The survivor lost his left arm and had a severe fracture of his right ankle in the first round of the game. It was not easy for him to survive until now. He has been lying in bed for three days, thinking about how long he can live and fearing his death all the time. After experiencing the baptism of sewage on the first day, his condition became more serious and his wounds began to fester and rot. Despite this, he still struggled to climb to the second floor and lied down in a position where he would not be disturbed by sewage. After lying down, he began to have a fever and would fall into a coma from time to time. His profession is a "plumber" and he has no life-saving skills, so his life slowly passed away with time. Finally, he made it to the first night of the official competition, and he heard a buzzing sound in a daze.

When he regained consciousness, his lower body was already crawling with wriggling maggots, and his whole body had no feeling at all, and was completely numb.

What was even more terrifying was that he was not dead yet. The last bit of strength in his body generated a large amount of adrenaline, which temporarily awakened his brain, and he opened his eyes at the last moment before his death...

Watching the miserable scene of himself being eaten away.

His throat could not make any sound, and his vocal cords were completely blocked by something, with only a trace of hissing that was not even a word.

Just when he was eager for someone to end his life, a short arrow flew from a distance and hit his head, ending his sad and short life.

In fact, this was already the fourth arrow Cheng Xu had shot, and the first three arrows were far off and failed to hit the target.

Since Cheng Xu did not have a real bow and arrow, he could only use a crossbow without tail feathers, so when he shot it, there would be a certain deviation.

The "Blood Bowstring" that tasted blood emitted a slight humming sound, with a very obvious pleasant breath, echoing in Cheng Xu's ears.

When Cheng Xu held the "Blood Bowstring", a buff appeared on him: "Blood Feast".

This buff can increase the power of shooting arrows. Although it has just started, the increase is only 1%, but every time he kills a person, he will grow one more point.

After solving his first target, Cheng Xu did not stop and continued to the second marked location.

Cheng Xu, who climbed to the top of the church, was very close to the survivor's portal. Whether using a crossbow or a blade, he could kill the target very quickly.

The second target chosen by Cheng Xu was much better than the first one, but a finger on his right hand was broken and he couldn't swing the weapon.

When Cheng Xu arrived there, he unexpectedly found that there was no one living on the second floor of his house.

The flat roof with no footprints did not look like anyone was living.

Cheng Xu remembered that when he saw that person, he was indeed standing on the first floor. It seemed that he had waterproofed the house.

Just as Cheng Xu was thinking about the attack strategy, the first wave of sewage tide receded, the water level in the sewage pit dropped rapidly, and the insects that laid eggs also ran a little further away.

Cheng Xu suddenly thought of a way, took out a box of disinfectant tablets and threw it on the rapidly falling water surface.

Due to the effectiveness of the skill, the box that fell on the water surface was considered Cheng Xu's projectile and did not make any sound.

In order to ensure the kill, Cheng Xu did not choose the bow and arrow again, but took out the large crossbow that had not been used for a long time, and stuck the only crossbow arrow with the right length.

Next, it was the game between hunter and prey.

When the tide receded, the box of disinfectant tablets, which seemed not small, fell on the shelf next to the house, looking very tempting.

And at this time, the mosquitoes outside also temporarily decreased with the receding tide. As long as the door was opened and the disinfectant tablets were quickly picked up, this precious material could be obtained for free.

The survivor lying by the window in the house also found the disinfectant tablets, and his expression was full of hesitation.

A female face appeared next to him, and seemed to be talking to him.

A few seconds later, another female stood up from in front of the male survivor, stood with her back to the window, and joined the conversation.

"Three people..."

The three of them began to talk, pointing out the window from time to time.

After discussing for more than a minute, they gathered at the door, as if they were ready to take the risk and go out.


The door bolt sounded, and the security door opened a little.

Cheng Xu also raised the crossbow and aimed at the door.


The survivor suddenly opened the door and stepped out, with

He quickly grabbed the disinfectant tablet at the door like a monkey trying to catch the moon, and then turned around and wanted to go back...

But just as he turned his head, a crossbow arrow pierced his neck and nailed him to the door.

Cheng Xu originally thought that the two women would hide, but the situation was beyond his expectations.

One of the women quickly grabbed the motionless survivor and dragged him into the room, and the other pushed the door hard the moment the survivor's body entered!

But she was still a step slower. Cheng Xu had activated "Phantom Butterfly" as soon as they appeared, and rushed into their house with "Shadow Dance".


The woman panted and slammed the door, then pulled the lock hard and leaned against the door, panting.

The other woman pulled out the crossbow arrow and began to use her skills to treat the male survivor.

Her profession is "doctor". Unlike Cheng Xu, who is a fake, she can almost turn fatal injuries into minor injuries.

In addition, the male survivor's profession is "bone collector". He has a skill called "fake death and turtle breath", which can last for more than ten minutes even if he is fatally injured.

"Quick, pass me the iodine!"


The "doctor" was still asking his female companion for iodine. When he looked up, the girl was dead at the door.

The back of her head was pierced by a sharp blade. She lay there with her eyes open, almost silently.

The sound just now was made by the scissors that the woman at the door had on her back. The sound when it fell to the ground was extremely abrupt.


Before the "doctor" could shout out half a sentence, Cheng Xu stabbed her throat with a knife, and a large amount of blood gushing out of the carotid artery sprayed in the air.

Cheng Xu did not get close until she died, in case the opponent had a back-up move.

When his "Hundred Files" was upgraded to level 2, Cheng Xu confirmed that the other party was dead.

In this house, Cheng Xu found a lot of medical supplies, most of which were disinfectants and trauma wraps, which seemed to be the inventory of the "doctor".


Just as Cheng Xu was collecting resources, the second wave surged up, and sewage covered the entire house.

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