The island was empty, but the smell was too strong.

There were no supplies, no flowers or low shrubs on the island, only those thick and tall trees.

The three people explored the island briefly and decided to go to the next area to check.

But they did not find the way to the next island, and it seemed that all the roundabouts were closed.

"Since this is the current place, let's go back. I really can't stand the stench..."

Ma Yao made his proposal, and the other two nodded in agreement. The exploration of the surrounding environment was almost over.

Just as they were about to go back, the sky suddenly darkened, a bright nebula replaced the original sun, and the whole world entered darkness.


A burst of mechanical alarms broke the tranquility of the night sky. In the distance, a tall tower suddenly appeared, flashing red light.

At the same time, some barbed wire began to appear out of thin air.

The height of those barbed wires was only half of the height of a normal person, so Cheng Xu and the other two could only bend over to move forward.


When the barbed wire closed all the areas, the sewage in the puddles began to rise slowly, and a lot of filthy garbage and broken bones floated out.

Cheng Xu had no time to observe the movement of the two people. He crouched and barely rushed home before the sewage flooded the shelves.

Now, he finally knew why this place was called a water prison.

Relying on the waterproof reinforcement of the door and glass, Cheng Xu's house did not seep into those dirty things.

But the sound of the surrounding water flow kept rising, and within ten minutes it grew to a height close to the roof.

In order to prevent all the supplies in his home from being scrapped, Cheng Xu packed his weapons and food in a few minutes and stuffed them into his space backpack.

Fortunately, the house reinforcement was very effective and the sewage did not seep in.

Twenty minutes after the sewage stopped rising, the sound of the tide receding came from outside.

The dirty sewage began to decline, and Roselle's notice was also late.

"I wonder what you think after witnessing the real "water dungeon"?"

"The sewage tide will come three times every night, each time lasting from twenty to thirty minutes. During this period, the sewage in the water dungeon will overflow your roof!"

"And the real part of the cage will also appear!"

"Those smelly barbed wires will cover every corner you see, and humans who try to move in them can only bend down and crouch!"

"Three days later, the real owner of the sewage cage will appear, and then you will usher in a new round of survival challenges!"

"But in order to help you survive the disaster better, I would like to remind you that there will be no barbed wire above your roof!"

"I wish you all find a way of survival that suits you during this three-day adaptation period!!"

The sewage tide completely faded, Cheng Xu used the hot spring to add a buff to himself, and then slowly opened the door...


The outside of his security door was already covered with dark green sticky substances, which stuck to the door like moss, emitting an extremely terrible smell.

It felt like two homeless people fighting in a box full of excrement, full of all the stench of nature.

What's more terrible is that the wooden shelf is also covered with similar stuff, thick and sticky, which doubles the diameter of the slender wooden stick...

In order to obtain intelligence, Cheng Xu decided to carefully observe the rise and fall of the sewage tide to obtain its development law.

So Cheng Xu resisted the nausea, climbed along the shelf to a position close to the eaves, and then squeezed out from the wire mesh full of green filth.

"If it weren't for the buff of the immune virus, I guess I would have been sick now..."

The roof of his house still maintained the flat structure of the building, as if it was cut flat from a high-rise building.

"Maybe I can build a second floor here as a night base in the future..."

Cheng Xu looked around his house in the order of observation during the day and found that the farm still existed.

A large number of livestock were covered with green liquid, but they didn't care at all.

On both sides of their human-like faces, Cheng Xu saw organs that did not belong to mammals - gills.

The green monsters who were in charge of these livestock also grinned.

The bright red gills were exposed.

"Are these guys... having a dinner party?"

The green weirdos gathered together, holding something with their slender arms and gnawing on it.

Cheng Xu wanted to observe the surrounding environment from a high altitude, but found that there were only puddles and small islands except for a few "matchboxes" similar to his own.

Near each house, there was a similar farm with exactly the same structure.

Those green guys didn't seem to have much hostility towards humans, and allowed Cheng Xu to observe and spy on them.

Cheng Xu had limited information for the time being, so he opened the administrator group to get more information from their chat.

"Ten-calyx eggplant: Haha, more than 60 people have been soaked in dirty water. Fortunately, we are kind and did not add viruses for the first three days..."

"Spiny sky eggplant: But this smell is already stimulating enough for humans"

"Milk eggplant: More exciting things are still to come. When they know how to deliver supplies, I guess many people will collapse!"

"Kaxi eggplant: Very good, the second wave of sewage has arrived, prepare to deliver supplies!"

Cheng Xu suddenly found that the moon and stars in the sky had also turned green at some point, and the brilliance of the entire sky seemed to be stained by the dirty green water.


The surrounding green sewage began to rise, and the stench became stronger and stronger...

"Survivors! Your supplies for tonight have arrived!"

"It's just that there were some minor problems with our transportation system..."

In front of Cheng Xu, a box filled with food floated up from the thick water and slowly rotated in the rising green waves.

"So, fellow survivors, your supplies will only appear when the tide is high. Please don't worry, there will always be food and water..."

"What's the difference between this and eating excrement raw..."

"Kashiya: Haha! Even Seed No. 1 feels disgusting"

"Roselle: They will be the most disgusting in a few days..."

"Spiny Sky Solanum: Release viruses and bacteria to make the sewage truly deadly, and then release a limited amount of anti-virus effervescent tablets..."

"Ten-calyx Solanum: I can beat out a dog's brain!"

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