The so-called interrogation room was actually just a detention point for the lower-level soldiers who participated in the riot, and there was no detention protection at all.

Of course, this was not out of trust in them, but because they had completely lost the ability to resist.

There was a mechanical spider perched on the heads of the captured humans, and its crystal clear appearance was very similar to their superiors.

The tails of these spider machines actually had a silk thread spouting structure very similar to that of real spiders, and they relied on this structure to weave a very spectacular web.

When the adjutant entered the area with the chattering mechanical creatures, the mechanical spider closest to them quickly spit out a piece of silk thread and passed the data to the adjutant.

After a very brief flash of light, the adjutant completed the data collection and analysis and successfully passed it to his superior.

"There is no project for me to interrogate personally... boring."

The data included the memories of the soldiers in the last three days, as well as a short-term research report on the parasites on them.

Based on those scattered data, the mechanical group has pieced together many detailed profiles of Cheng Xu and Qi Ling, and basically deduced their offensive methods and threat levels.

Those vast amounts of data are meaningless to it, it just wants to cut open all the human heads.

But soon, it found the abnormal points in the data report.

"Those parasites are actually in the hands of humans, this is not okay!"

Without waiting for the adjutant to dissuade it, it took a step and disappeared from sight.

In the former core area of ​​the spacecraft, there is now only a mess and temporary containment cages, which are all parasitic plants taken from the bodies of the rebels.

Those plants showed extremely vigorous biological activity, all looking for a way out, constantly trying to break through the containment, and even almost succeeded several times.

The human army was responsible for guarding this area. Their bodies were more or less defective, and they were repaired after a certain degree of mechanical transformation.

These cyborgs have power no less than that of pure mechanical creatures, but they are very conservative in adhering to human moral standards, so they are regarded as "ignorant half-human monkeys" by the mechanical army.

And the cyborgs also hate those mechanical creatures that discriminate against them, and even openly call them "intelligent donkeys", and are unwilling to recognize their life independence, thinking that they are just tools.

Because they don't like each other on weekdays, when mechanical creatures show obvious abnormalities in front of the cyborg army, the cyborg army will attack without hesitation.

Therefore, when the most belligerent leader among the mechanical creatures cut through the wall and broke into the restricted area, all the cyborg armies chose to open fire.

"Enemy invasion! Intelligence out of control!"

A large number of energy weapons with strong radiation bombarded the mechanical creature, knocking it out of the restricted area.

But the next moment after it was attacked, a chaotic electromagnetic wave burst out, causing all the weapons of the cyborgs present to temporarily shut down.

At the same time, a phantom that could not be seen with the naked eye passed through the hole in the wall and directly broke into the restricted area.

The crystal-clear and slender figure was like an elegant dancer, raising its folded mechanical long legs high, pressing the spikes against the alloy eye mask of an adjutant, and making a pleasant tremor.

"The half-humans are really garbage, forget it, I'll let you go this time, after all, I have more things to do..."

The long legs of the mechanical creature quickly swept across the containment cages on the ground, and several relatively fragile cages exploded instantly, destroying the parasites in them.

"I'll take care of these things. Inform your superiors, then go back to your room to rest, do your favorite human activities, take some food, and eat some..."

The order with a discriminatory tone made the cyborgs very angry, but there were only a few guards present, and the firepower could not even hurt the guy's shell, so they had to leave angrily.

The last one to leave was the adjutant just now. His left eye and right arm were both mechanical, and at this moment, they were still emitting green smoke due to overload.

"Master "Modified-6394", we have already notified--"

Hearing his number, the mechanical creature that was originally dealing with the parasitic plant suddenly jumped up, and used his harpoon-like arm to directly clamp the adjutant's neck and pressed him against the wall.

"How many times have I said this... No one is allowed to call me by my number directly, you... You are right, half-humans are not very smart, hey, who would argue with a fool, I won't do it again."

The mechanical creature named "Modified-6394" loosened his arms and went back to seriously kick the parasitic plants again, without looking at the adjutant.

The adjutant calmed down a little, bowed slightly to the modified, and left the area.

Outside the door, he met Petra, the second in command of the cyborg corps, known as "Queen's Wrath". She smiled and looked at the mechanical creature modified busy in the restricted area.

"Have you reported to little Anna?"

The adjutant was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly replied: "No, sir, I haven't had time yet..."

"Then there is no need to send it, I'll do it."

The adjutant was immediately pardoned, saluted her and hurried away.

After the adjutant left, Petras stretched his body, took out a shotgun covered with keratin, and turned on the safety.

"Hey, you mechanical ass, don't you want your head anymore?"

The modified model turned around in surprise, and just wanted to challenge the audacious cyborg, but a shotgun with biological tissue hit its face.

"Petra! Dirty organic beast!"

The crazy modified model began to attack the surroundings frantically, but did not hit Petra, but smashed the cages that collected parasitic plants.

"Sure enough, you mechanical creatures can only follow the command framework and cannot cross the line at all. It's really sad..."

The angry modified model quickly collected the dirtiest words he could think of to curse Petra, but compared with human swear words, the vocabulary of mechanical creatures is extremely poor.

"Backward apes who eat organic matter and excrete organic matter! Heretics who enjoy the blessing of machinery but are ungrateful! They are only worthy of living in the dirty petri dish where bacteria grow in the sewer!"

The mechanical creature finally tore off the biological ammunition with claws and sticky glands, and questioned the cyborg in front of him.

"Why do you know our ban! Tell me now!!"

Petra looked at the modified one in front of her, who was helpless and furious because of being exposed, and felt very refreshed.

"It's because you are all a bunch of complete intelligent asses, idiots!"

Then, she raised the shotgun again.


One of the modified's arms was directly shot off, and the crystal clear mechanical structure fell to the ground.

Feeling threatened, it did not hesitate and fled the scene directly, just like a clown.

Petra looked at the debris on the ground and the mechanical arm, took a photo with satisfaction, and sent it to Anna, the commander-in-chief of the legion.

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