The two of them were so close that they had to fight.

In this way, Cheng Xu and Zhou De interacted for about 20 minutes, during which Cheng Xu did not move, but raised his crossbow from time to time.

Zhou De changed several places, and his protective gear changed from a leather shield to three leather shields stacked together.

He could roughly sense the direction of the killing intent, but could not accurately determine the location of the killing intent.

So in Zhou De's opinion, there must be a sniper aiming at him in the distance, and from time to time he would lose the killing intent because he aimed at other directions.

He moved his body and dodged on the narrow cement steps in front of Cheng Xu's house, just to find a blind spot that the sniper could not aim at.

Gradually, Zhou De found a pattern. As he walked towards the church, his killing intent would increase significantly.

And as he moved higher up the building, his killing intent would decrease significantly.

So Zhou De decided to take a risk.

It was difficult for his frail and old body to climb to the roof without relying on the wire mesh, but at present, only by climbing up completely could he avoid the mysterious sniper.

Zhou De put the big shield on his back and began to climb up like a cockroach.

The only thing he could step on was the door handle, which was one of the few points of force.

Cheng Xu watched Zhou De try very hard to lift his legs, then put them on the door handle, and then push upwards in a very awkward posture.


Zhou De made a constipated sound, and it could be heard that he was trying very hard.


He suddenly jumped up, grabbed the cement at the edge of the house, stepped on the door handle, and began to try to lift his body up.

Then, Cheng Xu raised his crossbow towards his hand exposed outside the shield.

Zhou De felt the piercing murderous intent, and instinctively retracted his hand. He lost his balance and fell on his back on the shelf at the door.


The crossbow arrow hit his face and went straight through his eyes.

But unfortunately, Cheng Xu's arrow was not at the right angle and did not hurt Zhou De's brain, causing him to get up again and hide behind the shield due to the pain.

His fall made room for Cheng Xu.

"Shadow Dance" was activated, and Cheng Xu's figure flew past like a butterfly, appearing behind Zhou De, and a gorgeous blood-bone rose bloomed.

With the experience of releasing skills from behind many times, Cheng Xu is now very skilled in avoiding the gushing arterial blood.

At this moment, he moved lightly to Zhou De's left side and stabbed him in the heart with his Emei thorn.

"Crack... Crack!"

Just a few seconds after Cheng Xu and Zhou De came into contact, the shelf at Cheng Xu's door broke completely.

Cheng Xu quickly dodged, leaped from the broken shelf, and landed on the stone steps on the other side.

Before leaving, he did not forget to carry Zhou De's clothes and carried the body that had lost its heartbeat and brain activity to the other side.

Unfortunately, Cheng Xu's jumping ability was not enough, and Zhou De's pants and shoes were still soaked in sewage.

"It can be used after washing."

Based on the principle that all resources should not be wasted, Cheng Xu robbed Zhou De of everything on his body, leaving him only his underwear.

"This shelf should be useless, but I can put a board on the roof, anyway, it's convenient to come down from there."

Cheng Xu came to the roof with the help of a grappling hook gun, where he lengthened two wooden boards and put them on the stone steps on the other side to form a long slope.

Then, Cheng Xu threw Zhou De's body into the water, dragged it all the way to the landfill next to his home, and whistled into it.

There were five or six green "Corruption Walkers" gathered together and talking. They seemed to recognize Cheng Xu. When they saw him, they immediately made a low humming sound.

Cheng Xu threw the fresh body down, and then the "Corruption Walkers" immediately made a rhythmic sound, sounding very happy.

And Cheng Xu's professional task also made new progress.

"Drop 10 fresh bodies to the "Corruption Walkers" (1/10)"

"It seems that this will work. Let's go and search their house first."

Cheng Xu took Ma Yao's key and the key he had just searched from Zhou De, and prepared to search carefully.

Ma Yao's house is a balanced type, with not many reinforcement materials, but it is full of various blacksmith tools.

"This kid really didn't lie. He is really a "blacksmith"..."

Cheng Xu tried to take the forge away, but

He filled up a space backpack and couldn't fit anything else.

His other backpack was full of supplies he had previously stored, and he couldn't continue to search.

Cheng Xu had no choice but to transport these things in batches.

In the end, Cheng Xu had to run six times to completely empty Ma Yao's armor, weapons, forges, and raw materials.

"Could it be that Zhou De is really a "tanner"..."

When Zhou De's door was opened, a mist suddenly surged inside, with a little brown and yellow.

In Zhou De's house, there were three large pots, each of which contained animal skins, which seemed to be dyed.

There were also many products made by Zhou De next to them, most of which were leather armor and leather shields.

Although Cheng Xu thought these things were useless, it was definitely right to store them, and they might come in handy one day.

Besides, he was about to own a new house, and this one could be used as a warehouse.

"Maybe I will occupy a few more houses in the future..."

There were many things in Zhou De's house, but they were all relatively thin and could be folded, so Cheng Xu looted them all at once.

"Suddenly I found out , it seems that my neighbors never have a good ending..."

Cheng Xu suddenly realized that both his two neighbors in the first round and the two neighbors in this round seemed to have died at his hands.

"This is the fate of a killer, a star of misfortune..."

Cheng Xu prepared himself at home, and then returned to the small fortress next door with enough food and drink.

He sat at the door and fished for body fragments for a while, and then night fell.

As the first night after the three-day development period, Cheng Xu felt a completely different atmosphere.

When the scarlet alarm sounded, Cheng Xu saw dozens of lighthouses that also emitted red light from the telescope, and they sounded the deafening alarm at the same time.

"Time and space... thawed. ”

“Dear survivors!”

“All players of the 33rd round of survival games from the beginning to the end have arrived, and you will start the second round of the game!”

“Come on, enjoy the second stage challenge on your way to becoming a god! Let flesh, blood and death become the most solid foundation of mythology!!”

Cheng Xu’s heart was filled with excitement, and the demon who was eager to kill woke up again and whispered in his ear...

“More people, more blood...”

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