a fight, so I don't have to watch that little guy fighting every day..."

The "Pulsating Pacemaker" that Nanqie mentioned is actually an intersection of time and space dimensions. After being transformed, it forms a structure similar to an elevator, which is very convenient for traveling through the universe.

"Oh, it's rare to see you outside the laboratory!"

Shuiqie arrived at the destination earlier than Tengqie, or in other words, distance has no meaning to it at all.

The body of Shuiqie showed a crystal-like structure, with slender and thin hexagonal transparent crystals suspended in the air, surrounded by a string of constantly changing needles.

Those needle-like objects, almost as thin as hair, were swaying slowly, like sea anemones swaying with the waves on the seabed.

"Of course, I'm not really willing to go out..."

Before Shuiqie finished speaking, Tengqie grabbed her torso and carried it on her shoulders like a weapon.

Shuiqie's crystal torso, without any impurities, looked like a spear at first glance, and with those constantly flowing needles, it looked more like some kind of mysterious weapon.

"Can you wait for me to finish my words next time..."

Beside them, the space suddenly cracked like glass, and then a figure in a robe appeared between them.

"Everyone is here, so let's not delay, MX-6160 branch universe, set off."

In the MX-6160 branch universe that has been completely ruled by the Containment Foundation, a project that almost spans the entire galaxy is underway.

At the intersection of space and time, the edge of the universe is being torn apart, and the dissociated matter is forming a huge primordial nebula.

In an unusually magnificent observatory, twelve core councilors are watching the implementation of the entire project.

These twelve councilors are the members who first founded the Containment Foundation, and each councilor has a lifespan of at least seven hundred years.

Their bodies are completely unrelated to humans, and they are full of various void brilliances, and purple energy fills the transparent shell.

The appearance of each councilor seems to be different from others only in the structure of the head, and the rest is exactly the same.

"After the witness left, this is the first time we have successfully opened the void barrier..."

The leading councilor stared at the gradually broken space barrier, and a crack nearly the size of several planets was slowly cracking...

"We don't need the witness to return."

The councilor next to him echoed, and his vortex-shaped head slowly rotated, spreading some dark blue dust.

"No... Wall, this will be the largest prayer we make to the witnesses, and our god will eventually return..."

The chief senator stretched out his finger, pointed to the sky very stiffly, and then slowly dropped it.

Another senator with an arc-shaped head flashed a stronger glow, and the orange light attracted the attention of the congressmen.

"What if the witness can't hear our call?"

"Then go find it."

The chief answered without hesitation, just like every ordinary

Like a fanatic believer, he had no doubts about his god.

He opened his arms, and the crack at the edge of space was constantly extending, extending to the farthest end of the engineering equipment.

"The legacy left by the witness has given us the key to open the door. Next, it's our turn to follow His footsteps..."

"I hope He still remembers us poor guys."

Hearing this, the chief sighed and said nothing, just staring silently at the crack in the mapping screen in front of him.


A dazzling light suddenly lit up, and the mapping screen used to monitor the global picture went out instantly.

Then, the newly born space-time rift was suddenly forcibly bridged by some force, and the barrier of the entire universe instantly became more than ten times stronger.

The huge structure across the galaxy tried to operate again, but found that no matter how hard it tried, it could not open a crack of the same scale as before, and could only tear open a few fleeting tiny cracks.

"This is the curse of the witness. He forbids us to follow the footsteps of God. I have known for a long time that this is blasphemy..."

The council member next to the chief seemed very angry, with a wandering dark all over his body, accompanied by lightning-like brilliance.

"I'm sorry, this is not blasphemy, or an oracle, it's just a small punishment for your unreasonable behavior..."

A figure in a simple robe appeared in the middle of the conference table. The originally solid conference table turned into an arc shape at some point, as if it had made room for the visitor.

Nanqi sat down slowly, and a folded space quickly condensed behind him, forming a crystal clear chair.


The huge facility just below the observation room suddenly ushered in an explosion, and a series of hot brilliance quickly burst up, forming a line full of destructive beauty.

At the end of the line, a series of blue pulse explosions appeared, drawing a beautiful arc in space, deflecting its own angle, and hitting the huge space facility for the second time.

In the grand explosion light, the twelve councillors fell silent.

"Tengqie, it's almost done, you can come back."

A burst of golden light flashed, and a group of crystal-like needles appeared in front of the councillors, slowly unfolding with a very beautiful fan-shaped rhythm.

On the back of those needles, it was like a radiating Tengqie, and he was holding a complex emblem in his hand.

"Hey, a few ignorant little things, I'm telling you, the master control core of that thing has been dismantled by me! And I brought the lock back to you, is that good enough?"


The emblem as the outer shell of the space password lock fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

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