The battle was won.

"Eggplant: No matter how strong the body is, it can't fight against weapons"

"Ten-calyx eggplant: One seeded player has been reduced, but it's not a big problem to die at the hands of other seeded players..."

Cheng Xu took out two keys from Zhang Fen's body, one with "Warehouse" and the other with "7-1203".

"How lazy this person is, the keys and locks given by the developer can still be used until now..."

Cheng Xu searched her body again and found that there was nothing useful, so he moved her heavy body to the green belt and buried it with dead branches and leaves.

"It's a pity that the armor on her body is female-style, and it's too heavy, not suitable for me..."

After making sure that there was no one around, Cheng Xu opened the door of the warehouse.

This warehouse was actually full of bread. Bags of bread of various types filled all the lockers, and the floor was also full of all kinds of bread that Cheng Xu had never heard of.

In the center of the warehouse, there was a bed occupied by bread, which was emitting a golden glow at the moment.

Cheng Xu pushed aside the bread, squeezed in with difficulty, closed the door, and approached the golden glow.

"Obtain special props: space backpack (middle)"

Cheng Xu felt a heat flow on the back of his hand, and then a 3 cubic meter space was connected with his spirit.

Cheng Xu opened his eyes wide, pretending to be very surprised, and even smiled a little.

"Tengjia: Ha, I guess this guy didn't expect that there were these things in the opponent's warehouse."

"Kaxijia: With his casual promotion, I guess his good days will be over after the first round of the game."

"Tengjia: If he is still casual, then no one can be considered diligent!"

Cheng Xu opened his space backpack, put the tattered backpack on his back into it, and then began to dismantle the defense facilities of the warehouse.

The room without its owner became like the wild, and it could be picked at will. After a few minutes, various reinforcement materials were thrown into the space by Cheng Xu.

After doing all this, Cheng Xu walked out the door and absorbed Zhang Fen's body with the "devouring seed", which increased his upper limit of life value.

With the backpack, Cheng Xu began to collect various reinforcement materials. He wandered around the garden alone, and he didn't see anyone on the road.

Cheng Xu even went to find another space backpack on the way, and found that the backpack in the underground parking lot was not in use at all.

"If I had known, I would have come here directly, so I wouldn't have to spend so much energy fighting that woman..."

Finally, Cheng Xu returned to his house with a full load and used the remaining time to complete the house reinforcement.

"Congratulations! The house level has been upgraded to: lv3!"

"The frame of the house has been enhanced, and you can perform classified enhancements to qualify for promotion to lv4!"

The so-called classified enhancement is to enhance a single piece of furniture.

For example, you can enhance the gate with a "flood dam" to enable the gate to block the impact of floods.

This kind of enhancement does not limit any furniture, as long as you can think of it, it can be enhanced.

Even for the toilet, you can add "quick defecation" and "smart service" and other enhancements.

Cheng Xu took a closer look and found that it actually took 6 pieces of enhanced furniture to upgrade the house to lv4.

The first thing Cheng Xu thought of was the gate. As the furniture that comes into contact with monsters the most, its enhancements are also diverse.

Cheng Xu chose a "deep barrier" enhancement, which can enhance the gate's barrier against ghosts, ghosts and other intangible monsters.

Then the second thing Cheng Xu wanted to upgrade was the window, which was also the second channel for him to connect with the outside world.

Like the door, Cheng Xu also chose the "Deep Barrier" enhancement, which gave all the windows in the house the ability to shield intangible monsters.

After upgrading the windows, Cheng Xu had very few materials left.

"Actually, I would rather have "Unbreakable Barrier" or "Unwavering Commitment", but that would only be enough for me to strengthen one door..."

Cheng Xu felt the importance of the strengthening materials. While chewing the bread he had confiscated from Zhang Fen, he was thinking about what he needed to do during the day tomorrow.

At this time, the managers began to discuss various matters related to the evening.

"Nan Qie: There are still three days before the end of the first stage of the game. At that time, there will be an extra life-and-death duel to keep the total number of people in double digits"

"Spiky Sky Qie

: Double digits? The higher-ups are determined to start a new competition..."

"Shijiaqie: Wow, there were at least 300 people at the end of the first stage of the previous survival games, but this time it's directly in the double digits..."

"Nanqie: So the monsters tonight must be more powerful, at least the number of people must be reduced by half!"

"Shuiqie: Boss, then I'll use the real thing!"


"Shuiqie: Death Worm, Wrongly Dead Soul, Stillborn Woman, Ripper, Water Centipede, Deadly Recorder, this lineup is luxurious enough!"

"Nan Qie: It's OK, let's do this for tonight"

"Shui Qie: ah? Boss, do you really think it's OK? This lineup can break through the defenses of all residents from the physical and non-physical levels. I'm afraid there won't be many people left after one set..."

"Nan Qie: Lord Disaster didn't say the specific number. Anyway, as long as the number of people cannot exceed three digits at the end of the last day"

"Shui Qie: Then I'll adjust the number so that it won't be directly in the single digit..."

Cheng Xu hurriedly opened the file and checked the descriptions of those monsters.

"Death Worm: B"

"A worm that can lurk in gravel, dirt, and cracks in rocks. It has extremely strong fangs that can pierce the skin of its prey, anesthetizing it while digesting it"

"Wrongly Dead Souls: A"

"The soul of the dead with resentment, contaminated by the power of the Wrongly Dead City, has extremely equal malice towards everyone, and will drag all the souls it sees into the Wrongly Dead City"

"Wrongly Dead Souls also have all the characteristics of ordinary souls, can penetrate common physical barriers, and use human fear as a target point for positioning"

"Dead Woman: A"

"A pregnant woman who died of dystocia, who hates life and has resentment, turns into a wandering evil spirit"

"Dead Woman will shuttle through various physical structures, dragging her belly and the dead fetus with her. As long as she notices the gaze of humans, she will attack"

"Her belly will turn into The opening where evil spirits are born, produces a large number of baby ghosts, and tears apart the humans she notices."

"Water centipede: D"

"A slender plant that can grow through the water system, especially fond of winding and tortuous pipes"

"Its seeds are extremely absorbent, and even cause dry cracking damage when they are contaminated on human skin"

"Fatal Video: S"

"A self-aware network entity that can affect the human mind by playing videotapes, and even cause human mutations"

"Once it appears, it will activate a large number of electronic devices with playback capabilities and indiscriminately attack everyone. As long as you watch the videotape, you will be infected by the fatal video"


Cheng Xu put down the food and planned to go to the toilet first. After all, if he waited a little longer, some monsters might appear to occupy his toilet.

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