The sharp dagger pierced the middle-aged woman's abdomen directly. She was knocked unconscious by the chair and had no time to react before her heartbeat stopped.

Cheng Xu had no intention of stopping. He stepped on the middle-aged woman's arm and stabbed her neck again.

After doing these things, his eyes were still calm, without any panic.

Cheng Xu put the woman's two sharp kitchen knives into his schoolbag, and then dragged her body to the bushes on the side of the road.

After doing all this, Cheng Xu waited in the bushes for a while, and after confirming that no one passed by, he went to the security room to open the treasure chest with confidence.

"Bidongqie: Who is this guy? The last murderer was not as ruthless as him!"

"Roselle: His sanity value has only dropped by 5 points! Outrageous!"

"Shuiqie: I found out that this guy used to be a novelist..."

"Shicaqie: It seems that we need to deal with more novelists next time."

Cheng Xu pretended to try ten numbers, and then pretended to think for a while, and turned the three-digit combination lock to "111".


The second weapon box was successfully opened, and it contained a set of stab-proof upper body suits.

Cheng Xu quickly put on his clothes. The black camouflage fabric was very suitable for him to hide himself in the green belt.

In front of the third box, Cheng Xu pretended to think for a while and dialed "111" again.

The box was opened, and he pretended to be very surprised. He did not take the equipment, but tried to open the last equipment box.

"Nanqie: This is my fault. Next time, I must make the password more complicated..."

"Ci Tianqie: Hey, this is fun. Boss, make it "222" next time."

The last two boxes contained a set of silent crossbows and a sawtoothed saber.

Cheng Xu put these things into his backpack and quickly left the security room with them.

Cheng Xu knew that a man was innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure. These things of his must not be discovered by others. Before he had hot weapons, he could not fight against many alone.

With cautious actions, Cheng Xu successfully returned to his room.

When he put down his backpack, he found that his legs were almost unable to stand up.

"Physical strength is exercised: physical strength limit +2"

Cheng Xu looked at his physical strength of only 2 points, felt a little dizzy, and lay on the floor gasping for breath.

After about ten minutes, Cheng Xu's physical strength recovered to 10 points, and he felt that he could barely stand up.

There were still 6 hours before nightfall, and Cheng Xu thought that he could take a rest and go out again.

He lay on the bed and began to browse the previous delivery files to see if there were any backpacks or something like that.

"Bi Dong Qie: Team leader, when will the second batch of today's delivery be carried out?"

"Nan Qie: We will deliver it when there are still four hours left, after all, there are only a few special items"

"Teng Qie: Team leader, can we give our No. 1 seed some preferential treatment? I want to see him live longer"

"Nan Qie: No, there may be more outstanding players hiding among them, and the delivery location must be random"

Cheng Xu looked at the chat records and fell into a deep sleep in a daze.

What woke him up was a buzzing sound.

"Dear survivors, today's special items have been delivered, please hurry to the smoke-guided location to get them!"

A roaring broadcast echoed in the community, and everyone heard the news.

Cheng Xu immediately got out of bed and looked out the window. He found a beautiful red smoke in the garden near his building.

The administrator group did not distribute a specific list of props, or rather, this special prop was likely a lottery box type, and the specific object would be known only after it was opened.

Cheng Xu thought about it, put on the stab-proof suit inside, put on a coat outside, and installed a dagger inside the clothes.

After being fully prepared, Cheng Xu took the backpack that had some holes and rushed to the bottom floor.

While going downstairs, he seemed to see a figure who had already run out of the door. It was the person from the next unit.

Cheng Xu's heart tightened, and he hurriedly accelerated the speed of going downstairs, almost jumping to the exit on the first floor.

The figure in the down jacket had already run to the side of the red smoke and began to dismantle the crate with packaging.

Inside the crate was a safe, and the blue iron sheet looked slightly rusty.

The person from the next unit

He tore the wood wrapped around the safe with all his strength, without checking if there was anyone nearby.

A few seconds later, a figure rushed from behind him and rushed to him. The two seemed to be negotiating something, looking excited.

Cheng Xu was not in a hurry to go out, because now it was useless to be anxious, and he had to wait for the opportunity...

Sure enough, a few seconds later, the two seemed to have a quarrel, beat each other, hugged each other, and rolled on the ground.

Cheng Xu immediately pulled out a dagger and rushed towards the two people who were wrestling with each other.

"... I asked you to give me a share, are you deaf!"

"Get out..."

A man who looked stronger got the upper hand, pressed the figure in the down jacket under him, and pinched the other's neck tightly.

Cheng Xu's arrival surprised them all, and no one reacted.

The man who had the upper hand vaguely saw a figure and was about to yell to stop Cheng Xu from approaching, but in a flash, Cheng Xu had already approached behind him...

The sharp blade directly stabbed into the man's neck without any hesitation. When the man lost control of his whole body, Cheng Xu added another knife, completely cutting off the man's lifeline.

The body fell softly, and the man who was pressed to the ground was suddenly stunned.

"Why... did you save--"

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Xu cut his throat with a knife.

In order to prevent him from continuing to struggle, Cheng Xu added another knife to his heart.

In a flash, Cheng Xu killed two people, but he had no intention of stopping at all, and immediately turned to the huge airdrop box.

Inside was a safe with a three-digit password, and Cheng Xu began to try various combinations of numbers.

"Nanqie: He tried again, and the first one was even 111"

"Roselle: I wish him good luck, the password this time is very random"

"Bidongqie: But it seems that no one came, in a way, he is still quite lucky"

Finally, after repeated trials and errors, he found the final password, which is "663".

Opening the safe, a golden flash was floating inside.

Cheng Xu touched the flash and found that he had an extra prop in his hand.

He did not look closely at the effect of the prop, and hurriedly left there and ran back to his residence along the wall.

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